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    20 November 2021, Volume 42 Issue 11
    Advances in the Root System Architecture Regulated by Plant Rhizosphere Microorganisms
    LI Meng-jie, LI Zhan-biao, ZHOU Si-han, GUO Hui, HE Xiang-wei, GENG Bing, ZHU Chang-xiong
    2021, 42(11):  895-904.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.001
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    Plant root system architecture is the growth and distribution of the root system in its growth medium, include root length, number, branch and biomass, etc, which can fix plants in the soil and effectively absorb water and mineral nutrients, which directly affect the growth and development of plants. The root system architecture is affected by many factors, including soil moisture, nutrients and rhizosphere microorganisms. Conventional root ameliorated practices often rely on chemical fertilizers, which have immense and adverse effects on environments. Therefore, it is necessary to propose alternatives to chemical fertilizers. The rhizosphere of the plant is an essential niche with abundant microorganisms residing in it, those rhizospheric microbes link the interaction of plants and soil to promote nutrient solubilization and they possess the properties of the primary root, lateral root and root hair growth ameliorated as the second genome of the plant. The application in the techniques of multi-omic analysis (genomics-metabolomics, genomics-transcriptomics, etc) can explore deeply related mechanisms for beneficial microbes affect root development. These mechanisms are of great importance in improving soil fertility and plant growth, thus reducing the negative impact of chemical fertilizers on the environment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to review the research methods, effects and mechanisms of root system architecture regulated by plant rhizosphere microorganisms. The results indicated that AMF, PGPR and rhizobium increased root length, root diameter, root branch and promoted root hair and lateral root development through four mechanisms (nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, regulation of plant secretion of plant hormones, and release of volatile organic compounds). Above all, plant rhizosphere microorganisms can improve root system architecture, but the effect of plant rhizosphere microorganism’s application still needs to be further studied. Quantifying the relative contributions of different mechanisms and improving the stability of microbial inoculants in practical applications are the focus of follow-up research. These conclusions will provide a theoretical basis for the development of microbial inoculants.
    Effects of Subsoiling with Mulching Pattern on Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Rainfed Region of Southern Ningxia
    HAN Gu, MIAO Fang-fang, WANG Nan, HOU Xian-qing
    2021, 42(11):  905-917.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.002
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    Aiming at the problems of large interannual precipitation variability, low yield and precipitation utilization rate of potato in the arid area of Southern Ningxia, a field fixed position experiment was conducted to study the effect of subsoiling with mulching pattern on soil water during the fallow period and growth stage, potato dry matter accumulation, yield and water use efficiency of potato in rainfed region of southern Ningxia between 2014 and 2016. Three subsoiling tillage with mulching modes were adopted after autumn crops were harvested for three consecutive years, namely, subsoiling with straw mulching, subsoiling with plastic film mulching, subsoiling with no mulching. The conventional tillage with no mulching was used as the control. The results showed that subsoiling combined with different mulching patterns could improve the soil water status in fallow period, and the effect of subsoiling with straw mulching was the best. The average soil water content in 0−200cm layer was significantly increased by 6.41% compared with the control. Compared with the control, the average soil water storage and rainfall recharge rate of 0−200cm layer in fallow period were significantly increased by 49.85%, 121.85% and 46.82%, 83.73%, respectively. Subsoiling combined with different mulching patterns could improve the soil water content of 0−200cm layer during the potato growth period, and regulate the water consumption at different growth periods. Subsoiling with straw mulching treatment had significant effect on soil water conservation in 60−100cm layer at early growth stage (0−60 days), while the control treatment had the highest water consumption, followed by the subsoiling with plastic film mulching treatment, and subsoiling with straw mulching treatment had the lowest water consumption. Subsoiling with straw mulching treatment had better water retention effect on 0−60cm (2016) and 140−200cm (2015) soil layers in the middle growth period (60−120 days), while subsoiling with plastic film mulching had the highest water consumption, followed by the subsoiling with straw mulching treatment, and the control treatment had the lowest water consumption. Subsoiling with straw mulching treatment had the best soil water storage effect on 0−40cm layer at the later growth stage (120−150 days), and the water consumption was the highest at this stage, followed by the subsoiling with straw mulching treatment, and the control treatment was the lowest. The aboveground and underground dry matter accumulation of potato under subsoiling combined with different mulching patterns was significantly higher than that of the control. The effect of subsoiling with plastic film mulching treatment was better in the early growth stage, while the effect of subsoiling with straw mulching treatment in the middle and late growth stage was significant. Subsoiling with mulching patterns could significantly improve potato yield and water use efficiency, and the treatment of subsoiling with straw mulching was the highest, which was 49.33% and 43.80% higher than that of the control, respectively. Therefore, subsoiling with mulching pattern could improve the soil water status during the fallow period, it was beneficial to increase the soil water content and regulate the water consumption during the potato growth periods, and so as to increase the dry matter accumulation of potato and realize the high yield and water use efficiency of potato, particularly the effect of subsoiling with straw mulching treatment was the best.
    Comparison of the Effects on Different Varieties of Hydroponic Lettuce Exerted by LED Red and Blue Light
    LI Bang-yao, LI Jian-she, GAO Yan-ming , LI Rui
    2021, 42(11):  918-928.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.003
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    In this study, nine types of lettuce with different leaf color and leaf shape were selected in this experiment, the light source was set up with compound light whose ratio of red and blue composite light was 7:1, and the contrast experiment was carried out with white light in plant factory. The results showed that compared to the white light (WL) treatment, red and blue (RBL) composite light enhanced the relative growth rate of plant height of green leaf lettuce (P < 0.05), but inhibited its overgrowth, and decreased the chlorophyll content of purple lettuce the net photosynthetic large rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of half-enveloped and loose-leaf lettuce varieties were increased (P < 0.05). The maximum photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ of all varieties of lettuce was inhibited. The ETR value of loose-leaf lettuce varieties was increased (P < 0.05); The soluble solid content and soluble sugar content of half-headed lettuce were increased (P < 0.05); The content of vitamin C, yield and dry matter rate of green loose-leaf lettuce were increased (P < 0.05). In a word, the effect of red and blue composite light on the growth, development and photosynthetic fluorescence characteristics of different lettuce varieties was mainly related to the degree of leaf dispersion, the effect of improving the quality and yield of green lettuce was better than that of purple lettuce.
    Prediction Model of Flowering Date of Rape Established by Using Grey Relational Analysis Method Based on Pre-flowering Phenology
    FENG Min-yu, KONG Ping, HU Ping, CHEN Xiao-lei, WU Feng-yu, LIAO Nan-jing
    2021, 42(11):  929-938.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.004
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    In order to explore a simple and easy method to predict the initial flowering stage of rape, the correlation analysis method was used in this paper to determine the winter climate factors significantly related to the first flowering period, and the gray correlation analysis method was also used to determine the pre flowering phenology factors most related to the first flowering period. Then the multiple regression linear equations were established and back substitution test was carried out, and finally the root mean square error (RMSE) and relative error (RE) models were used to evaluate the simulated and measured values. The results showed that: (1) the winter meteorological factors significantly related to the first flowering period were the average minimum temperature in January, the average minimum temperature in February and the sunshine hours in February, and their correlation coefficients were −0.404, −0.556, −0.478, respectively. There was no collinearity between the three independent variables. The regression model was statistically significant and passed the significance test. (2) Among the pre-anthesis phenological stages, there is a high correlation between the sprouting stage, budding stage and the initial flowering stage; and their correlation coefficients were 0.656 and 0.634, respectively. The regression model also showed statistical significance and passed the significance test. (3) The models established by the two methods are tested and evaluated. The back substitution test shows that the fitting accuracy of the models established by the two methods is relatively close on the whole. The RMSE climate factor based on climate factor is 7.16, and the RE climate factor is 11.2%; The phenological factors based on RMSE and RE were 6.50% and 3.87%, respectively. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficients of R phenological factor and R climatic factor were 0.738 and 0.658 respectively, which passed the significance test of 0.01 level. Among them, R phenological factor is higher than R climatic factor. Based on comprehensive analysis of various indicators, the model established by grey correlation analysis is more reliable than the model established by climate factors can be drawn.
    Effects of Various Climate Scenarios on Yield of Typical Rain-Fed Spring Maize in Liaoning Based on WOFOST Model
    MA Zhao-jun, SHUAI Yan-min, SHAO Cong-ying, QU Ge, TIAN Yan-jun, WU Hao, WAN Hua-wei, PENG Xiu-yuan, XIAO Wan-xin, ZHANG Shu-ping
    2021, 42(11):  939-950.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.005
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    As the required climatic factors to guarantee the healthy growth of crops, the magnitude, variation and spatial distribution of air temperature, precipitation and solar radiation potentially can determine the planting structure and grain yield of regional agriculture. The dependence of crops on “temperature-humidity-wind” climate condition elevates its sensitiveness on climate changes, as that exhibited by thermophiles and hydrophilic maize widely planted in China. Thus, under modern climate situation with an increasing intensity of changes, it is essential to further understand the related response of crop yields in serving the food and agriculture security. The climatic characteristics in Xinmin and Chaoyang stations were firstly analyzed in this study based on the historical meteorological data over past 40 years, and then constructed different climate scenarios according to the required climate factors coupled with warming-drying trend of regional climate change, and adopted different ground data suits to calibrate WOFOST model and verify its performance. Authors used the localized WOFOST model to simulate grain yield trends of typical rain-fed spring maize in Liaoning under configured climate scenarios. The results showed that: (1) the simulation accuracy of localized WOFOST model had good performance with the normalized root mean square errors of 8.78% and 5.96%, and the agreement index of 0.82 and 0.96, respectively for simulated and measured results. (2) Spring maize yields of both Xinmin and Chaoyang showed negative correlation with temperature and positive relationship with precipitation over the discussed climate scenarios. Under different gradients (increasing temperature, decreasing precipitation and increasing radiation) of climate scenarios, the yield decrease of Xinmin (temperature +1.2°C, precipitation −25%, radiation +4%) and Chaoyang (temperature +1.4°C, precipitation −25%, radiation +3%) spring maize yields respectively reached 92.5% and 85.9% relative to that of normal condition, which can be used as a cautionary scenario for rain-fed spring maize crop failure in the study area. (3) Compared with the significance effect of precipitation on the spring maize yields of Xinmin, Chaoyang showed apparent sensitiveness to temperature, but yields of both stations haven’t shown a marked variation within the given changes of solar radiation.
    Analysis on Simulation Adaptability of ORYZA_V3 Rice Model for Direct-Seeding Early Rice in Jiangxi Province
    DUAN Li-cheng, YAO Jun-meng, GUO Rui-ge, CAI Zhe, ZHANG Chong-hua
    2021, 42(11):  951-961.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.006
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    A direct-seeding experiment of early rice with 8 sowing dates was carried out in Nanchang county in 2017 and two main conventional early Indica rice varieties in Jiangxi province were was selected in this study. The 8 sowing dates were defined as early sowing (a: March 11, March 16, March 21, March 26) and normal sowing (b: March 31, April 5, April 10, April 15). Growth period, leaf area index, biomass and meteorological data observed in field experiments were applied to the ORYZA_V3 rice model to analyze the suitability of the ORYZA_V3 rice model for direct seeding of early rice in Jiangxi. The results showed that the ORYZA_V3 rice model simulates the growth period of direct-seeded early rice well with (determination coefficient)R2 >0.99, and the fluctuation range of NRMSE(normalized root mean square error) was between 0.61% and 3.12%. The simulation verification results of leaf area index, total biomass, and panicle biomass at the early sowing seeding period showed that the earlier the sowing date, the worse the simulation effected,and the closer to the normal sowing date, the better the simulation effected. The suitability of different direct-seeding early rice varieties of ORYZA_V3 rice model was different. Among them, the simulation value of the growth period of the early sowing and the measured value of Zhongzao 35 was differed from -1 to 1 days, and differed from -1 to 4 days in Zhongzao 39. Studies had shown that when the ORYZA_V3 rice model was used to simulate the double-cropping early direct-seeding rice, it was necessary to calibrate the model parameters of the corresponding rice sowing date and variety based on multi-year observation data to improve the local simulation effect of the ORYZA_V3 rice model.
    Spatial-temporal Evolution of Meteorological Drought in the Wei River Basin Based on SPEI_PM
    YANG Rui, GENG Guang-po, ZHOU Hong-kui, WANG Tao
    2021, 42(11):  962-974.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.11.007
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    The frequent and long-lasting droughts have caused many adverse effects on the social economy and ecological environment. Understanding the drought characteristics in the Wei river basin is of great significance to the adjustment of regional economic structure and the rational utilization of water resources. Based on the monthly meteorological data set of 25 stations in the Wei river basin from 1980 to 2018 and the Penman-Monteith equation, the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) of multiple time scales were calculated, and the spatial-temporal characteristics of drought were analyzed, including its evolution, trend, affected area, frequency and duration. The results showed that: (1) there was an obvious periodic variation of dry-wet status in the Wei river basin during the past 39 years, but the drying trend was appeared as a whole. The drought period was mainly concentrated in 1995−2009, among which the drought occurring stations ratio in 2000−2009 was the largest, with an average value of 36%. The longest drought duration was occurred in 2000−2009, about 3.6 months, and the shortest drought duration was occurred in1980−1989, about 1.6 months. (2) There was a trend of wetness in autumn, while the droughts in spring and summer was increasingly intensified, which was the main driving force of the inter-annual drought in the Wei river basin. (3) The droughts in the Wei river basin were dominated by mild and moderate droughts, but there were relatively more stations with severe and extreme droughts around 2000, among which the droughts occurred in 1997 had a higher degree and a wider range of impacts. (4) The variation of drought frequency for different drought levels at different time scales was consistent, showing that the higher the drought level, the lower the frequency. In addition, extreme droughts occurred more frequently at the annual scale, and the northeastern region of the Wei river basin was a drought-prone area in space. Above all, the drought condition in the Wei river basin was more severe from 2000 to 2009, and the droughts in the northern region was severer than that in the southern region, so more attentions should be paid to strengthening disaster prevention management in the northern area.