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    20 December 2022, Volume 43 Issue 12
    Assessment of Main Greenhouse Gas Emission Effects under Different Cropping Patterns in North China Plain Based on APSIM Crop Model
    XIE Hong-fei, ZHAO Jun-fang, AI Jin-Long, PENG Hui-wen, HUANG Rui-xi
    2022, 43(12):  955-968.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.001
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    The APSIM crop model was used to simulate the changes of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, soil greenhouse gas emissions and yield in the North China Plain from 1981 to 2014 under summer maize, winter wheat-summer maize, winter wheat-summer maize-early maize 1 (10 days in advance), winter wheat-summer maize -early maize 2 (20 days in advance) four cropping patterns. The results showed that among the four cropping patterns, the soil N2O emission in summer maize planting mode was the lowest, which was 514.81kg·ha−1, the average greenhouse gas emission of soil was 0.30MgCO2-eq·ha−1.The average change of soil organic carbon in winter wheat-summer maize-early maize1 (10 days in advance) cropping pattern was the least, which was 120.78kg·ha−1. The average greenhouse gas emission of winter wheat-summer maize -early maize (20 days in advance) was 0.76MgCO2-eq·ha−1. Among the four planting patterns, the average yield of winter wheat-summer maize was the highest, which was 23405.47kg·ha−1,the summer maize planting pattern had the best effect on soil greenhouse gas emissions(GHG=0.02 MgCO2-eq·ha−1), followed by the winter wheat-summer maize -early maize 2 (20 days advance) planting pattern(GHG=0.04 MgCO2-eq·ha−1). On the premise of ensuring the yield, considering the aspects of food security, resource conservation and environmental friendliness, the planting pattern of winter wheat-summer maize-early maize 2 (20 days in advance) will be an ideal planting system in the North China Plain.
    Two Step Calculation Model of Surface Solar Radiation in Sichuan Province Based on MODIS Data
    CHENG Chi, SUN Peng-jie, CUI Yang
    2022, 43(12):  969-979.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.002
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    A two-step model based on MODIS remote sensing data and statistical inversion method for calculation of high resolution ground solar radiation is constructed. Firstly, monthly solar radiation percentage of grid points is calculated based on the correlation between remote sensing cloud cover and percentage of sunshine at ground level; secondly, the solar radiation of grid point is calculated based on the correlation between percentage of sunshine and solar radiation. Finally, this model is used to calculate the surface solar radiation with 1km grid resolution in Sichuan province, and the results are evaluated by actual total radiation from six representative radiation stations. The results show that the annual total radiation in Sichuan province ranges from 3102MJ·m−2 to 6659MJ·m−2. Among it, the lowest value occurs in the southeast of Sichuan Basin and the highest value occurs in the Western Sichuan Plateau. The calculated monthly solar radiation of the six representative stations are basically consistent with the observation results. Specifically, the absolute errors of calculated annual radiation are less than 100MJ·m−2 and the relative errors are less than 2%, which shows that the proposed model has high simulation accuracy and can be used to calculate the surface solar radiation in Sichuan province.
    Water Temperature Characteristics and Prediction of Fish Ponds in Sichuan Basin in Summer
    LUO Wei, LI Qiang, LIU Xiu, WANG Ling-ling, ZHOU Jian, YANG Rong-guo
    2022, 43(12):  980-990.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.003
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    When the daily average water temperature exceeds 32℃, the hatching rate and feeding rate of some warm water fish decrease with the increase of temperature, grow slowly or stop growing, and are easy to induce diseases. In summer, the water temperature in the fish pond is not always in the high temperature period. In this paper, based on the water and air temperature data of Fushun Aquaculture Meteorological Service Test Base from 2017 to 2019, the variation characteristics of water temperature in each layer of fish pond in summer were analyzed, and the prediction models of average and maximum water temperature on the sunny days were established by stepwise regression analysis. Results showed that the daily max. water temperature in each layer in summer occurs from 18:00 to 19:00, which lagged behind the temperature by 1−3 hours. The period when the water temperature ≥32℃ was mainly concentrated from 16:00 to 22:00, and the hourly average water temperature of each layer in this period was 32.9−33.1℃, 32.6−32.7℃ and 32.1−32.3℃, respectively. The water temperature of each layer fluctuated and rose with the temperature in summer, especially from mid-June to early-July, while the maximum values of temperature and water temperature appeared in late-July. The average number of days with water temperature ≥32℃ in summer was 23 days, accounting for a quarter of the whole summer, mainly from late July to mid-August. During this period, the daily average water temperature of each layer was 28.5−34.4℃, 28.2−34.1℃ and 27.9−33.9℃, respectively. The back substitution test in 2017−2018 and the forecast test in 2019 showed that the average absolute error of the model was 0.3-0.8℃, and the average relative error was within 2.6%, indicating that the model has good prediction effect and can be better applied to the prediction of fish pond water temperature in summer.
    Analysis of Effectiveness on Coving with Different Color Plastic Film in Rosa roxburghii Orchard
    LU Zheng-you, WANG Zhao, LU Min, AN Hua-ming
    2022, 43(12):  991-1001.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.004
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    This experiment was conducted to screen the suitable mulching type of plastic film for Rosa roxburghii orchard, according to explore the effects of different color plastic film mulching on soil, shoot growth, flowering and fruit setting. Four different colors (colorless was marked as T1, red was T2, green was T3 and black was T4) of plastic film with PE material were selected in this study. The natural grass with no plastic film covering was taken as the control. The differences of soil physical properties, microbial carbon content, shoot growth, flowering, fruit setting and yield performance under different treatments were compared. The results showed that plastic film mulching could increase soil temperature in different degrees, and lead to an earlier phenological period, in which the flowering time of black and red plastic film mulching treatments was 4−5 days earlier than that of the control. Soil physical parameters such as salinity, volume water content, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and dielectric constant under the treatment of black plastic film were higher than those under the control, while other plastic films had no such effects but the soil physical properties were more stable. Covering with black and red plastic film could significantly inhibit the growth of weeds, and the biomass of weeds in the covered area was reduced by 88.36% and 89.5% respectively, which was significantly lower than that of other treatments and the control. All plastic film mulching treatments could increase the chlorophyll content of leaves, and green plastic film was the most beneficial to promote the growth of new shoots of R. roxburghii. The colorless and black plastic film mulching could significantly promote the flowering of R. roxburghii, and the fruit-bearing capacity in the early stage increased about 43.8% and 37% respectively compared with the control. Finally, the treatment with colorless plastic film had the most prominent effect of increasing the yield, which was 52.55% higher than that of the control. While the black plastic film lead to more fruit dropping during the fruit development, so that the final yield was only increased by 14.39% compared with the control. The results of this research showed that different color plastic films had their own advantages in improving or stabilizing soil physical parameters, promoting tree growth, inhibiting weeds and increasing yield, and could be used as needed in production. Among them, the colorless plastic film was particularly effective in increasing fruit yield, and could be suggested as the preferred plastic film type for cultivation of R. roxburghii.
    Effects of Cultivation Measures on Highland Barley in Lhasa Valley Area of Tibet
    XIE Yong-chun, LIU Guo-yi, HOU Ya-hong, Pubuguiji, WAN Yun-fan, MA Rui-ping
    2022, 43(12):  1002-1014.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.005
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    In order to screen out suitable highland barley varieties (Zangqing 2000 and 5171-7) cultivation measures in Lhasa river valley, the split zone test design method was adopted, the main zone had 3 sowing dates (B1, B2, B3), each main zone had 2 highland barley varieties, and each split zone contained 4 levels of fertilization(M, FM, F, CK). The growth period, physiology and biochemistry, photosynthesis and yield composition of highland barley under different treatments were studied. The results showed that short-term fertilization had no significant effect on highland barley production. Timely sowing (B2, 4-15) and delayed sowing (B3, 4-30) increased the length of the highland barley from the seedling to the jointing stage, thus increased the growth period. B3 treatment increased the basic seedlings significantly. Fertilization (M, FM, F) increased the number of stem tillers compared with no fertilizer (CK). B3 treatment could significantly reduced the highland barley plants height by 1.9%-11.2%. The sowing date had the greatest impact on the yield of highland barley, followed by the varieties, and the interaction had the least impact. The sowing date mainly affected the number of panicles, grains per panicle, and thousand-grain weight of highland barley. The differences in the number of panicles and grains per panicle between the two varieties were obviously, Zangqing 2000 had the highest yield under the B2 treatment, while 5171-7 was under the B3 treatment. The timely sowing (B2) or late sowing (B3) increased the photosynthetic rate (Pn) and SPAD of the highland barley at the filling stage, and had higher soluble sugar (SS), soluble protein (SP) and catalase activity (CAT). Compared with Zangqing-2000, the variety 5171-7 had stronger advantages in terms of yield, photosynthetic capacity and Anti-stress. Therefore, selecting 5171-7 and planting at the right time in late April can increase the yield of highland barley in the Lhasa river valley.
    Effects of Duck Manure Replacing Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Nutrient Characteristics and Pear Quality in Pear Planting
    XUE Peng-ying, CHEN Yong-xing, ZHU Zhi-ping, HAO Dong-min, SONG Man
    2022, 43(12):  1015-1024.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.006
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    The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of duck manure application on soil environmental quality and pear quality and to promote the scientific application of duck manure to partially replace chemical fertilizers in pear planting. Under the condition of equal nitrogen substitution, the duck manure alternative fertilizer program in this study was divided into five groups including the control group (CK), 30% (DM1), 40% (DM2), 50% (DM3), and 60% (DM4). The duck manure was applied to the pear tree soil in April and July. Soil and pear samples were collected in October. The soil environmental quality (soil pH, soil nutrients, heavy metals, antibiotics) and pear quality parameters (soluble solids, soluble sugars, vitamin C) were also analyzed. The results showed that all the duck manure replacement treatments (DM1-DM4) could significantly increase the soil pH (6%−21%) compared with the control group, and the organic matter of deeper soil (40−60cm) was improved. The most significant effect on increasing the content of available phosphorus and available potassium in the soil was also found in the DM3 group. Fortunately, the contents of heavy metals in different soil layers of each treatment fully meet the requirements of pollution-free and green food producing areas for soil environment. The results also indicated that the application of duck manure improved the pear quality, and the soluble solids, soluble sugars, and vitamin C of pear were increased by 5.21%−17.44%, 2.50%−8.45%, and 0.39%−11.01%, respectively. The results showed that 30% duck manure replacing had the best effect on improving pear quality, while 50% duck manure replacing had the best effect on improving soil environment quality.
    Growth and Physiological Responses of Two Barnyard Grass to Photoperiod Changes
    JING Qing-fang, ZHU Lin, LAN Yan, ZHANG Yang, CHENG Yun-long
    2022, 43(12):  1025-1034.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.12.007
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    As high quality barnyard grasses, Echinochloa frumentacea and Echinochloa crusgalli were widely used to improve saline soils. In this study, three photoperiod treatments were set up by shading or artificial lighting, corresponding to day/night 8h/16h (Ph8), 12h/12h (Ph12) and 16h/8h (Ph16). Plant height, leaf width, spike weight, malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble protein, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence were investigated under different treatments, aiming to explore the growth and physiological responses of these two barnyard grasses to photoperiod changes, and provide scientific basis for the introduction of high yield and quality herbage in different regions. The results showed that:(1) with increasing light exposure, the leaf width, spike fresh and dry weight of E. frumentacea and E. crusgalli showed an “inverted V” trend, while the plant height showed an increasing trend. Additionally, the plant height, spike fresh and dry weight of E. frumentacea were higher than those of E. crusgalli under the three treatments. (2) The relationship between the MDA content of the two barnyard grasses and light exposure time exhibited a “V” pattern. (3) The soluble protein content showed an “inverted V” pattern with prolonging light exposure. (4) The net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, maximum photochemical efficiency and photochemical potential activity of the two barnyard grasses showed an “inverted V” trend with increasing light exposure, and reached the maximum under Ph12 treatment. Moreover, the net photosynthetic rates of E. frumentacea were significantly higher than those of E. frumentacea. In conclusion, medium light exposure duration (12h) could significantly promote the synthesis of chlorophyll and soluble protein of E. frumentacea and E. crusgalli, enhancing photosynthesis and increase their yield. Medium light exposure duration promoted the yield of E. frumentacea more than that of E. crusgalli.