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    20 January 2023, Volume 44 Issue 01
    Effect of Different Canopy Resistance Models on Estimation of Winter Wheat Evapotranspiration during Regreening-Maturing Stage
    GUO Zhong-ying, WU Ying-nan, LIU Xiao-ying, GU Feng-xue, LI Yu-zhong, ZHONG Xiu-li, LI Qiao-zhen
    2023, 44(01):  1-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.001
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    Evapotranspiration(ET) is an important component of farmland water cycle, and its accurate estimation is of great significance for precision irrigation and water-saving agriculture. The Penman-Monteith (P-M) model is one of the most commonly used estimation methods, but reliable representation of canopy resistance (rs) has been a difficult problem in applying the P-M. In this paper, seven commonly used rs models were selected to assess if their simulated rs could be used with P-M to directly estimate winter wheat ET. The P-M simulated ET was compared with measured values by Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) system in Shunyi, Beijing for two years (2020 and 2021), and the main factors affecting wheat rs were analyzed. The results showed that the seven models generally underestimated wheat canopy resistance and overestimated evapotranspiration. Overall, the Todorovic model (TD) performed the best, and the R2 for simulated rs and ET were >0.605, mean bias error (MBE) being −82.8s·m−1 and 10.4W·m−2, respectively, with root mean square error (RMSE) of 254.4s·m−1and 33.5W·m−2; the other six models performed poor, and the R2 for simulated rs was between 0.113−0.241, MBE and RMSE, were between −236.4 to −61.3s·m−1 and 277.2 to 373.8s·m−1, respectively. The R2 for simulated ET was between 0.046−0.184, MBE and RMSE were between 44.5−97.4W·m−2 and 81.4−147.9W·m−2, respectively. On basis of RMSE, the performing order was TD>FAO56-PM>Katerji-Perrier (KP)>Garcıá-Santos (GA)>idso (IS)>Jarvis (JA)>CO. The correlation between canopy resistance and various factors suggested that net radiation (Rn) affected the most on wheat rs, while air temperature (Ta) and canopy temperature (Tc) affected the least with the following specific order: Rn>leaf area index (LAI)>relative humidity (RH)>vapor pressure deficit (VPD)>soil moisture (θ)> canopy-air temperature difference (∆T)>Tc>Ta. This results better explained the good performance of TD model, and it considers the key factors affecting canopy resistance such as Rn, VPD and ∆T. In addition, it has no parameters to be calibrated, which makes it easy to use. The results of this paper provided a scientific basis for applying one-step approach to calculate the water consumption of winter wheat.
    Effects of Drought Stress and Post-drought Rewatering on Potato during Flowering and Tuber Expansion Periods
    WANG Li-wei, TAN Yue, ZHANG Jun-cheng, KAN Yu-meng, GUAN Lan-zhong, WANG Tian-ning, SUN Yue, LIU Li-min
    2023, 44(01):  13-24.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.002
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    A water control experiment of potato was conducted in Shenyang Agricultural University from April to July, 2021. Potato flowering period and tuber expansion period were selected, and the mild drought (relative soil moisture during flowering period is 50% and that during tuber expansion period is 60%), moderate drought (relative soil moisture during flowering period is 40% and that during tuber expansion period is 50%) and severe drought (relative soil moisture during flowering period is 30% and that during tuber expansion period is 40%) and control (relative soil moisture during flowering period is 70% and that during tuber expansion period is 80%), rewatering treatment was carried out after 5 days of drought at all levels in each growth period, and the rewatering level was controlled to the control level. The effects of drought stress and post-drought rewatering on photosynthetic characteristics, chlorophyll fluorescence, growth and yield of potato were studied. The results showed that the stomatal conductance and net photosynthetic rate of leaves under drought stress during flowering and tuber expansion period were significantly lower than those under control, moreover, the photochemical quenching coefficient and light energy conversion ratio of leaf photosystem II were significantly decreased, whereas the non-photochemical quenching coefficient was significantly increased. Rewatering after 5 days of mild drought during flowering period, the leaf net photosynthetic rate increased by more than 20% compared with that of drought treatment, but the recovery degrees under moderate and severe drought during tuber expansion period were very small. Leaf area index and dry matter weight decreased by 17.6%−50.3% and 23.4%−51.4% under different drought treatments compared with control. Compared with the control, the potato yield under different drought treatments decreased by 1.0%−19.6% during flowering period, whereas that decreased by 8.6%−30.5% during tuber expansion period. The reduction in potato yield caused by drought during tuber expansion period was greater than that during flowering period. In conclusion, drought stress can inhibit the growth process of potato leaves, reduce photosynthetic products, and ultimately lead to the reduction in yield. Rewatering in time can alleviate the effects of drought stress on potato and achieve the stable and high yield of crops.
    Effects of Short-term High Temperature on Spikelet Opening Dynamics and Yield of Different Rice Varieties during Flowering Period
    XU Peng, HE Yi-zhe, HUANG Ya-ru, WANG Hui, YOU Cui-cui, HE Hai-bing, KE Jian, WU Li-quan
    2023, 44(01):  25-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.003
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    Under the background of global warming, high temperature weather occurs frequently in the Yangtze River Basin, which has become the primary problem seriously affecting the safe production of rice in this region. In order to clarify the effects of short-term high temperature on the spikelet opening dynamics and yield of different rice varieties during flowering period, the heat-resistant rice variety N22 and heat-sensitive rice variety YR343 were used as experimental materials and planted in pots. From the day of heading and blooming, the artificial climate chamber was used for temperature treatment, with 32℃/25℃ (day/night) as the control, 38℃/30℃ as the high temperature treatment, and continuous treatment for 7 days. Samples were taken on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days of treatment to study the effects of high temperature stress on the opening dynamics, physiological characteristics of spikelets and yield of rice in different days of flowering. The results showed that: (1) the yield and seed setting rate of rice showed a decreasing trend after high temperature stress, and the reduction range was related to the duration of high temperature. After 7 days of high temperature treatment, the yield and seed setting rate of N22 decreased by 49.1% and 37.4%, and that of YR343 decreased by 85.1% and 65.3%, respectively. (2) The anther dehiscence rate and pollen activity of rice decreased to varying degrees after high temperature stress during flowering, and the longer the high temperature lasted, the greater the decrease. (3) The total amount of spikelet opening of rice was significantly reduced under high temperature stress, in N22 and YR343, by 33.3% and 65.5%, respectively. The flowering peak and peak appearance time of rice changed under high temperature stress. Compared with the control, the flowering peak ratio of N22 and YR343 decreased by 0.5% and 2.8%, respectively, and the flowering peak of N22 appeared 1 h earlier, while that of YR343 did not change. And under the high temperature coercion, YR343 has a shortened flowering period. (4) The changes of the physiological indices of rice spikelets under high temperature stress were as follows: the contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar and proline generally decreased; the contents of malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide increased; the activity of antioxidant enzymes showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. In summary, the low seed setting rate is the main reason for the reduction in rice yield. High temperature stress leads to the reduction of rice yield, mainly by changing the spikelet opening dynamics and its physiological characteristics, reducing the anther dehiscence rate and pollen activity, and thus reducing the seed setting rate.
    Assessment Regional Grain Yield Loss- Formulation of Agrometeorological Disaster-Yield Model of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    ZHU Yong-chang, LIU Bu-chun, LIU Yuan, SHIRAZI Zeeshan-Sana
    2023, 44(01):  36-46.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.004
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    The aim of this paper is to assess the loss of grain production caused by agrometeorological disasters in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), which is an important grain production base of China. The disaster-yield assessment model was formed and verified using grain production, yield, planting area and agrometeorological disaster conditions data of the IMAR from 1981 to 2020, and the loss of grain yield caused by meteorological disasters was assessed by this model. The results showed that grain production, yield and planting area observed an escalating trend from 1981 to 2020, and the rate of increase was 78.85×104t·y−1, 100.97kg·ha−1·y−1 and 74.48×103ha−1·y−1. The covered and affected area of agrometeorological disasters for the IMAR and National both increased and then decreased during the 1981-2020 period. Drought was the most important agrometeorological disaster in the IMAR, and the covered and affected area was 64.10% and 62.45%, respectively, accounting the total covered and affected area of all kinds of disasters in 1981−2020. The grey correlation analysis showed that drought had the highest correlation with grain yield at the level of disaster covered and affected rate, and hail had the highest correlation with grain yield at the level of disaster destory rate. The disaster-yield assessment model constructed by this study was of high simulation accuracy, and the linear regression coefficients (R2) and the slop between the simulated and measured grain yield was 0.99 and 0.98, respectively (P < 0.01). The average relative simulation yield was 0.20% and relative simulation error of the following year grain yield was 2.49%. Grain yield loss rate due to disaster in the IMAR decreased (R2=0.77,P<0.01) from 1981 to 2020 with a rate of 0.48 percentage points·y−1, and average grain yield loss rate was 14.79% and there were 68.42% of years which grain yield loss rate above 10%. The disaster-yield assessment model of the IMAR formulated in this study can simulate and predict grain yield, and assess the loss of grain yield due to disasters, which can meet the needs of agrometeorological services.
    Analysis of Key Meteorological Factors for Planting Quality Reaching the Standard of Strong Gluten Wheat in Henan Province
    CHENG Lin, SHEN Xiao-qing, HAN Yao-jie, GUO Kang-jun
    2023, 44(01):  47-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.005
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    In order to improve the pertinence of meteorological services for high-quality wheat, according to quality measurement data of 6 strong gluten and medium strong gluten wheat varieties, 287 wheat samples from 72 counties in Henan province during 2017−2019, as well as corresponding meteorological and wheat growth period observation data, analytical methods as Person correlation, LSD multi comparison and sensitive coefficient, et al., were used to confirm the key meteorological factors that influence the planting quality of strong gluten wheat in Henan province. The results indicated that, except the south of southern Henan and western Henan area, it was suitable to develop high-quality strong gluten wheat in most areas of Henan province. 6 quality indexes as hardness index, crude protein etc. were affected by the meteorological conditions after jointing to different degrees, among them, air temperature and sunshine hours at jointing-heading and mature-harvest stage had significant effect on most quality indices, air temperature and sunshine hours at flowering-grain filling stage mainly affected hardness index, sedimentation value and water absorption, and at mature-harvest stage, precipitation had negative effect on flour water absorption. Comparing the absolute value of sensitive coefficient SV(i), the sedimentation value was the most sensitive to the average maximum air temperature at jointing-heading stage, SV(i) reached to 0.7954. For different developmental stages, the key meteorological factors for planting quality reaching the standard of strong gluten wheat were as follows: average maximum air temperature, air relative humidity and sunshine hours at jointing-heading stage, air relative humidity at flowering-grain filling stage, and average air temperature at mature- harvest stage. The results explained that the most important meteorological factors effecting the planting quality of strong gluten wheat was air temperature.
    Effects of Low Temperature Stress during the Anther Differentiation Period on Leaf Anatomical Structure and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Wheat
    LIU Lv-zhou, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Lin, CAI Hong-mei, YU Min, WEI Feng-zhen, CHEN Xiang, LI Jin-cai
    2023, 44(01):  58-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.006
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    Two wheat varieties differing in spring cold-sensitivity Yannong 19 (YN19) and Xinmai 26(XM26) were used as experimental materials. During the anther differentiation period, two temperature treatments of 4℃ and−4℃were set up in the smart climate box. At the same time, the average temperature of the ambient temperature was 10℃ as the control (CK). After the treatment, effects of low temperature stress during the anther differentiation period on leaf anatomical structure and photosynthetic characteristics of wheat were observed. The results showed that: (1) low temperature stress during the anther differentiation period significantly increased the SOD, POD, CAT enzyme activities and MDA content of functional leaves of the two wheat varieties, and the CAT enzyme activity increased the most. Compared with CK, XM26 increased by 48.68% and 87.55% at 4℃ and −4℃, while YN19 increased by 76.59% and 110.39%, respectively. Overall, the increase in antioxidant enzyme activity of YN19 was greater than that of XM26, and it had a strong ability to eliminate reactive oxygen species. (2) Low temperature stress destroys the chloroplast structure of wheat functional leaves. Compared with CK, the chloroplast number and chloroplast area of XM264℃ and −4℃ decreased by 12.43%, 24.97% and 57.68%, 5.88%, respectively, and YN19 decreased by 14.56%, 16.69% and 25.88%, 61.90%, respectively. With the decrease of temperature (4℃→−4℃), the number and thickness of grana lamellae in the leaves of the two tested wheat varieties also decreased significantly, the cell membrane was damaged to different degrees, and the grana lamella began to disintegrate. (3) With the deepening of low temperature stress, the contents of chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb) and Chla+Chlb of the two tested wheat varieties decreased, and XM26 decreased by 26.97%, 27.39%, 31.78% compared with CK under −4℃ low temperature stress, while YN19 decreased by 34.36%, 23.81%, and 26.91%, respectively, indicating that low temperature stress destroyed the internal structure of leaves and reduces chlorophyll content. (4) Compared with CK, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of functional leaves of wheat under low temperature stress decreased gradually, and the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) increased gradually. The Pn of XM26 decreased by 31.84% and 92.04%, while that of YN19 decreased by 17.42% and 89.62% on the day of low temperature stress at 4℃ and −4℃, respectively, indicating that the decrease of Pn in wheat leaves was mainly caused by non-stomatal limiting factors. To sum up, the low temperature stress during the anther differentiation period will damage the wheat leaf function and reduce its photosynthetic capacity. Therefore, the cultivation and management measures should be strengthened in field production to improve the cold resistance of wheat and reduce the damage caused by late spring cold to wheat.
    Study on Accuracy Evaluation of Multi-Source Precipitation Fusion Analysis Products under Complex Terrain in Chongqing
    KUANG Lan, TIAN Mao-ju, LI Qiang, LI Qi-lin, LIU Feng-xia
    2023, 44(01):  71-81.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.007
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    Two sets of multi-source precipitation fusion analysis products FAST and FRT products from 2020 to 2021, and the hourly precipitation data of 35 national meteorological stations in Chongqing after quality control were used to test the correlation and error of the two sets of products in combination with the topographic factors of each station, so as to provide data support for hydrometeorological research under complex terrain. Some results in this study showed that: (1) FAST and FRT products had good correlation with the observed value, positive correlation and small error. The overall product was lower than the observed value, and there was a slight difference between them. (2) On monthly and seasonal time scales, the accuracy of spring was the best, and the error and dispersion degree of flood season from May to September were the largest. (3) With the increase of precipitation grade, the distribution of product error, correlation and TS grade score became more discrete, the absolute value of error gradually increased, the TS grade score gradually decreased, and the correlation first decreased and then increased, among which the correlation of precipitation grade 0.1-1.9mm and ≥ 20mm was better. (4) In terms of terrain factors, the accuracy of products was slightly different, among which the accuracy of products on the slope was the best, followed by the flat slope, above the steep slope and gentle slope. The accuracy of products with undulation greater than 70m was the best; With the increase of altitude, the product accuracy decreased first. When the altitude was greater than 700m, the product accuracy increased. The accuracy of products with the Southwest and East slope directions was better, and the Southwest slope direction was the best. FAST and FRT precipitation products had high accuracy in Chongqing, which could effectively supplement the precipitation data in areas with few automatic stations.
    Impact Report of Meteorological Conditions on Agricultural Production in Autumn 2022
    ZHANG Yan-hong, LI Yi-jun, HE Liang, WANG Chun-zhi, LIU Wei, ZHAO Xiao-feng, HOU Ying-yu, GUO An-hong, ZHAO Xiu-lan
    2023, 44(01):  82-84.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.01.008
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    In autumn of 2022, the national average temperature was 10.9℃, which was the highest in the same period since 1961. The national average precipitation was 107.5mm, 8.5% less than the normal value. The national average sunshine duration was 575.2h, close to the same period of the normal years. The sunshine and temperature in most agricultural regions of China were suitable during autumn. The early frost in Northeast China occurred earlier than the normal years but its duration was shorter. There was no cold and dew wind in the late rice region. The meteorological conditions were generally favorable for crops grain-filling, maturing, harvesting, drying and autumn planting. The autumn harvest and sowing were generally progressing smoothly. The agricultural drought in Jiangxi, Hunan, eastern Guizhou and other regions occurred a wide spatial distribution and lasted for a long time, which resulted in difficulties for sowing and emergence of rape seedlings in some areas. So the yield and quality of some field crops and economic forests were also adversely affected.