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    20 December 2023, Volume 44 Issue 12
    2023, 44(12):  1000. 
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    Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Farmland Ecological Assets Quality in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    LIU Wen-min, HU Guo-zheng, LI Yue-mei, GAO Qing-zhu, HASBAGAN Ganjurjav, WU Ri-han, YU Pei-dong, LI Ming-jie
    2023, 44(12):  1079-1090.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.001
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    Based on remote sensing data, authors revealed the characteristics of farmland ecological assets quality on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 2000 to 2020 by the methods of pixel dichotomy model, normalization processing, transfer matrix. Then, this study analyzed the trends of farmland ecological assets quality in different provinces and the transformation between each quality. The results show that: (1) From 2000 to 2020, the spatial pattern of farmland ecological assets quality on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was high in the southeast and low in the northwest. The main quality was at the middle level, accounting for 48% of the total farmland area, distributing in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The area ratio of excellent, good, low and poor farmland ecological assets quality were 6.6%, 15.2%, 27.4% and 2.8% respectively. (2) The farmland ecological assets quality increased both on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in each province, with average improvement rates of 0.237, 0.039, 0.224, 0.098, 0.098, 0.282 and 0.134 per 5 years in Qinghai, Tibet Autonomous Region, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau respectively. (3) The farmland ecological assets quality on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau gradually improved. From 2000 to 2020, the area of improved quality was larger than degraded area quinquennial. (4) The including of the soil and terrain asset quality could offset the overestimation of farmland ecological assets quality solely represented by plant asset quality. The proportion of ecological asset quality of medium and low-grade farmland on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau increased, while the proportion of farmland with excellent, good and poor grades decreased. This study provides experiences for the quality accounting of ecological assets in other regions, and a scientific basis for the sustainable development and management of farmland ecological assets on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
    Comparative Study on the Evaluation Methods of Farmland Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province
    HAN Lu, GUO Deng-wei, NIU Jun-zhao, YIN Li-wen, FAN Jian-ling, QIN Xiao-bo
    2023, 44(12):  1091-1102.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.002
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    Agroecosystems can provide many ecosystem services in addition to providing agricultural products for humans. It is a realistic and far-reaching impact on the sustainable development of farmland that to accurately evaluate the importance of ecosystem services provided by agroecosystem. In order to investigate the difference of different methods to evaluate the ecosystem service functions, this paper constructed the evaluation index system for agroecosystem service function and determined the weighted value of ecosystem service indicators of dryland and paddy field in Jiangsu province, using analytic hierarchy process and equivalent factor method based on agricultural statistic data and meteorological data from 1991 to 2020 by taking the agroecosystem in Jiangsu province as the research area. The results showed that the weighted values of paddy fields and dryland in the criterion layer B are in the following order: provisioning services, regulation and maintenance services, and cultural services by an analytical hierarchical process. In the index layer C, food production, gas regulation and raw material production showed higher weighted values for both paddy fields and dryland ecosystem. By the equivalent factor method, the weighted values of paddy fields in the criterion layer B are in the following order: regulation and maintenance services, provisioning services and cultural services. The weighted values of dryland are: regulation and maintenance services, provisioning services and cultural services. In the index layer C, the weighted values of hydrological regulation, food production and gas regulation of paddy fields were higher than other indicators, while the weighted values of food production, gas regulation and raw material production of dryland were higher than others. There are certain differences between the results of the two methods. The analytical hierarchical process relies on the experience of experts to some extent. In contrast, the equivalent factor method was influenced by the base equivalent factor table of ecosystem services. Therefore, to overcome the bias caused by single evaluation approach, different evaluation methods could be used for comprehensive analysis.
    Bibliometric Analysis on the Research Trends of Biochar Application in Anaerobic Digestion
    LI Hai-yan, LONG Yu-jiao, JIN Hong-mei, LI Hong-na, QIAN Jie-shu
    2023, 44(12):  1103-1113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.003
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    As one of the low carbon emission resource technologies, anaerobic digestion technology still faces the challenges of low methane production, unstable system operation, and residue refractory pollutants. Biochar had been widely concerned in the application of improving anaerobic digestion due to its excellent characteristics. In this study, CiteSpace software was used to conduct a quantitative analysis of the research trends of biochar application in the field of anaerobic digestion, and to explore the research status, hot spots and development trends in this field. The results showed that from 2010 to 2022, the number of papers published on the application of biochar in the field of anaerobic digestion kept increasing year by year, and China and the United States were the countries with the largest number of papers. The effects of the physical and chemical properties of different biochar on its application in anaerobic digestion, the mechanisms of improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion by biochar, and the removal of pollutants such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and resistant genes by biochar in anaerobic digestion have gradually become hot spots. The research frontiers in this field include quantifying the contribution of different mechanisms of biochar in anaerobic digestion, further developing modification methods to improve the removal of refractory pollutants (heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, antibiotics, resistant genes, microplastics, etc.) during anaerobic digestion.
    Assessment Regional Grain Yield Loss Based on Re-examination of Disaster-yield Model across the Middle-lower Yangtze River of China
    LIU Yuan, LIU Bu-chun, MEI Xu-rong
    2023, 44(12):  1114-1126.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.004
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    The changes in regional grain production and disaster situation were analyzed from 1949 to 2020 based on statistical data on the area of cultivated land, grain acreage, yields and agricultural disaster situation in the Yangtze river basin. Using the established disaster-yield assessment model, we estimated the loss and yield of grain due to disasters in 7 provinces (municipalities) from 1949 to 2020. The disaster-yield model of grain crops in Sichuan province was constructed. The major disaster species affecting regional grain yield were identified, and the major disaster species-yield assessment model was constructed to further test the generality of the model construction approach. The results showed that: (1) in the past two years, the average planting area of grain crops in China and the whole river basin was 11.60×107ha and 2.70×107ha respectively, accounting for 23.3% of the whole country, which showed a significant increasing trend (P<0.05). The planting area of grain crops in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Sichuan showed a significant downward trend (P<0.05). The planting area of maize, wheat, other crops and rice accounted for 5.9%, 14.9%, 34.6% and 44.6% of the whole basin, respectively. The planting area of rice showed a significant increasing trend (P<0.05). (2) From 1949 to 2020, the average grain crop yield of the whole country and the whole river basin was 3.67×108t and 1.38×108t, respectively, accounting for 39.5% of the whole country, showing a significant increasing trend (P<0.05). The yield of corn, wheat, other crops and rice accounted for 6.0%, 12.0%, 11.9% and 70.1% of the total in the basin, indicating a significant increase in rice production. During the same period, the multiple cropping index for the whole river basin and the whole country was 138% and 214%, respectively, showing a downward trend. In particular, the crop multiplicity index in Zhejiang province dropped dramatically from 250% in the 1980s to 100% in the 2010s. (3) The average area of disaster covered, disaster affected and disaster destroyed area in the Yangtze River basin were 1.08×107ha, 0.48×107ha and 0.08×107ha, accounting for 30.8%, 29.2% and 28.8% of the whole country, respectively. The variation rates were 51.5%, 64.4% and 115.5%, respectively. Drought and flood accounted for 74.3%, 74.0% and 66.9% of the total disasters, while low temperatures, hail and typhoons accounted for 36.6%, 32.4% and 25.5% of the total disasters. (4) Based on the extended data to 2020, the simulated grain yield of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces from 1949 to 2020 showed a highly significant linear correlation with the actual grain yield, with the regression coefficient (R2) higher than 0.97, while the coefficient (R2) of Shanghai and Hubei provinces was slightly lower (0.78 and 0.80, P < 0.01). In the last 72y, the newly constructed model in Sichuan province has a high simulation accuracy, with a coefficient of determination of 0.99. The yield reduction rates of grain in Shanghai and Zhejiang were relatively high (27.4% and 33.4%), while the yield reduction rates of grain in Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and Xichuan were 13.0%, 15.5%, 9.0%, 10.3%, 6.47% and 0.14%, respectively. A new regression model for major disaster-grain yields has been developed after identifying key disaster-preventing species in regions. That still explains more than 95 percent of the reduction in grain production. After further regional evaluation, the modeling method is able to well model the loss of grain yield due to meteorological disasters, has a good performance in predicting grain yield, and is feasible for national operational application.
    Research on the Influencing Factors of Wolfberry Ripening Stage and Integrated Simulation Method in Qaidam
    XU Rui, LEI Yu-hong, LIU Jing, ZHAO Meng-fan, WANG Lu, JIANG Lin-lin, SHANG Yan
    2023, 44(12):  1127-1136.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.005
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    The wolfberry industry is a labor-intensive industry. It is very important for fruit picking and management to accurate simulation wolfberry ripening stage. The meteorological factors significantly related to the maturity stage of wolfberry were determined by correlation analysis method. The development stage closely related to maturity were determined by grey correlation analysis. Then, linear regression equations were established respectively. Based on the simulated day sequence of two models, the integrated simulation model was established. All models had been validated. The results showed that (1) there was no multicollinearity between the independent variables for all models established by three methods, while the equation was statistically significant and passed the significance test. (2) In the simulation model based on meteorological factors, the best simulation effect was found in the starting ripening stage and the common ripening stage of Laoyan branch. RA was 63.16% and 90.00%, RMSE was 2.70 and 2.08, RE was 1.39% and 1.00% by the back substitution test, respectively. MAE of those was 2.31d and 1.35d by the simulation test. However, the results of the starting ripening stage and the common ripening stage of summer fruit branch did not have good performance. (3) In the simulation model based on other phenology, the starting ripening stage and the common ripening stage of summer fruit branch had the best simulation effect. RA of those was 89.47% and 90.00%, RMSE was 1.65 and 1.60, RE was 0.75% and 0.69%, by the back substitution test. MAE of those was 1.38d and 1.00d by the simulation test. (4) The limitations of the two models were overcome by the integrated simulation method. The accuracy of simulation results was improved, and the simulation errors of 6 models were less than 3%. It was concluded that the integrated simulation method had the highest accuracy, while suitable for the prediction of maturity stage of wolfberry.
    Simulation of Material Accumulation during Grain Filling Process of Oil Peony
    CHENG Xue-feng, LI Jian-qi, ZHANG Feng-yun
    2023, 44(12):  1137-1146.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.006
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    Taking the field cultivated oil peony 'Fengdan' as the research object, samples of peony follicles were collected every 10 days from flowering to maturity. The 100-grain weight, water content, oil content, and fatty acid content of the seeds were measured. The Richards equation for the days after flowering and the 100 grain dry weight was established to simulate and validate seed filling, which was used to analyze the filling characteristics of oil peonies. The dynamic changes of seed fatty acids and their components had been studied. The results showed that:(1)The filling speed of oil-used peony increased at first, reached the maximum at 52.10 days after flowering, and then decreased continuously. The dry matter accumulation process of oilseed conforms to the "S" growth trend of "slow-fast-slow", which can be expressed by Richards equation W=39.5874/(1+12729.09e-0.1654t1/2.30312(R2=0.9787). Among them, 42.24 to 61.96 days after flowering was the rapid increasing stage which occupied only 17.89% of the filling stage, but the contribution rate of grain filling was 33.10%. (2) The change trend of oilseed oil content with the process of grain filling was similar to that of dry matter accumulation. Oilseed oil content increased rapidly from 40 to 90 days after flowering. This period accounted for only 45.45% of the whole grain filling period, however, 82.11% of the oil accumulation in the whole grain filling period was completed. (3) In the process of oilseed filling, there was a significant negative correlation between grain water content and oil content, and a significant positive correlation between 100 grain weight and oil content. (4) The contents of each fatty acid in peony oilseed increased with the progress of grain filling, and the five main fatty acids content showed a trend of linolenic acid > linoleic acid > oleic acid > palmitic acid > stearic acid. Except for linolenic acid, the mass fraction of unsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids increased during the whole grain filling process. Oleic acid increased slightly, linoleic acid had a small increase in the early stage, but remained stable in the later stage. The mass fraction of saturated fatty acids to total fatty acids increased at first, remained relatively stable from day 50 to day 90, and then decreased continuously. In order to prevent the reduction of material accumulation and shortening of grain filling period caused by premature aging of plants, further optimization of water, fertilizer and other control measures which was used to improve the matching degree between oil-used peony and field microclimate is the key to high yield and quality cultivation of oil-used peony in this area.
    Zoning of Climatic Quality Grades for Dong Tibetan Red Rice in Hunan Province
    YANG Yun-jie, HAN Lin, LI Min-hua
    2023, 44(12):  1147-1154.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.007
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    In order to fully utilize regional climate resources, promote the promotion of high yield and quality of Dong Tibetan red rice, and assist in the development of rural revitalization industries, the Dong Tibetan red rice in Hunan province was taken as the research object. The potential growth period of Dong Tibetan red rice in the research area was estimated using the average temperature for 20 consecutive days after the end of full heading, the daily temperature range of 10 days before the universal heading period to 10 days after the universal heading period, and the average minimum temperature for 30 consecutive days after the initial heading period from 1981 to 2010, to construct climate quality evaluation indicators for the head rice percentage, chalkiness degree, and alkali spreading value of Dong Tibetan red rice in the research region. Using the Libich minimum factor law for multi factor evaluation, based on the comprehensive evaluation results, analyze climatic quality grades for Dong Tibetan red rice in Hunan. The results showed that: (1) the entire growth period of the Dong Tibetan red rice planting research area lasted for 140 to 152 days. The main distribution time for the beginning of heading was in early to mid.The main distribution time for the common heading period and the end of safe heading were in mid to late August. (2) The appearance quality (chalkiness) was the main factor affecting the climate quality grades zoning of Dong Tibetan red rice in the evaluation indicators of head rice percentage, chalkiness degree, and alkali spreading value climate quality. (3) Based on a comprehensive evaluation of the climate quality grades of Dong Tibetan red rice in Hunan, the very excellent and excellent grades were mainly distributed in the central and western parts of Zhangjiajie city, the northern and western parts of Xiangxi prefecture, the central and southern parts of Huaihua city (excluding the channel), and the western part of Shaoyang city (Suining).
    Impacts by Climate Change and Human Activities on NDVI in Different Vegetation Types across the Inner Mongolia Plateau
    WU Yun-li, ZHANG Yu, TIAN Jia-rong
    2023, 44(12):  1155-1168.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.008
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    Based on MODIS−NDVI remote sensing data, meteorological data and vegetation type data, combining trend analysis, coefficient of variation and geographic detector, the variation characteristics of NDVI in five vegetation types of desert grassland, deciduous oak forest, meadow grassland, typical grassland and shrubs-grasses semi-desert in the Inner Mongolia Plateau from 2000 to 2020 and its relationship with meteorological factors were analyzed, while the human activities effects on NDVI of different vegetation types were separated using residual analysis. The results show that from 2000 to 2020, the regional average NDVI of Inner Mongolia Plateau showed an increasing trend, with an average growth rate of 0.013·10y−1, with a spatially graded band distribution from west to east. The NDVI of deciduous oak forests increased the fastest(0.032·10y−1), while that of shrubs-grassy semi-deserts increased the slowest(0.009·10y−1). The proportion of improved vegetation in the study area to total area of the study area was 91.59%, and the proportion of low and medium-low fluctuation area to the total area of study area was 89.75%. But the meadow grassland was more seriously degraded, and the proportion of degraded area to the total area of this vegetation type was 13.63%, while the proportion of improved vegetation in the other four vegetation types to the total area of their respective vegetation types was over 90%. Both NDVI of different vegetation types and the whole plateau were most strongly correlated with precipitation, and the two-factor enhancement or non-linear enhancement interaction between meteorological factors was obvious, with the combined effect of water and heat being the dominant factor influencing the whole plateau NDVI. The impact of human activities in the study area over the past 21 years had been increasing and contributed to NDVI of the plateau vegetation, with the proportion of the enhanced area of human activities in each of the five vegetation types reaching over 70% of the total area of the respective vegetation types.
    Impacts Report of Summer Weather Condition on Agricultural Production in 2023
    ZHAO Xiao-feng, DONG Zhi-qiang, SONG Ying-bo, ZHANG Lei, HAN Li-juan
    2023, 44(12):  1169-1172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2023.12.009
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    In the summer of 2023 (from June to August), the national average air temperature was 22.1℃, which was 0.8℃ higher than the same period from 1991 to 2020. And it’s ranking second highest among the same periods since 1981. The national average precipitation was 311.3mm, which was 3.3% lower than the same period from 1991 to 2020. But the spatial distribution of the national average precipitation was greatly different. The national average sunshine duration was 661.6h, which was 1.7% lower than the same period from 1991 to 2020. During the summer harvest and planting season, the progress of summer harvest and planting was generally smooth with the fine weather. With the continuous rainy weather, the summer harvest of Henan and Shaanxi province was hindered to some extent. In summer, most agricultural areas had the suitable light and temperature and the abundant precipitation, which were conducive to the formation of high-yield groups of autumn crops. At the same time, some farmland suffered from waterlogging disasters in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Northeast regions as the strong rainfall. In addition, high temperatures were extreme in places such as North China, Huanghuai and Xinjiang. And the seasonal drought occurred in parts of Northern and Southwestern agricultural areas. These factors resulted in the weak growth and yield reduction of some autumn crops.