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    20 January 2024, Volume 45 Issue 01
    A Review of the Response Characteristics of Soil Respiration to Temperature and Moisture Changes under Global Climate Change
    RAN Man-xue, DING Jun-jun, SUN Dong-bao, GU Feng-xue
    2024, 45(01):  1-11.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.001
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    Warming of the climate and changes in precipitation patterns are major manifestations of climate change and abiotic factors affecting soil respiration. Authors presents a systematic analysis of recent research advances on the effects and mechanisms of temperature and moisture on soil respiration. The results show that:(1)there is positive feedback between soil respiration and climate warming, but the temperature adaptation weakens this positive feedback. The effect of temperature on soil respiration varies spatially and temporally due to the different duration of warming and soil carbon storage. The main mechanisms of soil respiration adaptation to temperature include soil microbial adaptation, substrate depletion and soil mineral activation.(2)The effect of precipitation on soil respiration depends on the initial soil water content. When soil water content is lower than the wilting factor, precipitation not only increases soil water content but also promotes soil respiration, reaching a maximum when soil water content is close to the field holding capacity, while soil respiration is inhibited when soil water content reaches saturation value. The main mechanisms by which water affects soil respiration are substitution and blocking effects, substrate supply, microbial stress and root response. (3)The coupling of soil respiration with soil temperature and moisture depends on the ratio of soil water and heat factors. When soil temperature becomes a stress factor, the stimulating effect of increasing soil water content induced by precipitation on soil respiration is suppressed by the negative effect of low temperature. When soil moisture becomes a stress factor, the promoting effect of increased soil temperature due to climate warming on soil respiration is counteracted by the negative impact of drought. The interaction between soil temperature and moisture should be fully considered when studying soil respiration. In order to understand the disturbance factors of soil carbon emissions in terrestrial ecosystems, this paper proposes that future research on the relationship between soil respiration and the environment under climate change. Firstly, strengthen the research on the effects of multi-factor interaction on soil respiration and quantify the soil respiration components. Secondly, continue to pay attention to the characteristics of soil respiration in response to initial soil temperature and temperature fluctuations, and to explore the effects of biodiversity or community structure composition on soil respiration.
    Change in Forage Grass Climate Productivity and Response to Meteorological Drought in Sanjiangyuan
    SANG Chun-yun, WANG Qian, GUO Jian-mao, LI Jian-hua, LI Wen-feng, WANG Yong
    2024, 45(01):  12-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.002
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    Based on monthly ground observation data from 18 meteorological stations in Sanjiangyuan region from 1970 to 2020, the SPEI at different time scales was used as the meteorological drought monitoring index. The climate productivity of forage grass was calculated by stepwise correction method. The temporal and spatial characteristics of meteorological drought and climate productivity in the forage grass growing season in the Sanjiangyuan region were analyzed, and the response of climate productivity to meteorological drought was initially revealed. The results show that: in recent 50 years, meteorological drought of forage grass growing season in the Sanjiangyuan region showed an aggravating trend (P<0.01). The climate gradually changed from humid to arid around 1995, drought occurs mainly in the west, south central and northeast regions; The aridification in the northwest of Sanjiangyuan region is more obvious. The climate productivity of forage grass in the growing season was decreased by 7.38kg·ha−1·y−1(P<0.01). The spatial distribution decreases from northwest to southeast, rising in the west and falling in the east. There is a strong positive correlation between climate productivity of forage grass growth season and SPEI in different time periods in the Sanjiangyuan region. Moreover, with the increase of SPEI forward time, the correlation coefficient increases slightly. The response of forage grass climate productivity to meteorological drought in central and western regions was higher than that in other regions.
    Effects of Leaf Removal in Different Directions on the Fruit Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon in the Vineyard at the Helan Mountain East Foothill Wine Region
    LI Hong-ying, WANG Jing, LI Na, JIANG Lin-lin, YANG Yang, HU Hong-yuan, ZHANG Xiao-yu
    2024, 45(01):  23-32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.003
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    Leaf removal will change the microclimate around fruits during the stage of color-changing, also the fruit quality accumulation will be affected. To study the effect of leaf removal in different directions on the quality of mature fruits, taking the Cabernet Sauvignon planted in the north-south direction as the experimental materials, the leaf removal experiments in the east side, in the west side and in both sides were carried out at the Helan mountain east foothill wine region. The results showed that: (1) compared with the control, in the eastern leaf removal treatments, the content of soluble solids, glucose, fructose, total acid, ratio of sugar to acid, malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid and Tannin in the mature fruit of Cabernet Sauvignon grape increased, especially the level of fructose, citric acid and tartaric acid increased significantly; There was no significant decrease in content of reducing sugar, total phenol, anthocyanidin. (2) In the west leaf removal treatments, the content of soluble solids, reducing sugar, total phenols and anthocyanins in fruits also decreased slightly, fructose, malic acid, citric acid and tannin increased significantly, and the glucose content, the ratio of sugar to acid and tartaric acid content increased slightly. (3) The tannin level of grape fruit in both side leaf-removal treatments increased significantly, the content of glucose, fructose, citric acid and tartaric acid increased slightly, and the content of soluble solids, reducing sugar, total acid, the ratio of sugar to acid, malic acid, total phenol and anthocyanin were lower than that in CK treatment. Through comparative analysis, the sugar content of the fruit with leaf removal all increased slightly, while in the eastern leaf removal treatment, the acid content increased, and the tannin content increased, falling of total phenols and anthocyanins was relatively small compared to the other two treatments. Considering the present level situation of high sugar and low acidity in the wine production areas of the Helan Mountain East Foothill Wine Region, the leaf removal in the east is recommended as the main pattern to manage the leaf curtain and to control the quality of fruit in the vineyard with the north-south row direction, which plays a role in balancing the overall flavor substances of grape fruits.
    Study on Frost Risk during Apple Blossom in Northern China under Different Climate Change Scenarios
    QIU Xing-lin, LIN Ze-quan, LI Can, YU Hai-yang, WANG Ying
    2024, 45(01):  33-44.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.004
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    The main apple-producing areas in northern China are located in the North China plain and the loess Plateau, and the apple blossom frost hazard events have had a severe impact on the income of fruit growers and the economy of the production areas. Future climate change will exacerbate the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events. In this study, based on the climate model data shared by NEX-GDDP, the seven models with the best fitting ability for the minimum temperature during apple blossom were selected using Taylor diagrams, and the annual encounter values of the minimum temperature during apple blossom were calculated and revised using the transfer function correction method of the extreme value distribution, so as to predict the risk of frost disaster and yield reduction of apples in northern China under climate change. Taking the intensity of the apple blossom frost disaster with a 30-year occurring period event across the study area as an example, in the near and distant future under the RCP4.5 scenario, the regions of Henan, Shanxi, northern Shaanxi and, northern Ningxia were the main affected areas, dominated by the minimum temperature of −3 to −2°C, and the highest yield reduction rates were in the northern regions of Henan, Ningxia, Shanxi, and northern Shaanxi provinces, with the yield reduction rate of apples in northern China ranging from 2.47% to 5.22%. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, the frost disaster area with a minimum temperature of −3°C or less expands to the whole of Henan, central Shandong and other places, and the yield reduction rate of apples in northern China is 4.57%−12.39%. In the future, apple cultivation in these areas needs to strengthen the prevention of frost disaster risk.
    Climate Suitability Refined Zoning of Seed Production of Two-line Hybrid Rice for the Safety and High Yield in Fujian Province
    SU Rong-rui, LIN Rui-kun, SUN Chao-feng, CHEN Jia-jin, WU Zhi-yuan, YANG Kai
    2024, 45(01):  45-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.005
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    The meteorological data of 67 national meteorological observation stations in Fujian Province from 1971 to 2020, geographic information data and investigation data of two-line hybrid rice seed production base were used. The climate risk model and grade index in the sensitive period of fertility conversion, and the weather comprehensive hazard index model and grade index in the flowering and pollination period were constructed. The starting temperature index of fertility transformation of sterile line as 23℃ was selected for research. Based on the climate suitability grade standard of two-line hybrid rice seed production, the multi-layer composite method was used to carry out the climate suitability refined zoning of two-line hybrid rice seed production for the safety and high yield in Fujian Province based on GIS. The results show that critical temperature index of fertility transformation of two-line sterile line was 23℃, the fertility transformation were arranged from early July to late July, and from mid-July to early August, the flowering pollination period was arranged in early August and mid-August, the most suitable zone and suitable zone were distributed in northern Fujian, southwestern Fujian below altitude of 300m, the less suitable zone was distributed in northern Fujian, southwestern Fujian at the altitude of 300 to 500m. Fertility transformation was arranged from late July to mid-August, early August to late August, flowering pollination period was arranged in late August and early September, the most suitable zone and suitable zone were distributed in northern Fujian, southwestern Fujian below altitude of 400m, less suitable zone was distributed in northern Fujian, southwestern Fujian at the altitude of 400 to 500m. The low suitable zone was distributed at the altitude of 500 to 1000m. The unsuitable zone was distributed above altitude of 1000m.
    Comparison of Temperature Suitability Differences of Summer Maize Based on Hourly and Daily Average Temperature
    WEI Rui-jiang, WANG Xin, KANG Xi-yan, LIU Bu-chun
    2024, 45(01):  58-66.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.006
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    In order to evaluate the impact of temperature on crops more precisely, taking summer maize growth periods in different years in Hebei province as an example, the temperature suitability-degree of summer maize based on two time scales followed as the stroke of every hour of one single day and daily average temperature has been compared and analyzed by temperature suitability model. The results show that the probability of the difference values between 24h average daily temperature suitability-degree and daily temperature suitability-degree of the three national agricultural meteorological observation stations followed as Feixiang, Luancheng, and Zhuozhou for six years from 2015 to 2020, ≥0.6, ≥0.5, ≥0.4, ≥0.3, ≥0.2, ≥0.1 and ≥0.01 were 0.05%, 0.6%, 2.1%, 6.9%, 23.8%, 62.4% and 96.3% respectively, the proportions of coefficients of variation>100%, 10%−100%, and<10% were 0.2%, 50.0%, and 49.8%, respectively. There were moderate or above differences in 50.2% of the difference samples. The difference values between the 24h average daily temperature suitability-degree and daily temperature suitability-degree was quadratic with respect to the daily temperature range of the station on same day. If the daily temperature range was less than 12.5℃, 80.1% of the samples with a difference between the two would be within 0.2. If the daily temperature range was less than 8.4℃, 34.6% of the samples with a difference between the two would be within 0.1. In the case of continuous high temperature weather, the trend was consistent, and both timescales of temperature suitability-degree could reflect the effects of high temperature, with a 91.7% agreement of the test results. On consecutive days of low temperature, the 24h daily average temperature suitability-degree more accurately reflect the effect of low temperature, but the daily temperature suitability-degree does not respond to low temperature, the consistency between the two is only 30.0%.
    Spatiotemporal Variation and Risk Zoning of Spring Frost Disaster for Tea Plant in Dabie Mountains
    CAO Qiang, YANG Xian-gui, DONG Shi-jie, LUO Xiao-dan, LI Hong-fei, CHEN Xi, YUE Wei
    2024, 45(01):  67-78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.007
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    Based on the daily meteorological data of 35 national meteorological observation stations in Dabie Mountains from 1971 to 2020, the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of spring frost disaster for tea plant were analyzed with trend surface interpolation and ArcGIS technology. According to the theory of natural disasters risk, the risk of hazard-formation factors, the exposure of hazard-formation environments, the vulnerability of hazard-affected bodies and the capability of hazard prevention and mitigation were taken as the evaluation factors, the weighted comprehensive evaluation method was used to construct the comprehensive risk assessment model of spring frost disaster. The risk zoning had been carried out based by the means of ArcGIS technology. The results showed that: (1) the number of occurrence days of spring frost in different grades decreased significantly from 1971 to 2020, with the average number of occurrence days of total, slight, moderate and severe spring frost being 9.6, 5.2, 3.0 and 1.4d respectively, and the climatic tendency rates being -1.45, −0.61, −0.54 and −0.30d·10y−1. The number of occurrence days was positively correlated with altitude and latitude, and the downward trend of the number of occurrence days in the northern region was much more obvious than that in the southern region. (2) The high risk, medium risk and low risk areas of tea spring frost disaster accounted for 16.67%, 41.88% and 41.45% of the total area in the study region respectively. The high-risk areas were mainly located in the high mountainous regions with an altitude of more than 600m in Jinzhai, Yuexi, Huoshan, Yingshan and Xinyang, as well as scattered shady slopes (northern slopes); the medium-risk areas were mainly located in the mountainous region with an altitude of less than 600m and most of the low-altitude region at the northern foot of Dabie Mountains, and scattered shady slope (north slope) in the low-altitude region at the southern foot of Dabie Mountains; the low-risk region were mainly located in the low-altitude region at the southern foot of Dabie Mountains, and scattered sunny slope (south slope) in the low-altitude areas at the northern foot of Dabie Mountains. The refined assessment of the risk of tea spring frost could provide reference for optimizing the layout of the tea industry and enhancing disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities in Dabie Mountains.
    Agricultural Drought Monitoring in Yunnan Based on CLDAS Soil Relative Moisture
    JIN Yan, XU Ling, ZHOU Qun, LU Wei-kun, SUN Shuai
    2024, 45(01):  79-90.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.008
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    Based on the observation quality analyzing of daily soil relative humidity data in Yunnan from 2016 to 2020, 0−10cm CLDAS soil relative humidity data was introduced and its applicability was analyzed. The results showed that the observation efficiency of relative humidity data in Yunnan soil water observation station was not high, so it was necessary to use land surface fusion data to monitor agricultural drought. The absolute error between the relative humidity of nearly 80% of CLDAS soil in Yunnan region and the observed values of soil moisture observation stations is less than 30%, indicating high data reliability. In the central region of Yunnan, where drought occurs frequently, the correlation coefficient between the soil relative humidity of CLDAS and the observed values of soil moisture observation stations is above 0.8, and the average deviation is less than 10%. From the perspective of agricultural drought monitoring effectiveness, the drought monitoring index based on CLDAS soil relative humidity can well describe the changes in soil moisture caused by abnormal temperature and precipitation. When the daily rainfall is close to or exceeds 5.0mm, it can quickly respond to the decrease in the number of light drought stations; When continuous effective precipitation occurs, the monitoring index can reflect the relief of agricultural drought of medium and above grade. In summary, CLDAS soil relative humidity is suitable for agricultural drought monitoring in Yunnan province.
    Assessment of Extreme Temperature Simulation Ability of CMIP6 Global Climate Model in Shandong Province
    LIU Shan-shan, LIU Bu-chun, LIU Yuan, HAN Rui, YANG Fan, LIU Guan-zhi, CHE Hong-lei
    2024, 45(01):  91-100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.009
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    The scenario data of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) are processed by Delta method in statistical downscaling method.Based on the centralized root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (R), standard deviation (STD) and interannual variability skill score (Ts), comprehensively evaluate the simulation ability of scenario data from 10 CMIP6 models on the extreme temperature index in Shandong,and select models with better simulation results. The results indicate that:In the simulation of extreme temperature indices TXx and TNx that characterize intensity,after downscaling,more than 50% of the models simulate that the median absolute deviation of extreme temperature index in Shandong is closer to the observed value than before downscaling, in the simulation of extreme temperature indices TR, SU, FD and ID that characterize frequency,more than 60% of the models absolute deviation medians are closer to the observations than before downscaling.Using the ranking method, the simulation ability of the 10 models was compared.The CMCC-ESM2 score was 178 points, NorESM2-MM score was 191 points,and TaiESM1 score was 191 points.Therefore, these three models are preferred models. The error percentage of extreme temperature indices simulated by the ensemble mean of optimized models is lower than that of all models.After optimization,the absolute value of error percentage of TXx, TNx, TR and ID decreased from 4.2%, 2.2%, 28.67% and 14.3% to 3.3%, 1.8%, 23.58% and 9.7%, the error percentage of SU was within ± 1% before and after optimization.
    Impact Report of Meteorological Conditions on Agricultural Production in Autumn 2023
    ZHANG Yan-hong, LI Yi-jun, ZHAO Xiao-feng, HAN Li-juan, ZHAO Xiu-lan, ZHENG Chang-ling
    2024, 45(01):  101-103.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.01.010
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    In the autumn of 2023 (September-November), the national average temperature was 11.1℃, which was the highest in the same period since 1961. The national average precipitation was 123mm, which was 4.5% less than the same period in the normal years. The national average sunshine duration was 592.7h, closing to the same period of the normal years. The sunshine and temperature in most agricultural regions of China were suitable in autumn. The early frost period in Northeast China occurred later than the normal years. There was no large-scale cold and dew wind in the late rice region of South China. The meteorological conditions were generally favorable for the grain-filling, maturing, harvesting, drying and autumn sowing of autumn harvest crops. The harvesting and sowing in autumn generally progressed smoothly. However, the severe rain and waterlogging in Henan, Shaanxi, Hubei and other regions led to slower progresses in the harvesting and sowing in autumn.