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  1. 青海省气候中心,中国农业大学,中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,青海省气候中心 西宁810001,西宁810001
  • 出版日期:2008-04-10 发布日期:2008-04-10
  • 基金资助:

A Preliminary Study on Responses of Climate Conditions to Changes of Anser fabalis' Phenology

QI Ru-ying1,QI Yong-ting2,WANG Qi-lan3,ZHU Xi-de1(1.Climate Center of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,China;2.China Agricultural University;3.Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology,Chinese Academy of Science)   

  • Online:2008-04-10 Published:2008-04-10

摘要: 利用1983-2005年青海省诺木洪农业气象站迁徙经过豆雁物候期及同期地面、高空气象资料,分析豆雁物候期变化及其对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:豆雁始、绝鸣期及始绝鸣间隔日数对气候因子变化的响应中,高空气候因子比地面气候因子的影响显著,500hPa高空高度和温度比100hPa高空高度和温度的影响显著。影响豆雁始鸣期的主要气象条件是2月500hPa高空高度和100hPa高空温度,影响豆雁绝鸣期及始绝鸣期间隔日数的主要气象条件是7月500hPa高空高度和7-8月500hPa高空温度。2月500hPa高空高度升高和100hPa高空温度降低共同影响使豆雁始鸣期提早,7月500hPa高空高度升高和7-8月温度上升共同影响使绝鸣期推迟,从而使始绝鸣期间隔日数延长。

关键词: 豆雁, 物候期, 气象条件, 响应

Abstract: Based on the data of the phonological phase of the Chinese Goose(Anser fabalis) and meteorological data of the ground and upper air from 1983 to 2005 in Nuomuhong meteorological station,where the migrated Chinese Goose passed through,the response of the phonological phase of the Chinese Goose to climate factor changes were analyzed.The results showed that the days of the starting warble phase(SWP),the halting warble phase(HWP) and days between SWP and HWP changed with climate factor change,while climate factors of the upper air had more significant impacts on the phonological phase than ground climate factors.The temperature by 500hPa upper air had more significant impact than that by 100hPa upper air.The main climate factors which influenced HWP and days between SWP and HWP were the altitude by 500hPa upper air in July and the temperature by 500hPa upper air between July and August.The increased altitude by 500hPa upper air and the decreased temperature by 500hPa upper air in February jointly led to advance of the SWP,while decreased altitude by 500hPa upper air in July and the increased temperature by 500hPa upper air between July and August jointly led to postpone of the HWP.Therefore,the days between SWP and HWP were delayed.

Key words: Chinese goose(Anser fabalis), Chinese goose(Anser fabalis), Phonological phase, Response