Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 27-31.

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Analysis of Variation Characteristics of Air Temperature and Precipitation in Sichuan Basin in Recent Half Century

CHEN Chao1,2,PANG Yan-mei3,PAN Xue-biao2(1.Institute of Plateau Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Chengdu 610071,China;2.College of Resources and Environment,CAU,Beijing 100193;3.Beijing Mentougou Meteorological Administration,Beijing 102300)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: In order to understand the law of climate change and its evolution trend in Sichuan basin under global warming,the change of the air temperature and precipitation during the recent half century in Sichuan basin had been analyzed based on monthly mean,maximum,minimum air temperature and monthly mean precipitation data of the 22 weather stations in Sichuan basin from 1961 to 2007.The main findings were summarized as follows: annual mean air temperature of Sichuan basin was on the rise during recent 50 years,but warming rate was significantly lower than the national average level.The more warmer years were mostly after 1990's,the more colder years were mostly before the mid-1990's,especially in 1980's.Temperature rising rate of autumn and winter were higher than that of spring and summer,meanwhile that of night was higher than that of daytime.Simultaneously,the precipitation totally presented a decreasing tendency in Sichuan basin.There were drought years in 1970's and after 1990's.The rainy years were mostly in 1960's and 1980's.Precipitation in other seasons showed a decreasing tendency except winter,and the most obvious reduction happened in autumn.

Key words: Sichuan basin, Air temperature, Precipitation