Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 35-39.

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Research on the Accumulated Temperature ≥10℃ and the Rainfall Change during 45 Years in Xinjiang

LI Lan1,DU Jun2,SONG Yu-ling3,LI Yuan-peng1(1.Xinjiang Climatic Center,Urumqi 830002,China;2.Xinjiang Lightning-proof Center,Urumqi 830002;3.The Seventh Agricultural Division Meteorological Bureau,Kuitun 833200)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: Based on the observation data from 86 meteorological observation station from 1961-2995,it analyzed the day-average accumulated temperature stabilized ≥10℃ in Xinjiang,the space and annual variety during this time,the number of days between initial and final and the difference between 1961-1986 and 1987-2005.The results showed that the variety of day-average accumulated temperature stabilized≥10℃ was difference,the amplitude was higher in the north of Xinjiang than south,the trend of rainfall was increased during this period which accumulated temperature stabilized ≥10℃,and the mountainous area more than plain,the north was more than the south,the west was more than east.It was disordered in the day of the difference between 1961-1986 and 1987-2005 and the difference of accumulated temperature,there were 51% and 59% stations increased in the south of Xinjiang.The rainfall increased distinctly during the period of the accumulated temperature ≥10℃,and the amplitude more than 50% in the south was observably higher than the north.

Key words: Xinjiang, 10℃ Critical temperature, Accumulated temperature, Rainfall