Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 77-80.

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Climatic Change Characteristic and its lmpact during Rice Growth Stage in Chaozhou

DING Li-jia,TANG Kai,YANG Qun-na,CHEN Dan-fang(Chaozhou City Meteorological Bureau,Chaozhou 521011,China)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: The climate change characters on growth stage of rice in Chaozhou was found by analyzing the basic meteorological condition,such as temperature,precipitation,sunshine and disastrous weather such as low temperature overcast and rainy day,cold dew wind,dragon boat weater,high temperature,typhoon and rainstorm in nearly 52 years.It was found that the climate became warming obviously since the 1980s,and times of low temperature overcast and rainy days in spring and clod dew wind weather was reduced and disastrous weather such as dragon boat water,rainstorm was increased obviously.The climatic change affected the Chaozhou rice growth and yield formation seriously.Based on this,the countermeasures were proposed to adapting to the climatic change.

Key words: Climatic change, Rice, Countermeasure