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    10 February 2011, Volume 32 Issue 01
    Asymmetrical Change of Maximum,Minimum Temperature in Last 50 Years in Henan
    CHANG Jun1,WANG Ji-jun1,PAN Pan1,WU Yuan-chao2,LI Su-ping3(1.Climate Center of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Gushi Meteorological Bureau,Gushi 465250;3.Henan Service Center of Meteorological Sciences and Technology,Zhengzhou 450003)
    2011, 32(01):  1-5. 
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    The spatial and temporal change of maximum and minimum temperature and diurnal temperature range were analyzed based on the temperature data of 50 meteorological stations in Henan province from 1959 to 2008.The results showed that annual average maximum and minimum temperature increased non-symmetrically,the minimum temperature changed at the rate of 0.237℃/10y,and the maximum temperature changed at the rate of 0.053℃/10y.Annual average maximum and minimum temperature also changed asymmetric in majority area.The minimum temperature increased quickly in Northwest Henan and the maximum increased quickly in Central Henan,which resulted to diurnal temperature range reducing obviously in the east and northwest of Henan province.The Lowest annual average maximum temperature was in 1980s and the highest was in last 8 years,annual average minimum temperature kept low in 1960s,1970s,and 1980s,and the highest was in last 8 years.The highest diurnal temperature range was in 1960s,and the lowest was in last 8 years.Annual average minimum temperature changed abruptly in 1997,and no abrupt change in annual average maximum temperature.Annual average diurnal temperature range changed abruptly in 1974 and 1980.
    Response of Winter Wheat to Climate Warming and Late Spring Frost in Central Loess Plateau
    WANG Wei-tai1,2,ZHANG Tian-feng2,PU Jin-yong3,JIANG Hui-feng2,HUANG Bin2(1.Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Reducing Disaster of China Meteorological Administration/Key Laboratory of AridClimate Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Lanzhou Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.Qingyang Meteorological Bureau,Xifeng 745000;3.Tianshui Agro-meteorological Experiment Station,Tianshui 741020)
    2011, 32(01):  6-11. 
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    The response of spring temperature,last frost and winter wheat growth to climate warming was analyzed based on meteorological data and fields experiment data in Xifeng station Gansu province.The results showed that the average spring temperature increased at the rate of 1.2℃/10y,average spring minimum temperature increased at the rate of 1.1℃/10y,and extreme minimum temperature in May increased at the rate of 1.2℃/10y from 1981.The extreme minimum temperature in April has changed in fluctuation since 1997,the extreme minimum occurred in 2001 and 2006.The date of last frost advanced at the rate of 3.2d/10y,and surface minimum temperature changed in fluctuation.The jointing date of winter wheat advanced at the rate of 4.5d/10y from 1981(P<0.01)and more early from 1997.The jointing date advancing rate of winter wheat was greater than that of last frost,which indicated that winter wheat could faced more freezing risk during jointing to booting stage in spring.
    Daily Variation of Beginning Date of 10℃ and Its Impacts on Phenological Period of Double-season Early Rice in Jiangxi
    GUO Rui-ge,LIU Shou-dong,DU Xiao-ling(1.Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory,Nanchang 330046)
    2011, 32(01):  12-16. 
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    Based on the daily mean air temperature during the period of 1959-2009 from 82 weather stations and growth period of double-season early rice during the period of 1981-2008 from 14 agrometeorological stations in Jiangxi,the variation of beginning date of 10℃ and its impacts on growth period of double-season early rice was analyzed.The results showed that the beginning date of 10℃ changed obviously during the 51 years and the maximum change range reached 36 days.The decadal variation range was largest in 1980s and 1990s,which was second during 2000-2009,and relatively stable in 1960s and 1970s.The liner trend of the date was not significant in the whole 51 years,while it advanced significantly from 1991 to 2009.The 10℃beginning date's area distribution in the whole province changed significantly in the 51 years,the diving line of March 20th and March 10th expanded southward step by step from 1960s to 1990s,which shrunk northward by a large amplitude during 2000-2009.The change range in Southern Jiangxi was larger than in Northern Jiangxi and Middle Jiangxi.The beginning date of 10℃ positively correlated with the phonological periods of double-season early rice in vegetative growth stage,which were uncorrelated in reproductive growth stage.Compared typical early years of the date with typical late years,the rice's growth phases obviously advanced by average 3.7-9.1 days in vegetative growth stage,which turned to delay in some stations in reproductive growth stage,and the difference between them was bellow 4 days in most stations.The whole growth stage was 3 days longer.The study results could support local agriculture production.
    Phenology Change for Woody Plants and Its Responses to Climate Warming in Hebei Province
    GAO Qi1,MIAO Qi-long2,YUE Yan-xia1(1.Shijiazhuang Meteorological Bureau,Shijiazhuang 050081,China;2.College of Atmospheric Sciences,NUIST,Nanjing 210044)
    2011, 32(01):  17-22. 
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    The phenophases change of woody plant and its responses to climate warming was analyzed by using the methods of linear trend method,Pearson correlation coefficient,EOF and REOF,based on woody plant phenological data from 10 national agro-meteorological stations and meteorological data from 47 stations from 1981 to 2006 in Hebei province.The results showed that the first leafing date of woody plants advanced in last 26 years,and most obvious in eastern coastal plain,following as central-southern plain,and the north-west mountain region not obvious.The first leaf coloring date delayed and the growing season extended.The spring temperature had significantly impact on first leafing date of woody plant,which could advance 4.6 days under 1℃ increasing.The trends of growing season had significant positive correlation to that of annual mean temperature in all stations.The result was helpful to study the relationship between phenophases and climate change in Hebei province.
    Wavelet Analysis on the Temporal Series of Precipitation in Xi'an
    QIU Hai-jun,CAO Ming-ming,ZENG Bin(College of Urban and Environment Science,Northwest University,Xi'an 710127,China)
    2011, 32(01):  23-27. 
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    This paper used the wavelet transform of the Mexican hat wavelet function to analyze the precipitation data for 45 years(1961-2005) in Xi'an,and calculated the variance yield of wavelet to study the time of precipitation variation and the characteristics of the periodic variation of precipitation in Xi'an.On the basis of the analysis of precipitation time series,the results showed that this paper revealed the different levels of precipitation in the structure and characteristics of abnormal variation and mutation and predicted the seasonal precipitation in Xi'an and the trend of the annual precipitation.Particularly,by analyzing the predicted results of wavelet,the large area of spring drought in 2009,2010 and water-logging from autumnal rains after 2005 in Guanzhong area were verified,and those results were of important reference value and significance to understand the precipitation characteristics of Xi'an,agricultural production in Xi'an and the flood prevention work of the Weihe river.In the past 45 years,the spring precipitation in Xi'an decreased significantly(P<0.05),however,the linear trend of other seasonal and annual precipitation was not significant.Nonetheless,seasonal and annual precipitation had the characteristics of multiple time scales,different time scales showed the different cyclic-alternating-patterns,the periodic variation on large scales was nesting the periodic variation on large-scales.Overall performance was from small-scale of severe shocks,no obvious regularity,to large-scale of obvious regularity and continue to enhance or first and then decrease.
    Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Bare Land and Grass Surface Temperature
    LIU Xia1,JING Yuan-shu1,WANG Chun-lin2 (1.College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Climate Center of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510080)
    2011, 32(01):  28-34. 
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    By means of the ground in situ document from Guangdong 86 weather stations,the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of bare land and grass land surface temperatures were analyzed.Results demonstrated that the bare land and grass land surface temperatures had the same tendency upon diurnal surface temperature,which was basically synchronized with the pattern of air temperature.The maximum temperature of bare land and grass surfaces occurred earlier than air temperature for about 1.18±0.95h and 1.37±1.05h,respectively,while the intervals between the minimum temperature with air temperature were about 0.20±0.66h and 0.45±0.80h,respectively.The annual variation of lands diurnal maximum,minimum and average temperature,as well as the temperature daily-range had the similar tendency as the permeability land surface,but the temperature daily-range of grass land was less than bare land.The average diurnal temperature,diurnal maximum temperature and diurnal minimum temperature for the bare land and grass surfaces presented obvious feature of latitudinal distribution.Daily average temperature and daily maximum temperature of bare land and grass increased from south to north in the summer half year and had opposite situation in the winter half year.Due to the urban heat island,the bare and grass land surface temperatures in Guangzhou as well as in the nearby stations were relatively higher than that of the around areas.
    Analysis on Change of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration and Climatic Influence Factors in Sichuan
    CHEN Chao1,2,PANG Yan-mei3,PAN Xue-biao2,WANG Chun-yan4(1.Institute of Plateau Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Chengdu 610071,China;2.College of Resources and Environment,CAU,Beijing 100193;3.Mentougou Meteorological Bureau,Beijing 102308;4.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Division,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(01):  35-40. 
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    Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET0) was a key factor to estimate crop water requirement and determine farming irrigation.The characteristics of ET0 and its major climate influence factors were analyzed respectively by using the Penman-Monteith equation and partia1 correlation analysis method,based on daily meteorological data from 5 basin stations and 5 plateau stations from 1961 to 2009 in Sichuan province.The results showed that both daily and monthly average ET0,both in basin stations and plateau stations,changed in seasons.The highest point was in summer,and the lowest point was in winter.The annual average ET0 in basin stations decreased fluctuant,and the decline rate was significant.The annua1 average ET0 in plateau stations decreased slightly except for Muli and Songpan.The annual and seasonal average ET0 in Sichuan province had close relationship to sunshine duration,wind speed,relative humidity,average temperature,maximum and minimum temperature,and air pressure.Sunshine duration reduction in last 50 years resulted to average ET0 decreased in basin stations,and the wind speed varation resulted to average ET0 decreased in plateau stations.
    Effect of Flow Velocity on Decontamination of Aquaculture Circulating Water in New Food Chain Ecological System
    CHEN Min,YANG You-quan,DENG Su-fang,LIU Zhong-zhu(Agricultural Ecology Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013,China)
    2011, 32(01):  41-45. 
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    In order to reveal the essence of water conservation and emission reduction in New Food Chain ecological shed,different current water was flew through the cultivation shelves for studying the effect of water flow velocity on purification.The results showed that using Azolla to decontaminate,the concentration of dissolved oxygen(DO) in the water increased by 0.76~0.96 mg·L-1 per layer,the concentration of ammonium nitrogen(NH+4-N) decreased by 0.94~1.19mg·L-1 per layer,was 5.07~6.40 times and 1.71~2.16 times of using lettuce respectively,which indicated that the effect of Azolla on increasing DO and removing NH+4-N was much better than lettuce.Controlled the water flow at 50mL·s-1,after water flew through one layer of lettuce and three layers of Azolla,the concentration of DO increased by 2.80mg·L-1,the total content of O2 increasing of the system was 504.0mg·h-1,the concentration of NH+4-N decreased by 3.82mg·L-1,the total content of NH+4-N removal of the system was 687.6 mg·h-1.It is obvious that Azolla is the critical plant of New Food Chain ecological shed,which play a important role in water purification.Utilizing Azolla and other plants to decontaminate water body provides new ways for solving the bottlenecks of high-density intensive aquaculture,and realizes zero discharge of sewage in aquaculture in a real sense.
    Climatology Characteristics and Comparisons of Long-wave Radiation on Two Alpine Vegetation Types
    SONG Cheng-gang1,2,ZHANG Fa-wei1,WANG Qin-xue3,DU Ming-yuan4,ZHAO Liang1,LI Ying-nian1(1.Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China;2.Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;3.National Institute for Environmental Studies,Tsukuba 3058506,Japan;4.National Institute for Agro-environmental Science,Tsukuba 3058604,Japan)
    2011, 32(01):  46-51. 
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    The earth′s boundary layer heat source is the result of downward short-wave solar radiation and upward long-wave surface radiation,which are closely correlated with the organism′s activities in the boundary.Therefore it is important to study the long-wave radiation variations for understanding ecosystem matter and energy fluxes.By analyzing the observation data measured by flux covariance system of alpine Kobresia humilis meadow and Potentilla fruticosa shrubland on the northeast of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in 2003,the variations and comparisons of upward long-wave radiation(ULR),downward long-wave radiation(DLR) and surface effective long-wave radiation(ELR) on the two vegetation types were discussed.The results showed that there were obvious diurnal and monthly variations of ULR,DLR and ELR on the two vegetation types.The peak value of monthly mean diurnal variations of ULR and DLR on the alpine meadow and shrubland appeared at 14∶00 and 16∶00-18∶00(Beijing time) and the lowest both appeared in the morning,respectively.Moreover,the maximum of ELR occurred at 14∶00 and the minimum happened at 8∶00.The highest value of monthly DLR and ULR occurred from July to September and the lowest in January and February;while ELR showed a complex change tendency.Overall,ULR and DLR of Potentilla fruticosa shrubland was much higher than that of Kobresia humilis meadow.
    Simulation Experiment of Complex Effects of Acid Rain and Cadmium on Photosynthesis of Soybean Seedling
    WEN Ke-jia,CHEN Min-min,ZHOU Qing,LIANG Chan-juan,(School of Environment and Civil Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China)
    2011, 32(01):  52-55. 
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    Complex effects of the different intensity of acid rain and cadmium(Cd)on chlorophyll content,Hill reaction rate,Mg2+-ATPase activity,fluorescence parameters and chloroplast ultrastructure in soybean seedling were investigated by biochemical analysis method,chlorophyll fluorescence system and transmission electron microscopy.The results indicated that compared with the control,in the single action of acid rain and Cd,the tendency of change in the test indexes was shown in the different way,which was the decrease in the chlorophyll content,Hill reaction rate and Mg2+-ATPase activity,the decrease and then increase in the initial fluorescence,and the increase and then decrease in the maximal photochemical efficiency(F) and maximal quantum yield.In the complex action of acid rain and Cd,the additive and synergistic effect of the single action mentioned above were observed in the change in the chlorophyll content and the Hill reaction rate(Mg2+-ATPase activity),respectively.Meanwhile,the antagonistic(synergistic) effect of the single action of acid rain and the low(high) concentration of Cd was observed in the change in the fluorescence parameters.Moreover,in the complex action of acid rain and Cd,the chloroplast ultrastructure in soybean seedling was damaged.It was further obtained from the change in the test indexes that the damage of chloroplast ultrastructure was one of the reasons why the chlorophyll content,light reaction and then photosynthesis of soybean seedling in the complex treatment with acid rain and Cd were inhibited.
    Temporal and Spatial Change of Agricultural Eco-environmental Quality Index in Fujian Province
    CHEN Hui1,WANG Jia-yi1,LI Li-chun1,LIN Jing1,XIE Yi-fang2,CHEN Jia-jin1,HUANG Jin-huang3(1.Fujian Institute of Meteorological Science,Fuzhou 350001,China;2.Fujian Meteorological Bureau,Fuzhou 350001;3.Fujian Agricultural Department,Fuzhou 350003)
    2011, 32(01):  56-60. 
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    According to the collecting principle of agricultural eco-environment quality assessment index,combining agricultural production practice in Fujian province,the assessment index system of agricultural eco-environment quality composed 13 factors and the general index formula of agricultural eco-environment quality were established.The index chat of agricultural eco-environmental quality in decades was made based on GIS,and the indices in different regions were calculated.The results showed that the agricultural eco-environmental quality became worse in recent decades in Fujian province.The area with grade 1 was shrunk,and the area with grade 5 was extended.From spatial aspect,Northwest Fujian was better than Southeast.
    Trends of Tibet's Dry-Wet Condition under Future Climate Scenario
    ZHAO Jun-fang,GUO Jian-ping,FANG Shi-bo,MAO Fei(Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
    2011, 32(01):  61-66. 
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    The drought is one of the important meteorological disasters in Tibet,and occurs in varying degrees each year.The drought has a great impact on the agriculture and livestock production.It has an important significance that forecasting the trends of Tibet′s dry-wet condition under future climate scenario for prevention and reduction of losses caused by drought in the region.Based on the daily data of A2 climate scenario(2011-2050) and baseline climate condition(1961-1990) from the regional climate model PRECIS with resolution of 50km×50km,reference crop evapotranspiration was calculated according to Penman-Monteith equation recommended by FAO.In terms of grades of wetness index from Chinese Climate Classification Criterion,Tibet is classified into arid,semi-arid,semi-humid and humid zones,respectively.The possible temporal-spatial changes of dry-wet condition in Tibet from 2011 to 2050 were analyzed based on wetness index.The results showed that: the amount of precipitation and reference crop evapotranspiration in the most regions of Tibet would increase from 2011 to 2050 compared with the baseline climate conditions from 1961 to 1990.The increase range of reference crop evapotranspiration was less than that of precipitation.However,the inter-regional differences were both significant;in the next 40 years,Tibet′s climate showed a warming and wetting trend in general.The reducing trends in arid and semi-arid areas were clear.And the increase range of average temperature was far greater than that of wetness index.Environmental water and heat factors were higher and drought gradually decreased.It was more conducive to the improvement of ecological environment;however,the different climatic zones in dry-wet conditions at different times showed different trends.The area′s reducing trend in the arid and semi-arid region and the expanding trend in the humid and semi-humid region during 2021 to 2030 would be obvious compared with the baseline climatic conditions.And the area′s reducing trend in the arid and humid region and the expanding trend in the semi-arid and semi-humid region during 2031 to 2050 would be obvious compared with the baseline climatic conditions.
    Study on Spatial-temporal Variation Characteristic of Summer Half Year ETo in Recent 48 Years in Xinjiang
    PU Zong-chao,ZHANG Shan-qing(Urumqi Meteorological Bureau of Xinjiang,Urumqi 830001,China)
    2011, 32(01):  67-72. 
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    Based on climatic data of the summer half year(from April to September) of 101 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2008 in Xinjiang,the spatial-temporal variation characteristic of summer half year potential evapotranspiration(ET0) and its climatic cause were analyzed by using the Penman-Monteith equation,linear regression,wavelet analysis,T-test and Kriging spatial interpolation methods in the recent 48 years in Xinjiang.The results showed:(1)the average ET0 in summer half year was 942.5 mm in Xinjiang,but the spatial distribution of ET0 was very obviously different in different regions,generally,the ET0 in the southern Xinjiang was larger than that in the northern,eastern larger than western,basin(valley) larger than the mountain areas.There was significant correlative relation between the spatial distribution of the ET0 and the mean temperature,sunshine hours,precipitation,mean wind speed and relative humidity in the different regions in Xinjiang.In general,the value of ET0 was large in the regions with high temperature,abundant sunshine hours,rare precipitation,lower relative humidity and large wind speed,and vice versa.(2)The correlative analysis showed that there was significantly positive correlation between the summer half year ET0 and the sunshine hours,average wind speed,and significantly negative correlation between the summer half year ET0 and precipitation,average air relative humidity.The correlative dependence was not significant between the summer half year ET0and average temperature,but the annual change tendency between them were consistent.Nearly 48 years,the mean temperature,precipitation and air relative humidity in summer half year were taking on a increasing tendency,and the wind speed was decreasing,but the trend of sunshine hours was not obvious in Xinjiang,in the comprehensive influence of climatic factors,the summer half year ET0 was significantly decreasing by the rate of-20.09mm per 10 years from 1961 to 2008 in Xinjiang.(3) The abrupt examination indicated that the summer half year ET0 had significantly sudden decreases in 1986,and the ET0 after 1986 reduce 65mm than before 1986 by 6.6%.(4)The summer half year ET0 have the cyclical change of 4~5 years,12 years and quasi-22 years.It can be seen from the wavelet transform structure of summer half year ET0,the periodic variation of the various time scales in recent years are in the positive half-period.Therefore,it is expected that the summer half year ET0 will increase in the next few years in Xinjiang.
    Impacts of Surface Ozone Exposure on Dry Matter Production and Distribution of Soybean
    ZHENG You-fei1,2,LIU Rui-na2,WU Rong-jun2,HU Cheng-da2,ZHAO Ze2,WANG Lian-xi2(1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Pollution Control,Nanjing 210044,China;2.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044)
    2011, 32(01):  73-80. 
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    The experiment was conducted to reveal the impact of surface ozone(O3)concentration increasing on dry matter production and yield of soybean,by using 9 OTCs with same structure and function.3 treatments were exposing to unfiltered air(CK),ozone concentration with 100nL·L-1(T1)and 150nL·L-1(T2) respectively.The results showed that dry matter production,number of root nodule,root noodle weight,translation rate and movement rate of root/stem decreased significantly under T1 and T2(P<0.05).T1 had no significantly effect on the translation rate of leaf in the filling stage and dry matter production rate in later filling stage.The pod appearing delayed and dry matter production rate in later filling stage decreased significantly under T2.Elevated O3decreased significantly grains number and grains weight per plant and yield,but no effect on the weight per 100 seeds.The results indicated that the yield decreasing resulted from dry matter production rate decreasing under T1,and dry matter translation restraining and dry matter production rate decreasing under T2.
    Study on Temporal Variation and Fractal Characteristics of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in the Heilonggang Basin
    LI Chun-you 1,2,ZHANG Jin-song2,MENG Ping2,Huang Hui2,Gao Jun2(1.Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,China;2.Research Institute of Forestry,CAF/Key Laboratory of Forestry Silviculture of the State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091)
    2011, 32(01):  81-88. 
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    Based on the daily data of mean temperature,maximum temperature,minimum temperature,relative humidity,wind velocity,sunshine hours and atmospheric pressure from 1957 to 2009 on five weather stations-Wuqiang,Shenze,Raoyang,Jinzhou and Xianxian in Heilonggang basin,the reference crop evapotranspiration of each station for different time scales was estimated by Penman-Monteith method.The change trend of ET0was analyzed by linear trend analysis method,and the fractal characteristics of time series for ET0 in the basin was studied by sliding R/S analysis method.The linear trend analysis indicated that the climate tendency ratio of annual ET0of every station over the years in the history since 1957 was between-33.81~-10.79 mm per 10 years,which all were in a decreasing trend,but presented great difference between each station;the monthly climate tendency ratio was between-11.27~2.02 mm per 10 years,most of it was under 0,the lowest monthly climate tendency ratio was in May and June in each station;the climate tendency ratio of each season was between-15.87~1.3 mm per 10 years,the ratio was the difference between each station in summer,and there was the maximum difference between Raoyang and other stations in summer.The comparative analysis of climate tendency ratio for meteorological factors showed the main reason which resulted in the decreasing trend of ET0 in the basin were the decreasing of wind speed and sunshine hours,and the increasing of daily maximum and minimum temperature;the main reason which resulted in the evident decreasing trend of ET0 in May and June were the decreasing of wind speed and sunshine hours,the slower increasing of daily mean temperature,and the evident increasing of relative humidity;the main reason which resulted in great difference between Raoyang and other four stations for ET0 change trend were the slower decreasing of wind speed and sunshine hours,the slower increasing of daily maximum and minimum temperature,the evident decreasing of relative humidity and atmospheric pressure in February,March,November and December,which causing the increasing trend of monthly ET0 in these months and the slower decreasing trend of annual ET0.The result of R/S analysis showed that over the year and in each season,the Hurst indexes in each station were greater than 0.5,the correlation coefficient were greater than 0.98,and the fractal dimensions were less than 1.5.This suggested that the time series for ET0 of the year and each season have a sustainability,ET0 in the future would decrease,and the decreasing trend also exists in monthly ET0 in other stations except for Raoyang.
    Investigation and Evaluation on Nitrate Contamination Status of Groundwater in Rural Areas of Shandong Province
    GAO Xin-hao1,2,JIANG Li-hua1,LIU Zhao-hui1,LI Xiao-lin2,LIN Hai-tao1,TAN De-shui1,SONG Xiao-zong1,ZHENG Fu-li1(1.Soil and Fertilizer Institute,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China;2.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193)
    2011, 32(01):  89-93. 
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    Nitrate content is an important index to evaluate the quality of drinking water which affects human health directly.As to evaluate the nitrate contamination status of groundwater in rural areas of Shandong province,a large-scale investigation and water-sampling analysis on nitrate concentration in local groundwater from 16 cities was performed,and the main influence factors of nitrate contamination were studied.The results showed that the nitrate concentration of groundwater was affected obviously by sampling period,sampling area,and cultivation system.Lower nitrate concentration in groundwater after raining period was observed than that before raining period,as the concentration being 6.74mg·L-1and 14.12mg·L-1respectively.As to different cultivation systems,the highest nitrate concentration was observed in groundwater samples from open-field vegetable area followed by orchard area,protected vegetable area,and cereal,cotton and oil area,as the over-limit ration being 65.71%,60.71%,50.98% and 24.74% respectively.The nitrate contamination was also affected by sampling area significantly as the higher over-limit ratio was observed in Qingdao and Yantai than other cities,and the nitrate concentration in groundwater from Liaocheng,Dezhou,Binzhou,and Heze was found to be lower than 5mg·L-1.Of all the 516 water samples in Shandong province,the nitrate concentration was found to reach to 10.43mg·L-1and the over-limit ratio reach to 14.15%.
    Analysis on Ecological Conditions and Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco in Lijiang
    YANG Kun1,YANG Huan-wen1,LI Fo-lin1,DUAN Shu-cang2,CHEN Mao-jian2,LI Cheng-jie2,CAI Han-yu2(1.College of Tobacco Science,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China;2.Lijiang Prefecture Corporation of Yunnan Tobacco Company,Lijiang 674100)
    2011, 32(01):  94-99. 
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    To reveal the mechanism of Lijiang tobacco quality,the ecological condition and chemical components of flue-cured tobacco in Lijiang were analyzed based on local data of climate,soil,ecology,and tobacco.The results showed that the climate of tobacco-growing areas in Lijiang was quite different during tobacco growing season.There were long sunshine hours,feasible temperature,low humidity and precipitation during root extending stage,as short sunshine hours but more scattering light,low temperature,high humidity and precipitation during maturing stage.The soil condition had strong capability of storing nutrients and feasible pH value,the content of organic matter was rich,the content of available N,P,K,Mg,Zn and water soluble Cl were medium or high,the content of available Ca and available Mo were quite high,the content of available B was low.The content of total sugar and reducing sugar in tobacco leaves were high,nicotine content was feasible,but K and Cl content were lower than other regions,the ratio of reducing sugar to total sugar was low,the ratio of sugar to nicotine was high,the ratio of K to Cl was obviously higher than other regions.In brief,the combination and distribution of the radiation,temperature and precipitation during the growing season were ecological reason to high quality tobacco in Lijiang.
    Climatic Division and Risk Evaluation for Potato Planting in Ningxia
    WANG Lian-xi1,ZHU Yun-yun1,LI Jian-ping2,SONG Yu-zhi1,LI Qi1(1.Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Ningxia Key Laboratory for Preventing and Reducing Meteorological Disaster,Yinchuan 750002)
    2011, 32(01):  100-105. 
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    The relative meteorological yield of potato was calculated by using line moving average method based on potato yield data from 1978 to 2007 in Ningxia,and then the climatic division indices were determined by using integral regression analysis method.The distribution of climatic resources was analyzed by small grids method based on ArcGIS,and then the climatic division for potato was conducted under the condition of irrigation and non-irrigation.The result showed that suitable area mainly was in Southern Ningxia,sub-suitable area and the planting area mainly was in Central Ningxia,unsuitable area was in Northern Ningxia under non-irrigation.The suitable area was greatly extended in Northern Ningxia with irrigation.The risk assessment,used comprehensive risk index combining the yield reduction,variation coefficient,and annual reduction rate less than-10% in the poor harvest year,showed that the area with low risk mainly was in Southern Ningxia,the area with moderate risk included Yanchi,Zhongning,Zhongwei,and the area with high risk mainly included the most parts of Northern Ningxia and Haiyuan,Tongxin in Central Ningxia.
    Comparison of Stomatal Conductance Models for Winter Wheat
    LI Yong-xiu,LOU Yun-sheng,ZHANG Fu-cun(key Laboratory of Agrometeorology of Jiangsu/College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)
    2011, 32(01):  106-110. 
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    To evaluate the applicability of four common-used stomatal conductance models for winter wheat,parameters of two Ball-Berry models and two Jarvis models were determined using experimental data.Then the four models were validated and compared.Results showed that the correlation coefficients between predicted and observed stomatal conductance for Jarvis model 1,Jarvis model 2,Ball-Berry model 1 and Ball-Berry model 2 were 0.854,0.777,0.751,0.784,respectively.The corresponding root mean squared error(RMSE) for the four models were 0.149,0.247,0.183,0.169 mol·m-2·s-1,respectively.Based on these results,it was concluded that the prediction accuracy of the four models were in order of Jarvis model 1> Ball-Berry model 2>Ball-Berry model 1>Jarvis model 2.The results of this study were expected to provide references for simulation of field evapotranspiration,land surface process and ecosystem.
    Analysis of the Variation of Key Parameters in the Leaf Photosynthesis Models with the Evolution of Winter Wheat Varieties in the North China Plain
    LIU Lu1,LIU Jian-dong2,Lü Hou-quan3,FAN Guang-zhou1,BI Jian-jie4,ZHANG Kun4(1.Chendu University of Information Technology,Chengdu 610225,China;2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081;3.Center for National Meteorology,Beijing 100081;4.Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018)
    2011, 32(01):  111-114. 
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    The parameter of the response of photosynthesis to CO2 is one of the most important variables in the crop growth models.The leaf photosynthesis of winter wheat varieties over decades was measured with Licor-6200 portable photosynthesis analyzer,based on which a simplified leaf photosynthesis model involved with CO2 direct impact was established.The key parameter μ,which was used to describe the response of leaf photosynthesis to the environmental CO2,was identified for each variety of winter wheat in different decades with the established model.Statistical analysis of the μ values indicated that it changed obviously between different varieties of winter wheat in North China Plain with a range from 0.57 to 1.02,but without any obvious time trend.The analysis result showed that correlation between μ,the initial quantum efficiency α and the maximum photosynthesis Pmax were lower,which provided the experimental prove for the valid of the simplified leaf photosynthesis model.This work surely could be referred in developing the winter wheat growth model in the North China Plain in the near future.
    Mid and Long-term Forecast Model for the Early Florescence of Heze Peony
    KONG Fan-zhong1,LIU Ji-min1,KONG Li2,ZHANG Zong-hao1(1.Heze Meteorological Bureau in Shandong Province,Heze 274000,China;2.Jiading District Weather Office ofShanghai,Shanghai 201821)
    2011, 32(01):  115-121. 
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    Heze peony has a short florescence and its early florescence scattered by years,which has seriously impeded the Heze International Peony Festival.In this paper,comparison between the 500hPa atmospheric circulation characteristics of the early period of the typical years with in-advance and delayed peony early florescence has been conducted and a clear deviation was found.Subsequently,the correlation analysis was carried out by month on the 500hPa monthly average height of the northern hemisphere from April to March of the next year,utilizing the florescence series from 1964 to 2006.The analysis showed 41 regions with advantaged correlation,with four positive correlation and the others being negative correlation.The occurrence of the positive and negative correlation regions depended on time and area.The positive correlation occurredin winter at the high lattitude area in the north of the Pacific and the Atlantic.The negative correlation started between April and May of the last year in the north of the Indian and the northern equatorial Pacific,and then spreaded northwards.Using representative grid points in the positive correlation region as the forecast factors,the equation system for the mid and long-term forecast of the peony florescence was constructed.The effective forecast period of the model was found to be longer than 150 days.The model has been validated through tests over the past several years,and is expected to help increase the forecast period on the florescence of flowers.
    Ecological Climate Suitability Division for Citrus in Southern Shaanxi Based on GIS
    ZHU Lin1,LI Xing-min2,ZHU Yan-nian2,HE Wen-li1,BAI Qin-feng1(1.Shaanxi Meteorological Service Station for Economic Crops,Xi'an 710015,China;2.Shaanxi Institute of Meteorological Sciences,Xi'an 710015)
    2011, 32(01):  122-128. 
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    Qinling-Bashan mountainous area situated in the north subtropical climate zone,which was the north edge of citrus planting.In order to utilize local agricultural climatic resources,optimize agriculture industry structure and reduce the loss caused by natural disasters,the climate suitability for citriculture in Qinling-Bashan Mountain areas was divided by using GIS spatial analyst and cartography and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,based on meteorological data in last 30 years in this region.The division indices included average extremely minimum temperature,average temperature of January,annual average temperature and annual average precipitation.The results showed that the suitable area was located in the hilly mountain area below 700m elevation.Though topography characteristic also should be considered,those areas cold air flew easy were good for citriculture preventing freezing harm.
    Monitoring and Assessment to Snow and Its Impacts on Agriculture Based on MODIS
    SHEN Bin1,FANG Shi-bo2,GAO Xi-ning1,WANG Wei3(1.College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,China;2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081;3.College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044)
    2011, 32(01):  129-133. 
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    Continuous low temperature,heavy snow and freezing emerged in Central China in mid-November 2009.The situation and impact of snow was analyzed and evaluated based on MODIS date and NDSI.The results showed that the curve of snow area changed as a single peak,the maximum value was on November 15th.The key snow area was in Shanxi province with 62.89×104km2,following Shaanxi,Henan and Hebei province with 40.10×104km2,37.62×104km2,37.58×104km2 respectively.No more than 10.5×104km2 in Shandong,Hubei and Beijing.The rapeseed has been negative impact due to seeding stage.However,the winter wheat could get more moisture during over-wintering stage.
    Assessment to Impacts of Late Spring Frosts in Hubei Province
    MA De-li,LIU Min,LI Lan,DENG Ai-juan(Wuhan Regional Climate Center,Wuhan 430074,China)
    2011, 32(01):  134-138. 
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    The characteristics of late spring frost,including the temperature decreasing range,average daily minimum temperature continues days,was analyzed based on late spring frost data from 9 stations in Hubei province from 1951 to 2010.Assessment model to forecasting late spring frost was established by using principal component analysis method.The results showed that the frequency of late spring frost in March generally decreased in Hubei province last 60years.The frequency of late spring frost in April decreased obviously during the 1980s and 1990s but increased in the first 10 years of this century.From decadal aspect,there was no clear trend in the average maximums temperature decrease,but it was greater in March than that in April.The minimum daily average temperature of late spring frost in March and April decreased slightly in the first 10 years of this century.The average duration of late spring frost decreased slightly from 1951 to 2010,as totally 4.1 days.
    Forecasting Model of Meteorological Suitability for Occurrence and Development of Valsa sordida Nits in North China
    WANG Chun-zhi1,GUO An-hong1,WANG Yu-ling2,ZHOU Yu-jiang3,MAO Liu-xi1(1.National Meteorological Center,Beijing 100081,China;2.Forest Disease and Pest Prevention Station,StateForestry Administration,Beijing 100714;3.Liaoning Experimental Forest Center,Shenyang 113311)
    2011, 32(01):  139-143. 
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    Based on the data of meteorology and monitoring on Valsa sordida Nits during 2002-2008 in 18 observation stations of Hebei province,the relationship between the occurrence and development of Valsa sordida Nits and meteorological conditions was analyzed applying correlation and regression analysis method.The results showed that the precipitation,rain day,relative humidity and temperature-humidity coefficient were positively related to the incidence of Valsa sordida Nits.It was favorable to the development of Valsa sordida Nits as the precipitation,rain day,relative humidity and temperature-humidity coefficient increased,while it was not favorable to the development of Valsa sordida Nits as the sunshine duration,extreme air temperature increased.The key meteorological factors which affected the occurrence and development of Valsa sordida Nits in Hebei province were temperature-humidity coefficients in March and April,the sunshine hours in the third ten days of March and April,air temperature in the first and third ten days of April,the extremely minimum air temperature in the first ten days of March and April and also last December respectively.The meteorological suitability forecasting model was established based on the normalized key meteorological factors.The validation results by the historical return test showed that forecasting accuracy for meteorological suitability models was 91% by comparing meteorological grade with actual grade.The meteorological grade of the occurrence fastigium during May to June in 2009 was forecasted with forecasting accuracy by 78% by trial forecast.The meteorological conditions in March and April were the key environmental factors affecting the occurrence and development of this disease in North China.The model could be put into the operational application in North China.
    A Meteorological Forecast Model for Occurrence Area of the First Generation Larvae of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus
    TANG Hong-yan(Xing'an Meteorological Bureau of Inner Mongolia,Wulanhaote 137400,China)
    2011, 32(01):  144-147. 
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    The relationship between occurrence area of the first generation larvae of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus and climate conditions was analyzed based on occurrence data of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeusand and meteorological data from 1996 to 2009,and the main meteorological factors influenced occurrence of the first generation larvae of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus were determined.The meteorological forecast model for occurrence area of the first generation larvae of Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus was established by using multiple regression method based on the survival adult quantity in spring and main meteorological factors.The results showed that occurrence area of first generation Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus had positive correlation to relative humidity of mid-and-later May,and average temperature of mid-June,and had negative correlation to average temperature of mid-May and early June,relative humidity of mid-June.77% prediction was consistent with the actual situation and 15% prediction was grade 1 difference with actual situation through back substitution test.100% prediction accuracy meet grade 3.The model also tested by forecasting occurrence area of first generation Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus in 2009,and it could provide references for understanding and controlling occurrence of first generation Loxostege sticticalis Linnaeus in local.