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    10 April 2011, Volume 32 Issue 02
    Overview on the Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture in Ningxia
    WANG Lian-xi1,LI Jing1,LI Jian-ping2,LI Qi1,WU Rong-jun1(1.Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Ningxia Key Laboratory for Preventing and Reducing Meteorological Disaster,Yinchuan 750002)
    2011, 32(02):  155-160. 
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    Since the middle of 1960s,the main characteristics of the climatic change in Ningxia are that,the temperature has risen and on the other side the precipitation has decreased.Around 1986,there had a abrupt temperature change,and then the average temperature has increased by 1.0℃.The simulation forecast showed that the average temperatures of winter,summer and the whole year would significantly increase,and the precipitation will increase over baseline period in Ningxia in 2080s.For the main crops,after the climate warming in Ningxia,the production of wheat has declined significantly in the range of 30% to 60%.However,the climate change has created the condition to introduce the high yielding varieties of rice which could decrease the yield change rate and ensuring high yield.The increase of temperature within 2.8℃ would benefit the maize production,but more than 2.8℃ may cut down the production.The increase of average temperature in growth period has had a negative impact on potato production,the growth period would begin earlier and end later,which could extend the growing season about 15 days.For the local agricultural production in Ningxia,just as the wolfberry,watermelon and wine grapes have been affected by the adverse effects of climate warming and rainfall decrease and supplemental irrigation must be taken in reason.The climate warming also has provided more adequate and more favorable energy resources to the growth of thermophilic crops like wine grapes,corn etc.which would improve the quality of these crops.In addition,climate warming has enlarged the suitable plant areas,and also has changed the varieties of crops from the early maturation to the late,developed the multi-cropping system to the north and increased the multiple cropping indexes.But the warming trend would increase the adverse impact of pest and disease on the crops.In irrigated areas,it is favorable to develop the characteristic agriculture of thermophilic crops,just like but not limited to wine grapes and watermelon,through expanding the plant area.
    Analysis of Changing Characteristics of Agricultural Climate Resources in the Main Planted Areas of Winter Wheat in China over Last 50 Years
    CAO Qian1,YAO Feng-mei1,LIN Er-da2,ZHANG Jia-hua3,WANG Pei-juan3,QIN Peng-cheng1(1.College of Earth Science,Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;2.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081;3.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(02):  161-166. 
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    Based on the daily meteorological data of 113 weather stations in the main planted areas of winter wheat from 1961 to 2008,the characteristic of agricultural climate resources during the growing period of winter wheat was analyzed by using Mann-Kendall rank analysis and linear trend estimate method.The results indicated that the accumulated temperature higher than 0℃ during the growing period of winter wheat significantly increased,and it had an abrupt change in the beginning of 1990s.The precipitation and reference evapotranspiration had little change during the growing period of winter wheat over last 50 years,however,the fluctuation of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration inter-annual was intensified.The reference evapotranspiration decreased in 1980s and increased slightly after 1990s.The first frost date was delayed and the last frost date was ahead of time,which caused decrease of the frost days over the last 50 years.The first frost date delayed significantly and the last frost date became earlier since the beginning of 2000s.
    Responses of Woody Plants' Spring Phenology to Climate Changes in Shandong
    ZANG Hai-jia1,LI Xing-yu1,LI Jun2,CAI Jian1(1.National Meteorological Information Center,Beijing 100081,China;2.Department of Forecasting and Information System of CMA,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(02):  167-173. 
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    Based on daily meteorological observations and annual spring phonological data from 1981 to 2009 of 10 national argometeorological stations in Shandong province,tendencies of climate and phenological changes and the relationship between phenophase and vaule of elements were analyzed using methods of linear and correlation analysis.The results showed that:(1)spring temperature significantly increased,and vapor in the spring tended to be higher in the last 30 years,(2) the woody plants' spring phonological records had universal to be premature.The rate of increase was between 0.13 and 1.11 days per year,(3)in Shandong province,spring phenophae of woody plants showed significant negative correlation with spring temperature,accumulated temperature,and vapor pressure in March.The accumulated active temperature prior to the spring phenophase was one of the major contributing factors,and spring temperature increase and vapor pressure increase in March were potential causes for the phenophase to move up in the last 29 years.
    Character of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration of Robinia pseudoacacia Plantation During the Minor Growing Season in South Hilly Area of North China
    LV Hai-yan1,LI Yu-ling1,MENG Ping2,ZHANG Jin-song2,LU Sen2,WANG Ping1(1.Agriculture University of Hebei,Baoding 071000,China;2.Research Institute of Forestry CAF/Key Laboratoryof Tree Breeding and Cultivation,State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091)
    2011, 32(02):  174-178. 
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    Rate of soil heterotrophic respiration(Rh)of a 40-year-old Robinia pseudoacacia plantation during the minor growing season in the south hilly region of north China were analyzed.The experiments were conducted in Jiyuan city of Henan province from Nov.2009 to Mar.2010,and soil heterotrophic respiration rate was measured by Li-8100 automatic monitoring system.The main results were as follows:(1)the diurnal variation of Rh was not apparent but the daily Rh changed significantly during this season.The averaged Rh was 0.426μmol·m-2·s-1 in the whole minor growing season.(2)Significant relationship was found between Rh and soil temperature at the 5cm depth(P<0.01),which could be well described by exponential equations.Rh increased with the increasing of Ts at the 5cm depth and Q10 was 1.86.Rh was significantly related to soil temperature(Ts) and soil moisture(SW) at 5cm depth.SW was the most important soil physical parameter that effected on Rh through comparing the partial coefficient of Ts and SW at the 5cm depth.
    Effects of Fertilization and Environment Factors on N_2O Emission in Spring Corn Field in North China Plain——A Case Study of Jinzhong in Shanxi Province
    ZHOU-Peng1,LI Yu-e2,LIU Li-min1,WAN Yun-fan2,LIU Yun-tong2(1.College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,China;2.Institute of Environment and SustainableDevelopment in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment and Climate Change,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(02):  179-184. 
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    N2O fluxes of spring corn fields in North China Plain with different fertilization(mineral fertilizer,manure,combination of mineral fertilizer and manure,and no fertilizer) were measured using automatic sampling and analyzing system based on static chambers and gas chromatography(GC).N2O emissions from spring corn fields with different treatments were calculated and the regulations of emission were analyzed.The relationships between soil N2O fluxes and soil temperature,moisture and available nitrogen content were analyzed.Fertilization measures which would reduce N2O emission and increase yield under the same level of nitrogen application were identified.Experiment results showed that significant differences(P<0.05) in the N2O flux among different treatments.The total N2O-N emission of fertilized fields ranged from 0.99 to 1.17kg·ha-1,accounting for 0.45%~0.55% of the applied N.There was a significantly positive correlation between N2O flux and soil ammonium nitrogen content(P<0.01).Soil water content was found to be a key factor to regulate N2O emission.There was a significant positive correlation between N2O flux and soil water content.Combination application of mineral fertilizer and manure was the best practice to reduce N2O emission without significant yield reduction.
    Comparative Study of Cambium Temperature of North-unexposed and South-exposed Bark of Korla Fragrant Pear Tree
    BATUR Bake1,HALIL Kurban2,RUXIAN Musa1,ZHENG Xiao-hui1(1.College of Grassland and Environmental Science,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;2.College of Forestry and Horticulture,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052)
    2011, 32(02):  185-189. 
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    A monitoring system was used to measure and record the cambium temperature of north-unexposed(NU) and south-exposed(SE) bark of Korla fragrant pear tree and the main weather factors across different seasons in Korla,Xinjiang,China.The variations of the cambium temperature of NU and SE barks and the possibility of thawing-freezing and sunscald damage of the two sides were analyzed.The results showed that the cambium temperature variations of NU and SE bark were different in each season.Cambium temperature fluctuations of SE bark were much bigger than that of NU bark,especially in winter.Cambium temperature difference between the NU and the SE bark were smaller in summer than in other seasons.Cambium temperature of SE bark was clearly higher than that of NU bark during daytime,but was slightly lower at night.The highest cambium temperature fluctuations of SE bark was 33.14℃,which occurred in winter,it was 17.14℃ higher than that of the NU bark.The minimum cambium temperature of SE bark was lower than that of NU,but the maximum cambium temperature of SE bark was higher than that of NU.Hence,SE bark was more likely to be damaged by freezing injury and sunscald during winter.The maximum cambium temperature of SE bark was higher than NU bark in summer,and the duration of higher than temperature 40°C lasted more than 20 d.Hence,SE bark was more likely to be damaged by sunburn in summer.
    Effects of Water Stress-Rewatering at Jointing Stage on Dry Matter Accumulation and WUE of Winter Wheat
    YAN Yong-luan1,HAO Wei-ping2,MEI Xu-rong2,BAI Qing-jun1,LIU Lin1(1.Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018,China;2.Institute ofEnvironment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,CAAS/Key Laboratory of Dryland Agriculture,MOA,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(02):  190-195. 
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    A pot experiment with four water stress treatments and one CK(full irrigation during whole growth period) designed according to deficit degree(mild 60% FC and severe 40% FC) and stress duration(5d and 10d),was conducted to study the effects of water stress-rewatering at jointing stage on dry matter accumulation,allocation,yield and WUE of winter wheat with the representative triticum cultivars Shijiazhuang 8 in north China.The results of this study showed that the dry matter of root,stem,leaf and the dry weight per plant were decreased under water stress at jointing stage,and dry matter accumulation of all the water stress treatments were less than CK,the greater the stress level the greater negative effects on dry matter accumulation.Root partitioning index and root/shoot ratio were increased under mild water stress with 5d stress duration,but any degree and duration of water stress had the adverse effect on the leaf dry matter accumulation and allocation compared with CK,the yields of all stress treatments were decreased under water stress at jointing stage,however,WUE was improved significantly under mild water stress with 5d duration,which was improved by 9.4% compared with CK.Finally,experimental results indicated that WUE of winter wheat could be increased by short-term mild water stress imposed at jointing stage,while dry matter accumulation and yield were not affected significantly.
    Radial Variation of Sap Flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait During Growing Season
    LIU Chao1,LI Chun-you1,ZHANG Jin-song2,MENG Ping2,JIA Chang-rong3(1.Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071000,China;2.Research Institute of Forestry,CAF/Key Laboratory of ForestSilviculture of the State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091;3.Dagouhe National Forest Farm of Jiyuan,Jiyuan 454650)
    2011, 32(02):  196-202. 
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    The radial variation of sap flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait trunk and the relationship with meteorological factors was analyzed based on the data,which has been monitored sap flow at 10mm,20mm,30mm Ligustrum lucidum Ait trunk by TDP(Thermal Dissipation Sapwood Flow Velocity Probe) method from May to October,2010 in Xiaolangdi ecological station,Henan province.The results showed that the average sap flow velocity of Ligustrum lucidum Ait changed as "low-high-low" during growing season on the south and north of the tree,Fs_20>Fs_30>Fs_10.The trends of average sap flow velocity at three depth were basically the same on south and north in different months.June>July>August>September>October>May for south and July>June>August>September>October>May for north.The sap flow velocity in three typical was Fs_10>Fs_20>Fs_30 in spring,Fs_20>Fs_30>Fs_10 in summer and autumn.The starting time of sap flow was Fs_10>Fs_20>Fs_30,the pausing time was Fs_30>Fs_20>Fs_10 during growing season.The closer point was to cambium,the earlier the sap flow started and the later paused.The trends of sap flow velocity in daily and seasonal variability were all similar at different depths.The sap flow velocity at different depths showed sharp-peak,wide-peak,double peaks curves in spring,summer and autumn respectively in sunny days,and all showed multi-peak curves in cloudy days.The starting time of sap flow in summer was earlier than that in spring and autumn,and the pausing time was later than that in spring and autumn.Therefore,the peak duration of sap flow in summer was longer than that spring and autumn,and the curve was wider than that in spring and autumn.
    Dynamics of Sap Flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait in Bough and Branches during Autumn and Winter
    TIAN Lu-yang1,LI Chun-you1,ZHANG Jin-song2,MENG Ping2,GAO Jun2(1.Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071000,China;2.Research Institute of Forestry,CAF/Key Laboratory ofForest Silviculture of the State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091)
    2011, 32(02):  203-207. 
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    The relationship of sap flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait between bough and branches was analyzed by using TDP(Thermal Dissipation Sapwood Flow Velocity Probe) method from September to December,2000 in Xiaolangdi ecological station,Henan province.The diameters of branches ranked as bough>branch 1#>branch 2#>branch 3#.The Results showed that the diurnal variation of sap flow of changed as a single-peak curve both for bough and branches,and velocity variation kept same too.There was significant correlation between bough and branches with r1 =0.997,r2 =0.933,r3 =0.997.The peak sap flow in bough was higher than branches,and the peak sap flow and average velocity of branches ranked as 1#>3#>2#.Velocity of branch 2 changed little just because of its small diameter.The sap flow sum of branches was similar to that of bough at consecutive sunny days.Branches had greater impact from outside factors than bough.Lower temperature and less solar radiation need more time for sap flow recovering after rain.
    Analysis on Dry and Wet Variation of Ground Surface and Influenced Factors in Typical Grassland Areas of Inner Mongolia
    BAI Mei-lan1,HAO Run-quan2,HOU Qiong3,DI Rui-qi1(1.Inner Mongolia Climate Center,Hohhot 010051,China;2.Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center of InnerMongolia,Hohhot 010051;3.Inner Mongolia Meteorological Science Research Institute,Hohhot 010051)
    2011, 32(02):  208-213. 
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    It was important for understanding the reason of pasture degradation and recovering the grasslands ecological environments to analyze the impact of climate change on dry and wet conditions in typical grassland areas.The new factors,including potential evaporation amount,aridity index of ground surface and water budget,were calculated by using the Penman-Monteith equation,based on meteorological data from 25 stations during 1961 to 2008 in typical grassland areas.The temporal and spatial variation of dry and wet conditions of ground surface in typical grassland areas was analyzed,the relationship between meteorological factors and dry and wet conditions was discussed.The result showed that all the aridity indexes were above 2 during grass growing season in typical grassland areas,the water budget was more than 400mm.Dry and wet condition change temporal in typical grassland areas obviously,the severe water budget and high aridity index occurred during 1960s-1970s and 2001-2008,but not occurred during 1980s and 1990s.Precipitation and relative humidity were key factors to wet and dry conditions of ground surface in typical grassland areas(r>0.8),followed by sunshine duration(r>0.6),average temperature and average velocity.
    Comparative Analysis on Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Based on Two Different Time Steps Meteorological Data
    YANG Xiu-qin1,ZHONG Ping-an2(1.Applied Hydro-meteorological Research Institute of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.College of Hydrology and Water Resources,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098)
    2011, 32(02):  214-219. 
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    Daily reference crop evapotranspiration ET0 was calculated from two different time steps of daily and monthly mean meteorological data by using the Penman-Monteith equation and the monthly ET0 was accumulated,based on meteorological data in the stations of Yanzhou(1981-1986),Heze(1981-1986) and Dingtao(1997-2002),which all located in Sihu basin.The differences of monthly ET0 value were evaluated,by which analyzed whether ET0 can be computed from mean monthly weather data instead of daily mean weather data in case of unavailable daily mean weather data.The results showed that two monthly ET0 value was very similar,and there was a significant positive correlation between them.The annual ET0 value calculated with mean monthly data was higher 2.0% than that calculated with daily mean data.The former was lower 3.7% than latter in warm season,and was higher 8.1% in cold season,which showed that the key deviation was occurred in cold season.The mean monthly data was similar to that calculated with daily mean data,especially in warm season.No matter in warm or cold season,the difference of monthly ET0 values calculated with two time steps data was mainly due to differences calculation of energy item in the whole year.The lower ET0 value occurred in warm season just because of the energy items decreasing,which was about accounting for 131.8% of the difference of two monthly ET0 values,as the higher ET0 value occurred in warm season just because of the energy items increasing,which was about accounting for 92.1% of the difference of two monthly ET0 values.
    Impacts of Attenuated UV-B Radiation on Microclimate Factors of Cultivating Flue-cured Tobacco
    TIAN Xian-jiao1,CHEN Zong-yu1,ZHANG De-guo2,DONG Chen-wen-hua1,JI Peng1(1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,China;2.College of Resource andEnvironment,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224)
    2011, 32(02):  220-226. 
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    Potted experiment for flue-cured tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.)K326 was conducted with 3 different attenuated UV-B radiation treatments.The impacts of different treatments on microclimate factors were analyzed at early maturity stage of flue-tobacco by using ridge regression analysis.The results showed that the diurnal curve of air temperature(Ta),photosynthetic active radiation(PAR) and vapor pressure deficit(VPD) around tobacco leaf increased,and the diurnal curve of Carbon-dioxide concentration(Ca) and air relative humidity(RH) decreased.All treatments inhibited Ca and RH,but promoted Ta,especially in treatment 2.Treatment 3 was helpful for tobacco leaf absorbing and utilizing radiation.To sum,the impacts of UV-B radiation on microclimate factors were different with different attenuated UV-B radiation treatments.
    Impact of the Regional Climate Variations on Rice Yield in East China
    SUN Wei-guo1,2,CHENG Bing-yan3,YANG Shen-bin1,2,SUN Wen-ting2(1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Agricultural Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044;3.Climate Center of Chongqing City,Chongqing 401147)
    2011, 32(02):  227-234. 
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    For revealing the impact of regional climate variations on rice yield in East China,the time-frequency characteristics of the rice yield,average temperature and precipitation during rice growth period and the multi-time scale correlations between meteorological yield and regional climate variations in East China were analyzed by power spectrum and cross wavelet transform method.The results showed that both of rice yield fluctuate and regional climate variations in East China had the interannual and interdecadal scale periods.Positive correlation between meteorological yield and average temperature during rice growth period appeared in most of time-frequency space,higher coherence of the correlation oscillations mainly showed at 2~3 years,4~6 years,10~14 years and 16 years scale.The significant of interdecadal correlation was exhibited at a stage and the interannual correlations were localized in time space.The significant periods of the correlation oscillations between meteorological yield and precipitation during rice growth period were quasi-biannual,3~4 years,8~10 years and 16 years,the coherence of negative correlation oscillations before 1985 as a result of more precipitation was obviously higher than the positive correlation oscillations after 1985 due to less precipitation.It was found that the rice yield fluctuate had a closely relation with regional climate variations in East China,the influence of warming of regional climate on rice yield was greatly bigger than the reducing of precipitation.The main causes of rice yield fluctuate were the increasing of climatic disasters due to unusual climate changes in East China.
    Impacts of Variations in Air Temperature and Precipitation on the Growth Stages of Winter Wheat and Rice in Typical Agricultural Zones of Jiangsu Province
    CHEN Shu-tao1,WANG Rang-hui1,XU Xia-zhen2,XIANG Ying2,CHEN Hai-shan3(1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Jiangsu Climate Center,Nanjing 210008;3.College of Atmopheric Science,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044)
    2011, 32(02):  235-239. 
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    In order to investigate the impacts of air temperature and precipitation on the growth stages of winter wheat and rice,the climate and crop phenophase datasets in typical agricultural zones of Jiangsu province were analyzed.The climate datasets are composed of the air temperature and precipitation data from 1992 to 2005 in Xuzhou,Kunshan and Yixing.The phenophase datasets are composed of the recorded main growth stages of winter wheat in Xuzhou and Kunshan from 1992 to 2004 and rice in Xuzhou and Yixing from 1993 to 2005.The results indicated that the whole winter wheat growth period shortened by the increase in mean air temperature.There was no significant corelation between the winter wheat growth period and precipitation.With the increase in mean air temperature,the stages of stem elongation,booting and flowering of winter wheat tended to be earlier,while the stage of milking maturity tended to be later.No significant relationship between winter wheat growth stages and precipitation were observed.Further investigations indicated that there was no significant relationship between the whole rice growth period and mean air temperature or precipitation.The stages of stem elongation,booting,heading and maturing of rice showed no significant change with the increase in mean air temperature.These results indicated that the variations in air temperature significantly affected the growth stages of winter wheat rather than that of rice.
    Development Process of Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity Based on Crop Models
    QIN Peng-cheng1,YAO Feng-mei1,CAO Xiu-xia2,ZHANG Jia-hua3,CAO Qian1(1.College of Earth Science/key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics,Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;2.Institute of Cotton Research,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Anyang 455004;3.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beijing 100081)
    2011, 32(02):  240-245. 
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    Simulation modeling is a particularly important tool for estimating the impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity,so as to attract much attentions and applications.The development process of modeling of climate change impacts on agricultural productivity was given,including the modeling of climate change impacts on agricultural productivity by changing climate parameters artificlally,linking to climate scenarios,and integrating with other models for compositive simulations.Basing on the analysis on the key issues of making choice between empirical and mechanistic models,field and region scale,determined and probabilistic climate scenarios,the indeterminacy and problems existed and prospects were given.
    Climate Regionalization of Wen Radix Codonopsis Planting Based on GIS in Gansu Province
    YIN Dong1,YIN Hong2,ZHANG Xu-dong3(1.Lanzhou Central Meteorological Observatory,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.First People's Hospital of Lanzhou City,Lanzhou 730050;3.Lanzhou Regional Climatic Center,Lanzhou 730020)
    2011, 32(02):  246-249. 
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    According to the climatic condition of the Wen Radix Codonopsis growing,four climatic factors including the≥0℃accumulated temperature,the average temperature of the hottest month in a year,the aridity and the annual sunshine duration were selected as the indices to classify climate regionalization of Wen Radix Codonopsis planting in Gansu province,China.The spatial analyzing models of the these indices were constructed in different climate regionalization,respectively.And the regionalization indices in 100m×100m fine-grid were calculated.The fine-grid climate regionalization of Wen Radix Codonopsis planting in Gansu province was carried out by using ArcView9.2 with GIS technology.The optimum planting area,the suitable planting area and the unsuitable area for Wen Radix Codonopsis planting were classified.The results showed that the optimum planting areas and the suitable planting areas in Longnan mountainous areas of Gansu province were located in the most part of Wen county,Wudu county,Tanchang county and Zhouqu county,the part of Li county and Xihe county,and a small part of Cheng county and Kang county.These are also regions with the greatest potential to develop its production.
    Analysis of Climate Change and its Influence on Climatic Productivity of Crops in Xianyang
    ZHANG Li-wei,YAN Jun-ping,LIU Yang(College of Tourism and Environment Science,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710062,China)
    2011, 32(02):  250-254. 
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    The paper mainly used the meteorological data of Xianyang,Shaanxi province,from 1960 to 2009 and methods of statistical analysis,such as Thornthwaite Memoriai climatic productivity model and Kriging interpolation method,to analyze the space and time change characteristics of temperature,precipitation and the climatic productivity of the last 50 years and the driving factors that affect the yields of crops.The results indicated that(1) the warming-drying climate tendency was very obvious of Xianyang in the last 50 years,the sudden warming occurred in 1994,and the sudden decrease in precipitation occurred in 1984;the climatic productivity decreased by-70.4kg·ha-1·10y-1 and in 1984 it decreased in a sudden.(2)The annual mean temperature of the north area of Xianyang was lower than that of the south area;the coefficient of variation of the north area was higher than the south one;the climate inclination rate was the warming tendency of the northeast and it was stronger than that of the other areas.The annual mean precipitation of the north area was larger than that of the south area;but the coefficient of variation of the north area was less than that of the south area;the climate inclination rate which was the decrease trends of the northwest was more than that of the southeast.The climatic productivity and its coefficient of variation were increasing gradually from north to south;the climate inclination rate significantly decreased except Xunyi county area.(3)The warm-wet climatic environment was the most advantageous to the agricultural production of Xianyang,the increase in production was 5.89%~11.44%;the cold-dry climatic environment was the most disadvantageous to agricultural production,the production decrease scope was 6.3%~13.11%,the potential crop production increase of the mid-west area was the biggest,the potential production increase was 49%~62%,the warming-drying tendency of climate was disadvantageous to agricultural production.
    Analysis on Safe Period for High Yield Seed Production of Liangyoupeijiu in Jiangsu Province
    XING Kai-yu,JING Yuan-shu,HU Ning(College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)
    2011, 32(02):  255-261. 
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    Liangyoupeijiu,two-line hybrid rice,has strict requirement for the meteorological conditions in the seed production.The fertility restoration of the female pollen,result from low temperature during the period of fertility conversion would affect seed purity.The yield of seed would decrease for the high temperature during the period of seed setting.The optimum period of sowing date for Liangyoupeijiu seed production from the safe period of fertility conversion and seed setting was determined,through analyzing the probability ratio that temperature lower than 24℃ and higher than 30℃,based on the data of 11 representative meteorological stations in Jiangsu.The results showed that the safe period of fertility conversion was from the second five days of August to the sixth five days of August and the optimum sowing date was from the second five days of June to the fourth five days of June in the south Jiangsu,the safe period of fertility conversion was from the fourth five days of July to the second & the third five days of August and the optimum sowing date was from the fourth five days of May to the first five days of June in central and north Jiangsu.In sum,central Jiangsu was the better region to Liangyoupeijiu seed production.
    Fine Analysis of Climatic Similarity for Fire Cured Tobacco Cropping between Yunnan and Zimbabwe
    HU Xue-qiong1,WANG Shu-hui2,DENG Jian-hua2,LI Xiang-yang2,YU Ling-xiang1(1.Yunnan Climate Center,Kunming 650034,China;2.Yunnan Tobacco Science Graduate School,Yuxi 653100)
    2011, 32(02):  262-266. 
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    For defining the climatic similarity between Yunnan and Zimbabwe and optimizing distribution of fire cured tobacco cropping in Yunnan,the climatic similarity between two regions was analyzed,based on the 1∶250000 grids climatic data of Yunnan,and climatic factors.The results showed that the climate for fire cured tobacco cropping in Yunnan was significant similarity to that in Zimbabwe,which divided by Ailao mountain.The climatic similarity in east of Ailao mountain was higher than that in west of Ailao mountain.There was also similarity to Zimbabwe in south Yunnan where never planted fire cured tobacco before.Most of fire cured tobacco cropping region in Yunnan were low temperature,overcast or rainy and scant lighting.
    Beijing Soil Moisture Prediction Service System Based on Grid Information
    LIU Yong-hong,WU Chun-yan,YE Cai-hua,GAO Yan-hu,QUAN Wei-jun(Beijing Municipal Climate Centre,Beijing 100089,China)
    2011, 32(02):  267-272. 
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    An operational grid system of soil moisture prediction system with the spatial resolution of 250m based on IDL language was developed in Beijing,basing on medium-term weather forecast,real-time observed soil moisture and MODIS satellite data.The system was based on the crop-soil water balance and the non-uniformity of spatial distribution of soil,vegetation and air conditions considered by grid information using RS and GIS techniques.The system was used by Beijing Meteorological Operation Service to provide useful directions of agricultural measures to be taken against the possible harmful effects of meteorological events.The results showed that the RS and GIS techniques could acquire grid effect of soil moisture prediction information and non-uniformity of the values of the parameters.And the system had clear technical flow,full functions and operational convenience.It could serve effectively in the agricultural drought monitoring and forecasting in Beijing and also in other areas where similar types of crop are grown.
    Refine Project Model of Sunshine Resources in China Considering Terrain Masking
    WANG Huai-qing1,2,YIN Jian-min1,ZHAN Ming-jin1,HUANG Ming-feng2(1.Climate Center of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330046,China;2.Pengze County Meteorological Bureau,Pengze 332700)
    2011, 32(02):  273-278. 
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    Sunshine duration was an important indicator for light resource in agricultural climate resources.In fact,terrain masking should be considered in the extrapolated model in order to acquire the refine national sunshine duration data in the actual terrain.The model which could automatically calculate astronomical sunshine duration in the actual terrain was established based on the 1∶250000 Digital Elevation Model(DEM) data.The sunshine grid data sets of the national actual terrain of each ten days,monthly,quarterly and annual time scale were got respectively,based on the sunshine duration data from 2346 national weather stations from 1971-2000.The calculated values and measured data from 2346 stations were compared.The results showed that the annual sunshine duration value,considering terrain masking,was slightly smaller than the measured value.The MAE of the extrapolated annual sunshine time was 61.6h,the RMSIE was 78.7h,and the average relative error was 2.9%.The calculated error was higher with the terrain more intense,the calculated error was smaller with the solar elevation angle larger.
    LAI Model of Spring Wheat in Ningxia Irrigated Area Based on MODIS-Ⅵ
    ZHANG Xue-yi1,2,GUO Jian-mao1,HAN Ying-juan2,CAO Ning2,DUAN Xiao-feng1,GUAN Jing-de3(1.Nanjing University Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Ningxia Key Laboratoryfor Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Reduction,Yinchuan 750002;3.Yongning NationalAgro-meteorological Experiment Station,Yongning 750015)
    2011, 32(02):  279-282. 
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    The correlation between LAI and MODIS-Ⅵ was analyzed based on 4 years experimental data of spring wheat(2005-2008) and MODIS/Terra data in Yongning national agro-meteorological experiment station.The results showed that there no significant correlation between MODIS-Ⅵ and LAI from heading stage to milky stage,but there was significant correlation between MODIS-Ⅵ and LAI from 3-leaf stage to the jointing stage except for the RDSI,NDSI.R2was 0.9759,RMSE was 0.5519,and accuracy was 1.0745 between the true values and the simulated values.The results indicated that the model had reliability and applicability,which could apply to growth monitoring,yield estimating for spring wheat and parameters adjusting for crop model in future.
    Risk Evaluation of the Effects of Chilling in May on Early Rice Production in Hunan Province
    LU Kui-dong1,LUO Bo-liang1,HUANG Wan-hua1,CUI Wei2(1.Institute of Meteorological Sciences of Hunan Province,Changsha 410007,China;2.Climate Center of Hunan Province,Changsha 410007)
    2011, 32(02):  283-289. 
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    Chilling in May causes damages on early rice in the double cropping system.Basing on the local standard of Hunan province(Meteorological Disaster Terminology and Classification),the spatio-temporal variations of chilling in May was analyzed systemically for 96 stations over Hunan in the period 1961-2009.Timing and extent of chilling in May were considered to improve the calculating method of cold accumulated temperature and establish cold accumulated equivalent temperature.Considering the current status of early rice cultivation in Hunan,meteorological risk of chilling in May was quantitatively evaluated by using its intensity index.The result showed that the western Hunan was at the high risk of chilling in May,but the early rice production was little affected by low temperature because of its small rice area.The north and middle of Hunan where early rice mapping in large area was at higher risk of chilling,however,the southern Hunan was reversed.Finally,reasonable suggestions on cultivation of double cropping early rice were given in this paper.
    Variation Characteristics of Regional Index of Flood and Drought in Altay,Xinjiang
    ZHANG Lin-mei1,2,HU Lei2,ZHUANG Xiao-cui1,2(1.Lanzhou Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration/Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.Altay Meteorological Bureau,Altay 836500)
    2011, 32(02):  290-295. 
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    To analyze the variation characteristics of flood and drought in Altay,Xinjiang,China,the flood and drought index(i.e.,W index) was calculated with the precipitation data at seven stations during 1961-2008 mainly using the linear trend method and Mann-Kendall method(M-K method for short).By selecting NCEP/NCAR data from five typical flood and drought years,the characteristics of 500hPa circulating situations and the correlation between the W index and 500hPa circulating data of previous year were analyzed.The results showed that the W index data had fluctuation with years and seasons,and exhibited the alternation from droughts to floods,continuous floods or droughts.The results of M-K mutation test showed that the inter-annual W index mutation mainly happened in the middle and later periods of 1960s and the middle of 1980s.By analyzing the 500hPa anomaly fields of typical flood and drought years,it was shown that the Eastern Europe to Western Siberia had a high positive anomaly in drought years,whereas,Xinjiang was controlled by warm ridge,of which were on the contrary in flood years.If the polar vortex area was small and the strength was weak in the past year,and the Western Pacific subtropical high-pressure was stronger and the area was big,together with zonal circulation,the W index was trend to be bigger than normal in the next year,which means that it was possibly a flood year.The scientific study of the flood/drought rules in the region,the timely adjustment of agricultural structure,and reasonable arrangements for agricultural production,were effective measure to defend flood/drought and reap a bumper harvest.
    Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Extreme Dry Spells in Different Seasons in Southeast Guizhou Province
    GU Xin,YANG Shao-hong,MIN Xin-ping,PAN Ping-zhen(Meteorological Bureau of Southeast Guizhou,Kaili 556000,China)
    2011, 32(02):  296-302. 
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    The spatial and seasonal distribution characteristics of extreme dry spells were analyzed by using daily precipitation data of 16 stations in southeast Guizhou province,China,from 1961 to 2009,using EOF,Mann-Kendall catastorophe test,linear trend estimate etc.to analyze the maximum number of continuous rainless days(days with <0.1mm rainfall) of each season.The results showed that the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of the extremely dry spells in each season of southeast Guizhou had great differences between years and regions.Autumn had the largest number of days of extreme dry spells,while spring had the smallest ones.In the first decade of the 21th century,there were trends of increase of dry spells in all seasons,only the increase in summer was not statistically significant.
    System Dynamics Modeling for Experimental Population of Rice Leaf Roller under Temperature Influence
    QIN Zhong1,2,ZHANG Jia-en1,2,LUO Shi-ming1,2,ZHANG Jin1,2(1.College of Agronomy,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China;2.Key Laboratory of EcologicalAgriculture of Ministry of Agriculture/Key Laboratory of Agroecology and Rural Environment of Guangdong Regular Higher EducationInstitutions,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642)
    2011, 32(02):  303-310. 
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    Temperature was one of the most important factors for rice leaf roller(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee) development,survival and reproduction.It was helpful for controlling the pest population to understand the relationship between temperature and rice leaf roller population.Simulation model was established by using dynamic theory based on the experimental data with different temperature treatments,and the population dynamics at different temperatures was simulated.Eggs quantity produced by adult rice leaf roller was estimated and the optimum temperature for laying eggs was determined.The results showed that high temperature(> 25.0℃) was harmful to the survival and development of young larvae,whereas both high and low temperatures were harmful to development and reproduction at late growth stage.Survival rate and individual reproduction rate increased with temperature rising,and the highest survival rate and egg production rate of adults occurred at 25.0℃,at the rate of 19.67% and 1488.4 respectively.24.9℃ was the optimum temperature for adult producing eggs.The results indicated that system dynamics model had potential application for forecasting pest population dynamics.
    Changing Characteristics and Causes Analysis of Drought Disaster in Henan Province
    ZHU Ye-yu1,2,PAN Pan1,KUANG Xiao-yan3,YANG Na-na4,LIU Ya-xing1(1.Climate Center of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Henan Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Ensuring and AppliedTechnique,CMA,Zhengzhou 450003;3.Meteorological Observatory of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003;4.Meteorological Office of Xiuwu,Xiuwu 454350)
    2011, 32(02):  311-316. 
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    The characteristics and the cause of drought disasters were analyzed by using of historical statistical data of drought disaster in Henan province and reanalysis data of NCEP.The results showed that the frequency of drought disasters in Henan province was high.Regional drought disaster happened almost every year,and large-scaled drought also occurred frequently.The drought disasters also changed obvious decadal.The distribution of annual precipitation had non-uniform and the rainless days occurred more,which was one of the reasons to droughts frequently in Henan province.Weak cold and warm air mass could not meet at basin of the Yellow river and Huaihe river,which was also helpful drought formation.