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    20 August 2015, Volume 36 Issue 04
    Responses of Summer Maize Main Phenology to Climate Change in the North China Plain
    MENG Lin,LIU Xin jian, WU Ding rong, WANG Chun yi
    2015, 36(04):  375-382.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.001
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    Knowledge about response of crop phenology to current climate change is of much importance to predict its response to future climate change scenario,since it helps reduce the prediction uncertainty.In this paper,based on phonological observation data of summer maize from agricultural meteorological station records and daily meteorological data during 1981-2009 in the North China Plain (NCP),responses of summer maize phenology to climate change were analyzed using linear regression method and significance analysis.Results showed that:(1) over the past 30 years,minimum and average temperature increased significantly(P<0.05)during summer maize growing season in NCP with a trend of decline negatively correlated with latitude.Sunshine hours declined substantially (P<0.01)and precipitation change was not significant;(2)The dates of main growth period of summer maize in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Shandong province delayed significantly(P<0.05),while in the Henan province they advanced significantly(P<0.05);(3)The whole growth days in NCP increased with a rate of 2.72d·10y-1(P<0.01),and those in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region had the highest rate of 3.36d·10y-1;(4)The whole growth days were mainly negatively correlated with average temperature during the same period. Regression coefficient varied in -7.16~3.17.The reproductive days were also negatively correlated with average temperature.Regression coefficient varied in -3.56~1.87.The results indicated that while temperature increased by 1oC,the daysof whole growth period and reproductively stage of summer maize would shorten by 2.71d and 1.07d, respectively.Summer maize in different regions of NCP had different ways of responding to climate change.Suitable seeding time and variety types should be selected according to local response features.
    Changes of High Temperature Events During Rice Growth Period in MLRYR Under RCP Scenarios
    FENG Ling-zhi, XIONG Wei, JU Hui, CAO Yang, YANG Di
    2015, 36(04):  383-392.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.002
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    Based on historical weather data from 1981 to 2009 and future climate data generated by HadGEM2-ES simulation with RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios from 2021 to 2050, frequency, duration and intensity of high temperature events during rice growth period in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River (MLRYR) were analyzed by heat stress days (HSD), maximum continuous heat stress days (MCD) and heat degree days (HDD). The results indicated that high temperature events increased significantly in MLRYR in 1981-2009. Tmax(average of the maximum daily temperature), HSD, MCD, HDD increased by 0.51℃·10y-1, 3.9d·10y-1, 0.6d·10y-1 and 8.2℃·d·10y-1, respectively. Except for MCD, detectable increases of Tmax, HSD and HDD were at the year around 2001-2002, indicating frequency and intensity of high temperature rise sharply since 2002. The largest increase of high temperature events mainly located in the south of the region. Relative to the reference period of 1981-2009, high temperature events increased substantially in 2021-2050. Tmax, HSD, MCD and HDD increased by 1.5℃, 11.3d, 5.6d and 45.3℃·d, respectively, under RCP2.6 scenario, and increased by 1.7℃, 15.4d, 6.2d, 61.1℃·d, respectively, under RCP8.5 scenario. The risk of extreme high temperature events increased more under RCP8.5 scenario than RCP2.6 scenario relative to baseline condition. Changes of Tmax, HSD and MCD showed similar spatial pattern, all increased from southeast to northwest. But for HDD, the largest increase mainly located in the middle of the region. Frequency, duration and intensity of high temperature events all largely increased in the regions of the middle and north part of Hubei, Anhui, Hunan and Jiangxi Province under future RCP scenarios. Adjusting the planting day and replacing high temperature tolerated varieties are the effective measures to reducing high temperature stress to rice in these regions.
    Evolution and Adaptive Management of Farming Tillage System Under Climate Change in the Loess Plateau
    DENG Hao-liang,ZHOU Hong,ZHANG Heng-jia,MO Fei,YANG Tong,KONG Wei-ping,
    2015, 36(04):  393-405.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.003
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    Farming system generally consists of several components including soil system, crop system and regional climatic system which are relatively independent but closely associated with each other. It is involved crop cultivation pattern, crop type, weeds, pests and soil & water resource management in farmland and so on, which plays an important role in ecosystem management and sustainable agricultural development in the Loess Plateau. Over past fifty years (1951-2000), the annual average temperature increased by 1.1℃, and its variability wasenhanced gradually in the Loess Plateau. Complex spatial-temporal heterogeneity existed in the rainfall and heat resource distribution. The changing crop area, developing cropping system, and increased agriculture disasters have promoted the innovation of farm management, which exerted a far-reaching influence on local farming system. This paper summarized the characteristics and development trend of the changing climate, and the evolution of farming system (included the evolvements of crop type, soil moisture and nutrient characteristics) and cropping system (included water requirements, phenology, crop cultivars and yield) under climate change, the interaction between crops and soil and the affect of meteorological disasters on farming system in the Loess Plateau. The approaches and strategies of adaptive cropping system management under climate change were suggested. The aims to provide novel theoretical potential for farming tillage technology and field management, and seek coping strategies for sustainable regional development under climate change.
    Variation Characteristics of Water Footprint of Main Crops’ Production Under Climate Change in Wuchuan County
    ZHAO Hui, PAN Zhi-hua, HAN Guo-lin, DONG Zhi-qiang, ZHANG Jing-ting, HE Di, WANG Li-wei, ZHANG Jun
    2015, 36(04):  406-416.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.004
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    The water footprint of production (WFP) refers to the water resource consumed per unit of products. For crops, WFP is represented by the volume of water needed to produce per unit mass of products. The impact of climate change on the water footprint of production is an important scientific issue about which agricultural producers concern. Based on the climate data and data of crop growth period, the paper took the main crops potato and spring wheat in Wuchuan, Inner Mongolia as examples. With modified crop coefficients and CROPWAT model, the water footprint of crop production was calculated, and the climate change impacts on water footprint of production were analyzed. The results showed that: (1)the climate in Wuchuan County presented the tendency of being warmer and drier during 1983-2010, and the water footprint of potato and spring wheat production showed a significantly downward trend in the past 28 years(P<0.05); (2)Water footprint of crop production was significantly affected by climate change, and the average relative humidity, average temperature and average diurnal range over the growth period were closely related to the water footprint of potato production. For spring wheat, the average wind speed and average diurnal range over the growth period were the main impact factors; (3)The average water footprint of potato production during 1983-2010 was 1.37m3·kg-1, and for spring wheat,it was 2.51m3·kg-1. From the view of the production of per unit mass of dry matter, spring wheat consumed more water than potato. Therefore, appropriate increase in potato acreage is an effective approach to improve water use efficiency, and it can further promote regional agricultural development.
    Spatiotemporal Change Characteristics of Agricultural Climate Resources in Hainan Island
    ZOU Hai-ping, ZHANG Jing-hong, CHEN Xiao-min, LIU Shao-jun, LI Wei-guang
    2015, 36(04):  417-427.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.005
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    Based on the 1961-2010 temperature, precipitation, and sunshine hours data etc from 18 meteorological stations in Hainan Island, the perennial average value of some indices which were closely related to the agricultural production including annual mean temperature, mean temperature in January, accumulated temperature of different critical temperatures, and sunshine hours, humidity index etc in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons both in periodⅠ(1961-1980) and in period Ⅱ(1981-2010) were calculated, along with their climate trend rates in 1961-2010. And the spatiotemporal change characteristics of above indexes were analyzed combined with agrotype of Hainan Island. The results showed that in 1961-2010, the annual temperature, mean temperature in January and ≥10℃, ≥15℃, ≥20℃ accumulated temperature of each weather satiation all showed an increasing trend, with the increment averaged 0.26, 0.36℃·10y-1 and 94.4, 130.1, 147.4℃·d·10y-1, respectively. And all of them from most stations reached significant level (P<0.05). Comparing with those in periodⅠ, the suitable planting areas for tropical crops in period Ⅱ were increased, and the unsuitable areas were reduced. The average climate trend rates of sunshine hours in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons from all stations were -52,-37 and -19h·10y-1, respectively, with sunshine hours from most stations having an decreasing trend. And the stations where sunshine hours decreased significantly in the whole year and ≥15℃ growing season were mainly distributed in the northern, eastern and southern coastal areas, accounting for 72% and 56% of all stations. And the corresponding stations in ≥20℃ growing season were located in the northern areas, with the ratio of 33%. Compared with those in periodⅠ, the low value areas of sunshine hours in all 3 stages expanded obviously while high value areas shrank in period Ⅱ. The average climate trend rates of precipitation in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons from all stations were 40, 41 and 47mm·10y-1, respectively. And the precipitation from most stations in all 3 stages showed a slight increasing trend, except Wenchang and Sanya station where precipitation increased significantly. Compared with those in periodⅠ, the high value area of precipitation in all 3 stages expanded evidently while low value area shrank slightly in period Ⅱ. The distribution and changing trend of humidity index were similar to the precipitation’s.
    Comparison of Four Combination Methods for Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
    CAO Jin-feng, LI Yu-zhong, LIU Xiao-ying, ZHONG Xiu-li, ZHAO Ye-meng
    2015, 36(04):  428-436.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.006
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    Accurate estimation of reference crop evapotranscpiration(ET0) is critical for computation of crop water requirement. The currently existed numerous ET0 methods, while bring convenience for computation of crop water requirement, also cause confusion in method choice. Knowledge on validity of these methods in different regions is thus the basis for reasonable choice. Using data from six sites in main agricultural areas in China, four commonly used combination methods were assessed with FAO 56 Penman-Monteith (PM) as standard. The results showed that the Pen63 (1963 Penman),FAO 79 (FAO 1979 Penman) and Kpen (1996 Kimberly Penman) overestimated the daily value of PM, while the FAO 24 (FAO 24 Penman) underestimated it. The average deviation was respectively 0.28, 0.52, 0.14 and -0.17mm×d-1, corresponding to relative deviation of 16.0%, 25.2%, 2.4%, -5.3% and relative root mean squire error of 12.1%, 22.4%, 14.2% and 13.5%. Monthly totals of the Pen63 and FAO 79 were significantly higher than that of the PM, the largest being respectively 12.5mm (10.8%) and 28.2mm (22.6%) occurred in May. Monthly values of the FAO 24 were lower than that of the PM, the largest being 11.4mm (8.1%), but they showed insignificant difference in most months for the southern sites. The Kpen overestimated the PM, the largest being 19.7mm (14.5%), during May through October and underestimated it in other months, and they showed insignificant difference in six months for the southern sites. On basis of yearly total, both the Pen63 and the FAO 79 significantly overestimated the PM by 103.8mm (11.8%) and 191.5mm (21.3%), respectively. Though the FAO 24 significantly underestimated the PM by 60.9mm (6.3%) and the Kpen overestimated it by 50.5mm (5.8%) in general, they showed insignificant difference from the PM at Shapingba and Beijing. Time scale affected the evaluation results. Based on daily and yearly comparison the performance order was respectively Pen63>FAO 24>Kpen>FAO 79 and Kpen>FAO 24> Pen63>FAO 79. In addition, all methods performed better in humid climates at daily scale, but only FAO 79 and FAO 24 did so at yearly scale. Validity of the four combination methods varied, and Pen63 was the best and the FAO 79 the poorest, suggesting the importance to evaluate the latter before use.
    Analysis on the Differences of Rainfall and Corresponding Circulation Between Winter and Spring in the Low-latitude Highlands
    LIU Kui, YANG Jing-xin,YANG Wang, YANG Ruo-wen , GUI Shu
    2015, 36(04):  437-445.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.007
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    In order to reveal the difference of temporal evolution and spatial distribution of rainfall and the corresponding circulation difference in winter and spring, and get the reason of drought in low-latitude highlands applied EOF, correlation analysis, wavelet analysis to analyze 148 stations’ observational precipitation. The results showed that there was a prominent difference between the winter and spring rainfall’s temporal evolution and spatial distribution. The spring rainfall was more than the winter's a lot, and the most different area was located in western and southern low-latitude highlands, which seemed to be a "L" pattern. The winter rainfall had a 4-6 years cycle during 1985-1990 and after 2005 and had quasi-2 years and around 10 years cycles after 1990.The spring rainfall had a 4-6 years cycle before 1995 and quasi-2 years cycle after 2001. The differences of circulation background accounted for the difference between the winter and spring rainfall. Compared to winter, the east Asian Trough to the north of the Tibetan Plateau was weaker and the southern branch trough to the south of the plateau was more active in spring; the subtropical high in the western pacific was more westward and stronger, then the flow along its flank was easier to reach to the low-latitude highlands with more water vapor input. The convergence area between the subtropical high and south high shifted more northward. Further studies indicated that the winter rainfall was very linked to the near-surface heating over around the bay of Bengal area, but the spring rainfall was closely related to the specific humidity.
    Lab-scale Experimental Study on the Compressing Molding Parameters Under Cold Condition for Rice Straw Pellets
    TU De-yu,LI An-xin,HU Yun,XIE Wei
    2015, 36(04):  446-453.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.008
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    The lab-scale rice straw cold-press forming experiments were carried out under different parameter conditions. In order to investigate the effect of some molding parameters, such as moisture content, particle size and compressive force, on rice straw cold compression molding process, single variable experiments and orthogonal experiments were employed which chose loose density and some durability indexes as judgment criteria. Single parameter tests showed the general law and range of each parameter. The results showed that the forming pressure was in the range of 120-180MPa, compared to the particle size in 0.2-0.9mm and moisture content in 12%-25%. Based on single variable tests, orthogonal tests were used to find the effect extent and reasonable combination of three parameters. The results indicated that each forming parameter had different impact extent to various physical properties. Indices of loose density, shatter resistance and compressive strength were strongly correlated with compressive force, and the parameter of particle size had massive effect on the index of water resistance. The reasonable parameter combination(forming pressure × particle size × moisture content) for loose density and shatter resistance was 180MPa, 0-0.2mm, 18%, but for water resistance was 180MPa, 0-0.2mm, 12%, and for compressive strength was 180MPa, 0.6-0.9mm, 18%. The conclusion can provide technical support for industrialized production of rice straw molding fuel.
    Precipitation Variation and Its Suitability for Winter Wheat in Huang-Huai-Hai Region Under Climate Change
    SHEN Shuang-he, CHU Rong-hao, LV Hou-quan, LI Meng, SHAO Li-ying
    2015, 36(04):  454-464.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.009
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    The daily 0.25 × 0.25 degree gridded meteorological data under A1B climate scenario (1951-2100) extracted from the regional climate model RegCM3 was interpolated to station location by bilinear interpolation, daily meteorological data of 83 stations from 1971 to 2000 in Huang-Huai-Hai winter wheat region was used to correct scenario data, which was divided into five periods (1951-1980, 1981-2010, 2011-2040, 2041-2070, 2071-2100) to calculate precipitation suitability for winter wheat in different growth periods and to analyze its spatial and temporal variations. The results showed that under warm and humid climate scenarios, the mean precipitation and precipitation suitability of main growth periods was better in the south than that of in the north. The precipitation was insufficient from turning green to jointing stage and ample from heading to maturity stage, the precipitation suitability was higher from turning green to jointing stage and from heading to maturity stage and lower from jointing to heading stage. Both precipitation and precipitation suitability fluctuated in positive phase with time, the precipitation suitability increased with the precipitation increasing. Both precipitation and precipitation suitability showed an increasing trend in the north while decreasing in the south from turning green to jointing stage, a fluctuating trend of decreasing-increasing-decreasing-increasing from jointing to heading stage, a relative steady trend after decreasing from heading to maturity stage. Winter wheat planting area should be expanded slightly in the northern Huang-Huai-Hai winter wheat region and keep the current state or be reduced slightly in the southern Huang-Huai-Hai winter wheat region in the future considering the impact of global warming.
    Prediction Model of Winter Wheat Development Stages Based on Meteorological Factors
    KANG Xi-yan, DONG Hang-yu, YAO Shu-ran
    2015, 36(04):  465-471.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.010
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    The forecast for winter wheat development stages is one of the main contents for agro-meteorological services. The correlation of the accumulation rate of meteorological factors including sunshine hours, temperature, water and winter wheat growth rate during 1991-2010 at Nangong station, which is located in south central of Hebei province, was analyzed, and winter wheat growth rate forecasting models for different development stages were established. The results showed that sunshine hours and moisture were not the limited factors of winter wheat growth rate in this region, but temperature was a dominant factor affecting the rate of winter wheat development. The correlation coefficient between effective accumulated rate and the growth rate of turn-green stage to other stages was improved significantly than that of any single stage (P<0.05). There were significant correlations between the effective accumulated temperature before winter and the growth rate of turn-green to heading stage (P<0.05). The model simulated results of maximum absolute error of the development rate forecast for four stages of winter wheat based on temperature was 7 days, and the mean absolute error was 3 days, 2.8 days, 3.3 days, 2.2 days from turn-green to jointing stage, turn-green to heading stage, turn-green to milk-ripe stage, and turn-green to maturity stage, respectively. The model could meet the needs of agro-meteorological operational services.
    Application of Fourier Model Based on BP Filter in Crops Yield Prediction
    WANG Gui-zhi, HU Hui, CHEN Ji-bo, WU Xian-hua
    2015, 36(04):  472-478.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.011
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    In order to improve the accuracy of yield prediction, we attempted to combine the power spectrum analysis (BP filter) in economics and the Fourier model in statistics, by using BP filter to choose the cycle, which had a great impact on the climate yield fluctuation, and established Fourier model to predict the climatic yield. At the same time, by using polynomial to predict the trend yield and the lag model to correct the residual. Grain yield data from 1961 to 2000 was taken as training data, by using three methods, Fourier method and polynomial lag method, BP neural network and grey model to construct the equations, and grain yield from 2001 to 2012 was used to test the three models. The three methods were compared by the fitting results. The results showed that the model was significant and the relative errors were all less than 5%. The predicted grain yields according to this model were at 6018.6-6466.7kg·ha?1 from 2013 to 2017. Meanwhile, the relative errors by BPNN were small, but the model could not be explained intuitively. The relative errors by the grey model reached up to 35%, it existed large differences with the actual yield. The results indicated that, in terms of predicting the grain yield, the Fourier model based on BP filter and the polynomial lag model had higher prediction accuracy and was more intuitive, which could not only predict the future grain yield, but also predict the impact of the future climate change on the grain yield.
    Modelling the Impacts of Climate Change on Phenology of Representative Maize Varieties in Henan Province
    LI Shu-yan, WANG Jing, YU Wei-dong,CHEN Zhong-min
    2015, 36(04):  479-488.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.012
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    The study aimed to model the impacts of climate change on maize phenology. Henan province was divided into four agro-climatic zones and the genetic parameters of representative maize varieties in each zone were determined by calibrate and validate CERES-Maize model. Thereafter, the impact of future climate change on maize phenology was modeled based on future climate change scenarios (A2 and B2) for 2020s, 2050s and 2080s by adding the temperature and precipitation increments simulated by regional climate model (PRECIS) to the baseline (1961-1990). The study results showed that there were large spatial differences between genetic parameters of representative maize varieties in four zones. Required thermal time from sowing to flowering of maize varieties in western Henan was higher than other zones. However, required thermal time from flowering to maturity of maize varieties in northern and eastern Henan was higher than other two zones. Days from sowing to flowering were accurately simulated with RMSE <4.0d and NRMSE <10% for both the calibration and validation periods. RMSE between simulated and observed maturing date was lower than 4d for calibration period and 3-7d for validation period. NRMSE between simulated and observed maturing date was lower than 10% in all the zones except for western Henan. Simulated vegetative growth period and whole growth period of summer maize shortened by 4.7d and 12.9d on average under A2 scenario, and 3.1d and 8.6d on average under B2 scenario, respectively. The decrease in the length of maize growing period was in accordance with the increase in growing period temperature in different regions in Henan province, with the longest decrease in western Henan.
    Impacts of Night Temperature on Main Endogenous Hormones Content in Seeding Top of Flue-cured Tobacco
    ZHOU Yue, FAN Xing-long, ZHOU Zi-fang, LIU Xiao-ying, ZHOU Ji-heng, HE Dan-feng, CHENG Chu, YANG Ying-ming
    2015, 36(04):  489-496.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.013
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    Taking tobacco cultivars of ‘Yunyan 87’, ‘K326’, ‘Zhongyan100’ and ‘Hongda’ as materials to analyze the effect of night temperature on the contents of GA3 (crown gibberellin), IAA (crown auxin) and CTK (crown cytokinins) in flue-cured tobacco, by using man-made climate chambers. The results showed that, under continuous treatment with increasing night temperature for 25 days, there was a temperature turning point between night temperature and the tobacco seedling crown endogenous hormone in all of flue-cured tobacco, the temperature turning point of CTK was 11℃ or 15℃, while that of GA3 was 11℃. The peak value of hormone contents was at 5 to 20 days after their seedling. The increasing night temperature was benefit to the accumulation of CTK and IAA in top seeding of flue-cured tobacco, the content of CTK of ‘Yunyan 87’ reached to the peak value with 51.23mol·L-1, after 20 days under 11℃ treatment, while its content of IAA reached to the peak value with 29.27mol·L-1 after 5 days. The content of CTK of ‘Zhongyan 100’ reached to the peak value with 51.03mol·L-1, after 10 days in 11℃ treatment, while its content of IAA reached to the peak value with 32.72mol·L-1 after 5 days. The content of CTK of ‘K326’ reached to the peak value with 44.65mol·L-1 after 10 days in 15℃ treatment, while its content of IAA reached to the peak value with 35.47mol·L-1 after 20 days in 19℃ treatment. The content of CTK of ‘Hongda’ reached to the peak value with 50.61mol·L-1 after 15 days in 19℃ treatment, while its content of IAA reached to the peak value with 29.57mol·L-1 after 20 days.
    Quantitative Effects of Environmental Factors on Climatic Yield in the Mountainous Area—A Case Study in Yunnan Province
    GU Zhi-jia, BAI Zhi-wei, DUAN Xing-wu, DING Jian-hong, FENG De-tai, SHI Xiao-ning, HAN Xu
    2015, 36(04):  497-505.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.014
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    The shortage of agricultural land resources in mountainous area leads to an inevitable conflict between human and land, which responses particularly for the vulnerability of crop yield in the mountainous area under the climate change conditions. To study the effects of environmental factors on climatic yield may provide a scientific basis for the rational utilization and protection of the land resources in mountainous area. A case study was focused in the Yunnan Province in this paper, grain yield per unit area of 122 counties from the year 1985 to 2012 were collected, biological simulation model was used to simulate the trend of yield and calculate climatic yield, seventeen environmental factors were extracted from each country during the same period. Correlation analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) were used to analyze the quantitative impact of environmental factors on climatic grain yield. The results showed that the unit area climatic yield varied between -0.15 and -0.01t·ha-1 with a reduction tendency with the increasing of time in the study area. A significantly negative correlation was found between the soil total potassium, while a significant positive correlation between slope, aspect and climatic yield. There was no statistically significant correlation between climatic yield and other 14 environmental factors. Redundancy analysis showed that slope, aspect, soil carbon and nitrogen ratio, temperature, soil pH and TK were the minimum variables combination which could explain 44.6% variation of grain yield. Slope gradient was one of the most important environmental influential factors, which could explain 44.62% of grain actual yield and 26.29% climatic yield per unit area’s variation. In higher climatic yield region by transforming slope into terrace, improving soil fertility and other means to increase grain yield is an effective way to protect the regional grain production safety under the premise of climate change.
    Regularity of Heat Injury During Whole Growth Season of Middle Rice in Anhui Province
    CHU Rong-hao, SHEN Shuang-he, LI Meng, SHAO Li-ying, GAO Lei
    2015, 36(04):  506-512.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.015
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    Based on the conventional meteorological data from 1961 to 2013 and middle rice yield data from 1980 to 2011 in Anhui province, by using the mathematical statistics, Morlet wavelet analysis and spatial analysis function of ArcGIS, the temporal and spatial variation of rice heat injury with different grades in Anhui province was analyzed. The results showed that the occurrence frequency of heat injury during whole growth season of middle rice concentrated mainly to mid-to-end of July and early August, especially in early August from 1961 to 2013. The slight, moderate and severe heat-injury was occurred every 2.15 years, 3.81 years and 4.69 years, respectively. All grades of heat-injury occurrence frequency showed an increasing trend after decreasing during last 53 years, and the least was in 1980s. All grades of heat injury frequency showed a periodic variation at the rate of 48, 28, and 12 years. The high frequency value was in the southern of Aihui province, especially in Anqing city. However, the correlation between yield of middle rice and heat injury frequency was not significant.
    IDL Coding of Fy-3 VIRR-based Temperature Vegetation Drought Index and Application in Shaanxi Province
    WANG Wei-Dong,ZHAO Qing-lan,LI Hua-long,ZHOU Hui
    2015, 36(04):  513-520.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.016
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    The purpose of the present study is to monitor the soil drought of Shaanxi province based on the temperature vegetable drought index (TVDI). The visible and infrared rafiometer (VIRR) level-1 data from the FY-3 satellite was used as the source of data for the present study on cloud detection and inversion of land surface temperature and TVDI. The Interactive Data Language (IDL) was used to develop an application to preprocess FY3 VIRR level-1 data, implement cloud detection, and inverse the land surface temperature and TVDI-based soil drought. The data inversion proved that the TVDI obtained from FY-3 VIRR level-I data had a negative relation of about -0.535 with the relative humidity of the soil in 20cm underground.It can truly reflect the soil drought of Shaanxi Province. The TVDI data inversion truly reflected the soil drought for stations in Shaanxi province except Yulin where the vegetation coverage is low.