Spatiotemporal Change Characteristics of Agricultural Climate Resources in Hainan Island
ZOU Hai-ping, ZHANG Jing-hong, CHEN Xiao-min, LIU Shao-jun, LI Wei-guang
2015, 36(04):
11301 )
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Based on the 1961-2010 temperature, precipitation, and sunshine hours data etc from 18 meteorological stations in Hainan Island, the perennial average value of some indices which were closely related to the agricultural production including annual mean temperature, mean temperature in January, accumulated temperature of different critical temperatures, and sunshine hours, humidity index etc in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons both in periodⅠ(1961-1980) and in period Ⅱ(1981-2010) were calculated, along with their climate trend rates in 1961-2010. And the spatiotemporal change characteristics of above indexes were analyzed combined with agrotype of Hainan Island. The results showed that in 1961-2010, the annual temperature, mean temperature in January and ≥10℃, ≥15℃, ≥20℃ accumulated temperature of each weather satiation all showed an increasing trend, with the increment averaged 0.26, 0.36℃·10y-1 and 94.4, 130.1, 147.4℃·d·10y-1, respectively. And all of them from most stations reached significant level (P<0.05). Comparing with those in periodⅠ, the suitable planting areas for tropical crops in period Ⅱ were increased, and the unsuitable areas were reduced. The average climate trend rates of sunshine hours in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons from all stations were -52,-37 and -19h·10y-1, respectively, with sunshine hours from most stations having an decreasing trend. And the stations where sunshine hours decreased significantly in the whole year and ≥15℃ growing season were mainly distributed in the northern, eastern and southern coastal areas, accounting for 72% and 56% of all stations. And the corresponding stations in ≥20℃ growing season were located in the northern areas, with the ratio of 33%. Compared with those in periodⅠ, the low value areas of sunshine hours in all 3 stages expanded obviously while high value areas shrank in period Ⅱ. The average climate trend rates of precipitation in the whole year and ≥15℃, ≥20℃ growing seasons from all stations were 40, 41 and 47mm·10y-1, respectively. And the precipitation from most stations in all 3 stages showed a slight increasing trend, except Wenchang and Sanya station where precipitation increased significantly. Compared with those in periodⅠ, the high value area of precipitation in all 3 stages expanded evidently while low value area shrank slightly in period Ⅱ. The distribution and changing trend of humidity index were similar to the precipitation’s.