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    20 February 2016, Volume 37 Issue 01
    Temperature Variation and Spatial Difference in the Protected Area of Taibai Mountain
    LIU Rong-juan, BAI Hong-ying, MA Xin-ping, FENG Lin-lin, QIN Jin, CHENG De-qiang
    2016, 37(01):  1-10.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.001
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    Based on the data of 15 meteorological stations from the period of 1959 to 2013 around Taibai Mountain and the data of 11 alpine meteorological stations from the period of 2012 to 2014 inside Taibai Mountain protected area, authors used the Kriging, linear regression and Mann-Kendall mutation test method combined with ArcGIS to analyze the variation trend and mutation characteristics of temperature in the protected area, and contrasted the differences in climate change between southern and northern aspect of the conservation area, high altitude area (altitude≥2800m) and overall the protected area of Taibai Mountain. The results showed: (1)there was an upward trend of annual mean temperature in the protected area of Taibai Mountain from1959 to 2013, and linear trend rate was 0.329℃·10y-1. Spatial differences of temperature variation was very significant, southeastern and western regions showed a significant warming trend (P<0.05, P<0.01), up to 0.383℃·10y-1. Every seasonal mean temperature was increased; winter warming rate was the fastest while spring was the slowest. (2)According to result of M-K test, a warm abrupt change of the annual mean temperature in overall protected area was occurred in 1998. After 1998, temperature variation rate was increasing rapidly. The proportion of the Area’s significant warming trend reached 86.76%. (3)Analysis of spatial difference indicated: annual mean temperature and change rate of northern aspect was lower than southern aspect in the protected area of Taibai Mountain. In latest 55 years, their linear trend rate were 0.247℃·10y-1and 0.291℃·10y-1. Temperature linear trend rate of high altitude area(0.244℃·10y-1 ) was lower than overall protected area. A warm mutation of the annual mean temperature was appeared in 2001. Temperature of southeastern region raised fast before 2001. Warming rate of western region was declined while central region’s was significantly accelerated after 2001.

    Vertical Gradient Variations of Temperature and Vapor Pressure in Temperate Coniferous and Broad-leaved Mixed Forest
    YANG Ya-li, REN Chuan-you, WANG Yan-hua, QIAO Yan-yan, QIN Yu
    2016, 37(01):  11-18.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.002
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    Using the data of air temperature and vapor pressure observed at temperate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest ecosystem over Changbai mountain during 2003 to 2005, with April, July, October and January represented as spring, summer, autumn and winter, respectively, the vertical distribution patterns of them and their diurnal variations were analyzed on typical sunny days in four representative months, and the profile functions of air temperature and vapor pressure with observed height under the canopy top were constructed by method of using the top of canopy air temperature and water vapor pressure as normalized values. The results are as followed: (1)the diurnal variation of air temperature characterized by single peak curve obviously with the highest value at 15:00 and the lowest at dawn. The diurnal air temperature range decreased with higher height in all seasons and with the maximum diurnal air temperature range in autumn and minimum in winter. (2)In spring, autumn and winter, air temperature within forest increased as height ascended accompanied by obvious diurnal change pattern. The vertical gradient of air temperature was extremely large at times except noon, whereas the gradient was small and even showed the trend of air temperature decreasing as height ascended at noon. In summer, air temperature increased with observed height higher at any times. (3)The diurnal variations of the vapor pressure were different in four seasons. The vapor pressure showed diurnal patterns by single peak curve in spring, autumn and winter contract with that by double peak curve in summer. (4)The vertical distribution of vapor pressure at given time was seasonal divergence obviously, whereas at given season they had the similar vertical distribution at different times. The vertical gradient of vapor pressure was larger in summer than that in other seasons characterized by vapor pressure went down with observed height higher. (5)The profiles of air temperature and vapor pressure within forest can be fitted with logarithm law.

    Root-zone Cooling Effect of Different Water-cooled Seedling Bed and Its Effect on the Growth of Tomato Plug Seedlings
    LI Sheng-li, NIU Xu-xu, SUN Zhi-qiang
    2016, 37(01):  19-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.003
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    In order to alleviate high root-zone temperature injury on intensive seedling production during hot summer. A water-cooled seedling bed was designed, in which underground water was used as the natural coolant. Two different water-cooled seedling beds were exploited in this experiment. Metal stainless steel tube(M-type cooled-bed) and plastic tube(P-type cooled-bed) were used as cooling tube respectively. The seedling bed without root cooling system was used as control(CK).The cooling effect of two different water-cooled seedling bed and its effect on the growth of tomato seedling were investigated. The results showed as follows: the cumulative temperature, mean daily temperature and mean daily maximum temperature of the root-zone both in M and P-type cooled-bed were lowered significantly compared with those of non-cooled seedling bed(CK). The mean daily temperature of M and P-type cooled-bed were 23.2℃ and 26.0℃. The mean high temperature duration of M and P-type cooled-bed above 25℃ was 8.3h and 11.6h per day, which were shortened by 7.5h and 4.2h respectively compared with control’s seedling-bed. The growth rate and dry mass accumulation of tomato seedling both in M seedling-bed and P seedling-bed were enhanced significantly, and sap flow velocity, root respiration rate and net photosynthetic rate were also improved. Dry mass of per plant of tomato seedling in two cooled-bed were 4.52mg(M) and 3.90mg(P), which were increased by 58.6% and 36.8% respectively compared with control. Tomato seedling healthy index and the ratio of root to shoot both in two cooled-beds were apparently higher than control. Water-cooled seedling bed was an effective way to lower the root-zone temperature and it could improve tomato seedling growth during hot summer. The M-type cooled-bed was more beneficial to enhance the growth of tomato seedlings.

    Lab-scale Experimental Study on the Compressing Molding Parameters under Hot Condition for Rice Straw Pellets
    LI An-xin, ZHANG Chuan-jia, TU De-yu, HE Gui-sheng
    2016, 37(01):  26-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.004
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    Rice straw cold press process had been done early and the result showed that the energy consumption of pellets was high and the quality of pellets was bad. In order to increase the quality of pellets, the rice straw hot-press forming experiment was carried out under different technological parameters (compressive forces, particle size, temperature, moisture content) by utilizing special briquetting equipment. By checking pellets’ physical properties (loose density, shatter resistance, compressive forces and water resistance), the confirmed best process parameters were as follows: particle size 0-2mm, temperature 70-100℃, compressive forces 8.89-40MPa, moisture content 12%-25%. In order to increase the quality of rice straw pellets, some wood chips were added to the rice straw materials forming the mixed raw material.By analyzing the results of contrast tests, we found that under low compressive forces, the physical property of 1:1 blended material pellets were better than that of pure rice straw and wood chips pellets, and the results also indicated that adding wood chips into the rice straw material could improve the quality of single rice straw pellets.

    Climate Suitability for Red Cartridge Kiwifruit Planting in Guizhou Mountainous Area
    MO Jian-guo, CHI Zai-xiang, TANG Bi, WANG Xiao-dong, LI Gui-qiong
    2016, 37(01):  36-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.005
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    Based on the climate data of Red Cartridge Kiwifruit planted zone from 2005 to 2014 and 85 meteorological stations from 1981 to 2010, which included average temperature in different periods, precipitation, sunshine hours, extreme maximum and minimum temperature, as well as GIS data from 1462 towns in Guizhou province, the climate conditions were analyzed and the division indices of climate suitability were obtained by using experience orthogonal function method and fuzzy clustering method, then the climate suitability division of the Red Cartridge Kiwifruit was built using GIS technology. The results showed that the annual mean temperature, extreme minimum temperature over the years (80% guarantee rate), the average temperature in January and July, temperature difference in August, annual precipitation, and annual sunshine hours could be used as climate suitability division indices for Red Cartridge Kiwifruit planting. Each index had 4 grades, corresponding to the most suitable, suitable, appropriate and inappropriate. The most suitable area was in the western region of Guizhou province, suitable region was in central west region, less suitable region was in central region, and not suitable region was mainly in Zunyi City, Tongren City, parts of southeast and western edges of Guizhou province. Investigation showed that actual cultivation of Red Cartridge Kiwifruit in Guizhou mountainous areas was in accordance with climatic suitability division.

    Impacts of Climate Change on Grain Output in Sichuan Based on the Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis Method
    LIU Chun-qiong, LIU Ping, WU Sheng-hu, SHI Kai
    2016, 37(01):  43-50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.006
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    The impacts of climate change on grain output in Sichuan province was assessed based on monthly mean temperature and precipitation data from 23 meteorological stations and grain output data of Sichuan province from 1961 to 2012 by the method of detrended cross-correlation analysis(DCCA method), while the temporal variation characteristics of Sichuan grain yield and the average annual temperature and annual precipitation of two major climatic factors were analyzed, respectively. The results showed that the correlations between temperature, precipitation and grain yield were characterized by long-term cross-correlation. The high persistence signifies that the correlations, from small time intervals to larger ones (up to 52 years at least) were positively correlated in a power-law fashion. At the same time, the DCCA exponent curves of moving series from 1990-2012 were studied. The results showed that, despite the regional climate warming and drying trend was appeared, the fluctuation of grain yield in Sichuan province is not stable, the impact of climate change on grain yield is gradually weakened. The increments of agriculture investment, which have an active role on grain output facing to harmful influence of climate change, were contributed to the DCCA exponent curves.

    Effect of Waterlogging Stress on Root Activity and Leaf Photosynthesis Character of Cauliflower
    HOU Qi-qi, YANG Zai-qiang, SHI Wu-yi, YUAN Yu-hui, GU Wei
    2016, 37(01):  51-58.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.007
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    Took cauliflower variety of Chonghua as a material, the artificial environment control experiment was conducted in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology from August to November in 2014. The waterlogging was treated as five levels: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 days, took normal irrigation as control (CK),the root activity and photosynthetic parameters of cauliflower were measured. The results showed that the root activity presented a declining trend with the increase of waterlogging days. When the experiment lasted for more than 9 days, the root activity tended to 0, when the experiment lasted for 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days, the maximum net photosynthetic rate decreased 4.90%, 68.13%, 78.71%, 90.92% and 98.68%, respectively, meanwhile, light compensation point decreased and light saturation point increased. Stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and intercellular CO2 concentration decreased significantly under waterlogging stress, but stomatal limitation increased at the beginning of the stress, that is stomatal limitation resulted in the decrease of net photosynthetic rate at early stress. The study confirmed that all indices declined obviously during the early 6 days and then tended to stabilization, so the 6th day was the critical indicator of Chonghua cauliflower.

    Simulation of Nutrient Quality of Pakchoi Based on Temperature-light Function
    TAN Wen,YANG Zai-qiang,LI Jun
    2016, 37(01):  59-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.008
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    To establish the simulation model of the nutrient quality of pakchoi (Brassica chinensis), the ‘Siyueman’ was used as test strains from March 2014 to January 2015, including five sowing times. By measuring internal quality index: vitamin C, cellulose, soluble sugar and soluble protein content under different temperature and light conditions, the mathematical model of pakchoi internal quality based on light and temperature function (LTF) was established and validated by independent experimental data. The results showed that comparing with product of thermal effectiveness and photosynthetically active radiation (TEP) and growing degree days (GDD), the root mean squared error (RMSE) of prediction values on pakchoi vitamin C, cellulose, soluble sugar and soluble protein content decreased significantly. The RMSE values decreased by 81.14%, 77.46%, 77.23%, 75.53% than that of the TEP method, and 77.15%, 78.77%, 79.90%, 21.17% than that of the GDD method respectively, which indicated the prediction accuracy of the model was higher. The correlation coefficient (r) between measured data and model prediction value was more than 0.98, higher than that of RMSE method and GDD method, which indicated the simulated values were closer to measured values. This prediction model significantly improved the prediction accuracy of pakchoi, which provided a reference for crop quality simulation with resistance to weak light in greenhouse.

    Analysis on Optimum Sowing Date of Maize in Jinzhou Using Crop Growth Model and Optimum Season Method
    Institute of Atmospheric Environment, China meteorological Administration (Shenyang), Shenyang 110166, China
    2016, 37(01):  68-76.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.009
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    To investigate the maize optimum sowing date under the average climate pattern in Jinzhou as well as evaluate the adaptability of crop growth model method and optimum season method, three years’ experimental data collected during 2011-2013 growing season conducted in Jinzhou crop site was employed in this study to validate the cultivar parameters and evaluate the model. Eight planting dates were simulated using 30 years of historical weather data from Jinzhou meteorological observational site to analyze the effect of different sowing dates on maize yield. Optimum season method was also used to investigate the optimum sowing date of maize in this site. An improved method was proposed to improve the ability of optimum season method. The evaluation of CERES-Maize showed that the model was able to simulated penology and grain yield accurately, with normalized RMSE less than 10.3%. The sowing date analysis showed that a delayed planting date from April 30 to May 10 caused an increase in average yield of 6%. Maize median yield decreased from 9112kg·ha-1 to 8619 kg·ha-1 when planting date delayed from May 10 to May 30. The yield of sowing date at 10 May had no significant difference with that of sowing at 20 April and 25 April. The optimum sowing date determined by optimum season analysis method was delayed, comparing to that determined by the crop model method and actual planting date. So an improved method was proposed, which took the unfavorable temperature during grain filling into account. Then the results were accordance with the real situation. In conclusion, the optimum sowing date of maize in this region was from 25 April to 10 May. The results could provide a reference and scientific basis for determining optimum sowing date of maize.

    Grey Correlation Analysis of Meteorological Disasters Affecting Grain Yields in Fujian Province
    LIN Zhi-yu, TIAN Gui-liang
    2016, 37(01):  77-83.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.010
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    Based on the statistics of agriculture from 1984 to 2013 in Fujian province, the change features of grain outputs and meteorological disasters were analyzed. Based on dividing the types of meteorological disasters and grains, grey correlation model is aimed to analyze the effects of meteorological disasters on food production from the angles of scope and intensity of meteorological disasters in the years of 1984-1993, 1994-2003 and 2004-2013 respectively. The results showed that: (1)Meteorological disasters had great impacts on grain production in Fujian province. The impact of disaster-affected range was decreasing, while increasing in the intensity of disasters; Grain outputs were more sensitive to the effects of disaster intensity. Thus, the focus of disaster prevention should be shifted from reducing disaster-affected range to decline the losses caused by the disasters of high intensity.(2)The scope of wind-hail had great impacts on food production in Fujian Province, especially for soybean and potato. Recently, typhoon had come to become the key factor endangering the food production. (3)The intensity of flood had great impacts on food production in Fujian Province, especially for wheat and potato.

    Application of Effective Precipitation Index in Rainstorm Flood Disaster Monitoring and Assessment
    QIN Peng-cheng, LIU Min, LI Lan
    2016, 37(01):  84-90.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.011
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    Scientific and effective monitoring and assessment are significant to prevent and mitigate the rainstorm flood disasters. Based on the Effective Precipitation Index (EP), the indices for flood monitoring and assessment at both site and regional scales were established. Using daily meteorological data from 76 stations in Hubei province and disaster loss data related during 1961 to 2014, the decay parameter and critical rainfall were determined, and the performance of the index in historical rainstorm flood assessment and real-time monitoring was examined. The results showed that the calibrated EP index explained 78.1% variances of damaged crop area, and it was sensitive to identify typical extreme and severe flood year from 1961 to 2014. During the real-time rainstorm flood in 2014, the EP index showed a certain capability to determine the start, duration, and strength of each flood process, while there was disagreement for local and discontinuous flood processes. Generally, the EP index was simple in calculation, reasonable in analysis and easy in spread. So it had more advantages in rainstorm flood evaluation, such as historical ranking, annual climatic assessment, disaster loss pre-evaluation, risk zoning, as well as crop yield prediction.

    Determination of Frozen Injury Grade Index for Young Fruit of Loquat
    CHEN Hui, YANG Kai, LIN Jing, WANG Jia-yi, CHEN Tao, MA Zhi-guo, LI Li-chun, PENG Ji-da
    2016, 37(01):  91-97.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.012
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    Based on the data of low temperature box experiment and climatic gradient observation at hillside land in last 5 years, and historical disaster data of the main production provinces, the frozen injury grade index for young fruit of loquat was studied by using methods of induction analysis and contrast verification. The results showed that the frozen injury grade index for young fruit of loquat could be represented by the daily extreme minimum temperature (Tmin) and the continuous days of low temperature (DD). All of the frozen injury grade index was as follows: the mild frozen injury -2.5℃<Tmin≤-1.0℃ and DD≤3d, the moderate frozen injury -3.5℃<Tmin≤-2.5℃ and DD≤3d or -2.5℃<Tmin≤-1.0℃ and DD>3d, the severe frozen injury -4.5℃<Tmin≤-3.5℃ and DD≤3d or -3.5℃<Tmin≤-2.5℃ and DD>3d, the serious frozen injury was Tmin≤-4.5℃ and DD≤3d or Tmin≤-3.5℃ and DD>3d. Compared to historic disaster data, the accuracy of the frozen injury grade index was 61% in Putian region Fujian province, and 87.5% in Huangyan and Linhai region Zhejiang province, which indicated that the frozen injury grade index for young fruit of loquat could be used for frozen disaster prediction.

    Medium and Long-term Forecasting Models of Nilaparvata lugens (st?l)’s Immigration Amount in Jiangsu Province
    BAO Yun-xuan, XUE Zhou-hua, LIU Yao, JIANG Rong, XIE Xiao-jin, YANG Rong-ming, ZHU Feng
    2016, 37(01):  98-110.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.013
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    In order to predict the annual total immigration heads of brown planthoppers (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (st?l), at a station in a rice-growing region by using the atmospheric background fields in the earlier stages and provide a basis for the early warning of BPH’s catastrophic immigrations and their effective prevention and controlling, the BPH’s lighting catches of all plant protection stations in Jiangsu Province during the period from 1983 to 2010 and the reanalyzed meteorological data from the National Center of Environmental Predicting (NCEP) in USA during the period from 1982 to 2010 were collected to analyze the teleconnections between the BPH’s annual total immigration heads of Gaoyou, Tongzhou and Yixing as the representative plant protection stations in the different rice-growing regions of Jiangsu Province and the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) on the Pacific Ocean from January of the preceding year to June of the present year, the temperature field of Indo-China Peninsula (T-INP) from December of the preceding year to June of the present year and the atmospheric circulation characteristic variables (ACCV) from July of the preceding year to June of the present year. A stepwise regression method was used to establish a series of the forecasting models for the annual total immigration heads of BPH at the three stations. The results showed as follows: (1) there were the correlations of different extents between the BPH’s immigration heads of Gaoyou, Tongzhou and Yixing and the SSTA on the Pacific Ocean, the T-INP and the ACCV on the Northern Hemisphere in the different temporal and spatial thresholds. The significant negative correlations exist between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at the three stations and the SSTA in the preceding year. Among them, the remarkable correlative regions between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at Tongzhou and Yixing and the SSTA on the Pacific Ocean mainly distributed on the northern and middle Pacific Ocean and the obvious correlative regions at Gaoyou situated in the southern Pacific. There were the positive correlations between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at Gaoyou and the T-INP in December of the preceding year and April of the present year, the negative correlations between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at Tongzhou and the T-INP in December of the preceding year, February and March of the present year and the positive correlations between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at Yixing and the T-INP in January and March of the present year, but the negative correlations between the logarithms of BPH’s annual total immigration heads at Yixing and the T-INP in April of the present year. The logarithms of BPH’s immigration heads at the three stations had the significant relationships with the characteristic indices of all subtropical highs, the characteristic indices of all polar vortexes, the atmospheric circulation types on the Atlantic Ocean and Europe, Zonal circulation indices on Asia, the strength of East Asian trough, the strength of cold air in East Asia, the strength of serial number typhoons on West Pacific and the indices of Southern Oscillation during from July of the preceding year to June of the present year. (2)Some significant factors (P<0.05) screened from the above factors were used as the key predictors to establish the forecast models for the BPH’s annual total immigration heads of the three stations and 17 forecast equations with the historical fitting accordance of more than 70% and the pre-examination accuracy rate of more than 66.7% were selected from the established models. The results of applicability evaluation on these equations displayed that the fitting values of these models were identical to the observed values on the whole and the models were feasible in the predicting practice of BPH’s annual total immigration amount at a station in a rice-growing region.

    Remote Sensing Monitoring of Spring Phenophase of Natural Rubber Forest in Hainan Province
    CHEN Xiao-min, CHEN Hui-lin, LI Wei-guang, LIU Shao-jun
    2016, 37(01):  111-116.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.01.014
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    The leaf-expansion stage, leaf-stable stage and aging rate for first rubber leave affect the quantity and quality of leaves and dry rubber yield significantly. Monitoring the growth stage for rubber leaves in spring is very necessary for controlling diseases and insect pests, guiding tapping and management sludge fertilizer. Based on enhanced vegetation index (EVI) distribution each 16 days from January to May from 2001 to 2014 in Hainan province, MODIS/EVI index of spatial-time distribution and variation characteristics were analyzed in this study, and spring phenophase EVI indicators for first rubber leave were determined. The results showed that the average EVI value for first rubber leave was 0.4 at leaf-expansion stage, 0.5 at leaf-stable stage. Taking two values as judgment standards, the inversion of two growth stages from 2001 to 2014 illustrated that the leaf-expansion stage and leaf-stable stage mainly occurred in middle March and early May, respectively. The average duration for leaves aging was 50 days, which was later 8.2d in average than observation data. But the method was simple and easy, could be used to monitor the change of regional natural rubber phenology.