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    20 February 2017, Volume 38 Issue 02
    Prediction on the Possible Air Temperature Change over the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin under the RCP Scenarios
    LIU Wen-ru, JU Hui, CHEN Guo-qing, LIU En-ke, LIU Qin
    2017, 38(02):  65-75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.001
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    The spatio-temporal characteristics of mean temperature was investigated under high-end path Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 and stable path RCP4.5 scenarios based on the 0.5°×0.5° grid daily meteorological data output by the scenario of RCP of BCC-CSM1-1 (Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model version1-1) over the middle and lower Yangtze River during from 2021-2050, which was selected to downscale the model data to 62 national weather stations by the bilinear interpolation method. Subsequently, the RCPs scenarios data during 2021-2050 was corrected using variance correction method from non-linear equation of the simulated and observed data over the reference period of 1961-1990. The results described that the simulation of RCP scenario output data was detected to be satisfactory. The annual mean temperature would significantly increase over the middle and lower Yangtze River, whereas the amplitude of the temperature increase gradually reduced overall from south to north under the RCP8.5 and RCP4.5 scenarios. For both scenarios, the trend of temperature increased in four selected seasons with the higher change rate in summer. Accordingly, for the RCP8.5 scenario, the increasing rate of spring and winter was found to be higher than that in the RCP4.5 scenario. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, the highest value was depicted in the central of research area for annual mean temperature, and the warming rate was found to be higher in spring and summer than other seasons and the most of station without passed the significant level (P<0.05) in winter. While for the RCP4.5 scenario, the annual mean temperature was detected to reduce gradually from north to south. Thereby, the increasing rate was found to be higher significantly in summer than in winter.
    Effects of Solanum rostratum Invasion on Soil Properties in Different Soil Types
    ZHAO Xiao-hong, ZHANG Guo-liang, SONG Zhen, ZHANG Rui-hai,YAN Jing, ZHANG Ting,
    2017, 38(02):  76-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.002
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    The effects of alien invasive plant on the soil ecosystem have become a hot spot in the research of invasion ecology. To analyze the influences of Solanum rostratum Dunal invasion on soil nutrients and enzyme activities in various habitats of different soil types, soil was sampled at two test areas in this study, one is in Xuanhua county of Hebei province and the other is in Baicheng city of Jilin province. In addition, to make a more comprehensive analysis of its impact on soil properties, 4 habitats were selected in each region (including wasteland, roadside, farmland and forestry in Xuanhua; wasteland, roadside, farmland and grassland in Baicheng;the forestry of Xuanhua and the grassland of Baicheng are the endemic habitats in each region, respectively). Soil nutrients and enzyme activities were determined by titration and colorimetry methods. The?results?indicated that the invasion of S. rostratum changed the soil nutrients. In the two areas,the total soil nitrogen was increased in farmland, forestry and grassland (P<0.05), in which the total nitrogen content of farmland and forestry in Xuanhua (anthropogenic-alluvial soil) was increased by 102.49% and 79.02% compared with CK, and that on farmland and grassland in Baicheng (light chernozem) was increased by 44.04% and 21.81% compared with CK; soil ammonium nitrogen content was also increased in farmland and forestry(P<0.05), in which the farmland and forestry in Xuanhua increased by 137.59% and 50.32% compared with CK, and 140.18% in farmland of Baicheng. In the same time, soil nitrate nitrogen content was increased in the roadside, forestry, farmland (Baicheng) and wasteland (Xuanhua) (P<0.05), among them, soil nitrate nitrogen content of wasteland, roadside and forestry was increased by 65.52%, 32.96% and 22.68% in Xuanhua, and that in roadside and farmland was increased by 132.59% and 153.96% in Baicheng, respectively. Soil organic matter content was enhanced in Xuanhua area and the wasteland and farmland of Baicheng (P<0.05); the total soil phosphorus content of wasteland, farmland and forestry in Xuanhua was decreased by 54.63%, 70.81% and 29.68%, and that in roadside and grassland of Baicheng was also decreased by 17.40% and 14.69% compared with CK (P<0.05), respectively. There was no significant effect on the total potassium and available potassium in the two regions.The invasion of S. rostratum changed the soil enzyme activity. Soil urease activity was significantly improved in the wasteland, farmland, forestry, grassland and roadside habitats (Xuanhua) (P<0.05); soil neutral phosphatase activity was improved in roadside of Xuanhua and wasteland, grassland of Baicheng(P<0.05); soil catalase activity was improved in wasteland and forestry of Xuanhua(P<0.05), however, there was no significant effect on the activity of catalase in Baicheng. For the soil nutrient and soil enzyme activities of some habitats there was no significant effect, which may be related to the climate, invasive time and other factors, and it need to be further studied. In short, S. rostratum may create the benefit soil environment for itself through changing soil nutrients and soil enzyme activities for further spread. Study on effects of S. rostratum invasion on soil nutrients and enzyme activities in different areas of different habitats will not only assess the impact of the ecological system, but also provide the basic data for the research and prevention of S. rostratum.
    Impacts of Night Warming on Rice Growth, Physiological Properties and Yield Components
    ZHANG Yi-wei, LOU Yun-sheng, ZHU Huai-wei, ZHAO Si-di, SHI Yi-fan
    2017, 38(02):  88-95.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.003
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    More attentions have been paid to the impacts of climate change on rice production around the world. In this paper, an aluminum foil reflective film was used to cover rice plants at night (19:00-6:00) daily for night warming excluding strong windy and rainy days from June to November in 2015 under field conditions. The experiment was designed with two treatments, night warming (NW) and control (CK, ambient temperature). An adjustable frame (2m×2m×2m) was used to place the aluminum foil reflective film over rice canopy. The height of the aluminum foil reflective film was adjusted weekly to keep a distance of 30 cm above rice canopy. The parameters of rice growth, photosynthesis and transpiration as well as yield components were measured at rice tillering stage, jointing stage, heading-flowering stage, grain-filling stage and maturity stage, respectively. The parameters included tiller number, chlorophyll content (SPAD value), leaf area index, photosynthesis and transpiration parameters, and yield components (effective panicle number, grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight). The results showed that, (1) air temperature over rice canopy at night was evidently increased by covering the canopy with aluminum foil reflective film, in other word, night warming (NW) treatment increased the canopy air temperature by 0.4℃ on average throughout rice growth period. (2) Compared with control, NW treatment reduced tiller number by 4.33, and decreased chlorophyll content (SPAD value) at tillering stage, jointing stage, heading-flowering stage, grain-filling stage and maturity stage by 0.2%, 2.75%, 6.31%, 10.77% and 32.03%, respectively. But had no obvious effect on leaf area index. (3) Night warming decreased significantly the net photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance at different growth stages. (4) Night warming decreased grain number per panicle by 12.76%, effective panicles by 19.02% and yield by 32.54%, but increased 1000-grain weight by 3.93%. It is suggested that night warming affected significantly rice growth and photosynthesis, and further researches needed to investigate the effects of different warming treatments on rice production and to simulate its trend in the view of future climate change.
    Temporal Variations of Soil Surface Resistance to Vapor Transfer and Its Quantitative Relationship between Soil Temperature and Soil Moisture during Non-Growing Season on an Alpine Meadow
    ZHANG Fa-wei, WANG Jun-bang, LIN Li, LI Yi-kang, GUO Xiao-wei, CAO Guang-min
    2017, 38(02):  96-103.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.004
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    Soil surface resistance to vapor transfer is crucial for accurately estimating regional evapotranspiration while the studies of how to quantify the relationship between the soil surface resistance and soil temperature and soil moisture are still lack in alpine region. The dataset of soil evaporation measured by the eddy covariance technique over an alpine meadow during non-growing season (November to following April) in 2014 and 2015 were analyzed. The daytime (9:00-18:00) soil surface resistance was deduced from the theoretical Penman-Monteith formula of soil evaporation and the correlation with the 5cm soil temperature and 5cm soil volumetric water content was studied. The results showed that diurnal pattern of soil surface resistance was unimodal with a peak occurring at about 15:00. The response of diurnal soil surface resistance to the 5cm soil temperature could be described as a power function with an optimum soil temperature of –4.25℃(R2=0.38, P<0.01, N=115). The diurnal soil surface resistance negatively correlated exponentially with the 5cm soil volumetric water content (R2=0.12, P<0.01, N=115). There was no evident seasonal variation in daily soil surface resistance. The relationship between daily soil surface resistance and the 5cm soil temperature (R2=0.69, P<0.01, N=10) and the 5cm soil volumetric water content (R2=0.27, P<0.01, N=10) could both be depicted by exponential equation. Correlation analysis revealed that diurnal and daily soil evaporation was mainly governed by incident solar radiation (R2>0.50, P<0.01). These finding suggested that the soil surface resistance during non-growing season in the alpine meadow was much more controlled by soil temperature, rather than soil moisture.
    Improved Semi-open CO2 Concentration and Temperature Gradient Chambers (CTGC): Controlling to CO2 Concentration
    LI Yu-ting, FENG Yong-xiang, HAN Xue, TONG Cheng-feng, WEI Qiang, LI Ying-chun
    2017, 38(02):  104-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.005
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    Environmental simulation system is an effective way to study the response of agro-ecological system to global change. However, current atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment simulation systems have some limitations, including excessive CO2 gas consumption, high experimental cost, disparity between the simulated and the natural environments, space limitation, lack of replications. To address these problems, we upgraded the hardware and improved the design of the CO2 concentration and temperature gradient chambers (CTGCs) that control CO2 gas to release accurately and cost-effectively to improve the simulation of future elevated CO2 concentration environment. Besides, the improved CTGCs was more spacious, which allowed the growth of more crop species simultaneously. In this system we used a set of electromagnetic valves and an individual CO2 concentration infrared sensor to constitute a multi-passageway CO2 concentration monitoring system for real-time monitoring of the change in CO2 concentration. A proportional pressure reducing regulator valve was also deployed at the source of CO2 gas emission. This effectively reduced the pressure storing in the gas pipeline when CO2 was compressed and released from the gasholder, which resulted in accurate CO2 gas emission. The pipeline consisted of head and peripheral branch tubes which were connected to the flux regulating valve. The equipment changed the CO2 gas emission from longitudinal to lateral emission. The above changes form an evenly-distributed CO2 gas released area in the improved CTGC system. The improved CTGC system achieved CO2 concentrations of 387±4.5, 441±13.4, 490±20.9, 534±24.3 and 567±28.9μmol·mol-1. The system improved effectively the response to environmental change, performed accurately real-time monitoring the change in CO2 concentration in every treatment of the chamber, and released precisely CO2 gas to maintain the targeted CO2 concentration gradient in a stable and continuously manner. In summary, the improved CTGC system would be a better system for studying the responses of plants to CO2 enrichment.
    Instantaneous Response of Leaf Stomatal Behavior to Light Quality under Two Irrigation Levels in Summer Maize
    LI Yuan-yuan, GONG Dao-zhi, YAN Wei-guang, TANG Da-hua, MEI Xu-rong, Zhang Wen-ying
    2017, 38(02):  113-120.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.006
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    The LI-6400 portable photosynthesis system was used to measure the stomatal conductance (Gs), net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and transpiration (Tr) of the first functional leaf of summer maize (Zhengdan 958) under irrigation and no irrigation during three growth periods (jointing, tasselling and filling stages). While measuring these physiological indicators, red to blue ratio was set at 0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% to analyze its effects on the stomatal behavior of summer maize. The instantaneous leaf water use efficiency was also calculated from measurements of these physiological indicators. The results showed that compared with no-irrigation, the mean values of Gs, Pn and Tr in leaves were significantly higher under the irrigation treatment at the tasselling stages, but the differences between both treatments were not significant at the jointing and filling stage. Under both two water treatments, the Gs, Pn and Tr were maximum under the pure red light and decreased with the increase of blue light proportion. Considering the water-saving effect, higher ratio of red to blue light can improve the WUE of maize leaves.
    Yield Differences and its Causes for One Season Rice Under Different Sowing Dates in Typical High Temperature Year
    GUO Jian-mao, WU Yue, YANG Shen-bin, JIANG Xiao-dong, XIE Xiao-yan, WANG Jin-jie, SHEN Shuang-he
    2017, 38(02):  121-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.02.007
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    In order to reveal the impacts of high temperature on rice yield, an interval sowing experiment was conducted with Nanjing 45 as experiment material, at agro-meteorological experimental station in Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in 2013. Three sowing dates were April 30 (the first sowing date, denoted as No.1), May 15 (the second sowing date, denoted as No.2) and May 31 (the third sowing date, denoted as No. 3) respectively. During the experiment, the characteristics of rice yield and yield components, yield contribution factors, dry matter transportation from stem and leaf to panicle during grain filling stage, and harvest index (HI) to high temperature were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) the yield increased with sowing date postponing. Yield differences between No.1 and the other two reached 0.05 significant level and yield of No.1 was less than No.2 and No.3 by 3495.08 kg·ha-1 and 6319.58 kg·ha-1 respectively. As for yield components, seed setting rate difference between No.1 and the other two reached 0.05 significant level, and 1000-grain weight and grain number per panicle differences among the three reached 0.05 significant level. In general, the main performance of high temperature was to decrease seed setting rate and grain number per panicle. (2) The contribution amount of three contribution factors (dry weight of panicle at end of heading, P0; newly assimilated dry matter during grain filling stage, ΔW; dry matter transferred from stem and leaf to panicle during grain filling stage, ΔT) all increased with the sowing date postponing. The contribution rate of ΔW was the largest both in No.1 and No.3, while in No.2 contribution rate of ΔT was the largest. (3) The dry matter export rate (DMER) and transformation rate (DMTR) of stem were both twice more than that of leaf (except for the DMER in No.1). Among three sowing dates, the DMER and DMTR of leaf were the largest in No.1, but the smallest in No.3. The differences were 4.37% and 7.35% respectively. However, the DMER and DMTR of stem were both the smallest in No.1. (4) HI showed the same tendency as yield. With the sowing date postponing, the HI of No.3 showed the biggest (46.92%), then No.2 (39.60%), and No.1 showed the smallest (28.84%). So, choosing mid to late of May as the sowing date could help to alleviate the harm caused by high temperature and to ensure the yield of rice in 2013.