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    20 November 2017, Volume 38 Issue 11
    Emission Characteristics of Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas during the Low C/N Ratio Swine Manure Composting
    ZHOU Tan-long, SHANG Bin, DONG Hong-min, ZHU Zhi-ping, TAO Xiu-ping, ZHANG Wan-qin
    2017, 38(11):  689-698.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.001
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    The animal farms produce large amount of manure, and the composting process of animal manure needs to supply external carbon source material, which adds the treatment cost. In addition, the available data about the gas emission during low C/N composting of pig manure are lack. Hence, the emission of NH3 (ammonia), N2O (nitrous oxide), CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane) during the composting of pig manure was monitored continuously using an Innova 1312 monitor. The results showed that the daily average temperature inside composing bin over 50℃ was more than 10 days, which could secure pathogen inactivation and meet the non-hazardous requirement of national standards. After 31d composting, cumulative emissions of NH3, N2O, CO2 and CH4 per kg initial matter were 2.27, 0.07, 135.72 and 0.24g, respectively. The NH3 emissions occurred mainly in the first week and 10 days after turning, which account for 30.02% and 36.15% of the total NH3 emission, respectively. Nevertheless, GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions focused on the fourth week, accounting for 30.9% of the total emissions. If CO2 was not considered, N2O was the main contributor to GHG, with a contribution rate of 72.02%. There was a positive correlation (P<0.01) between the accumulated amount of gas emission (NH3, N2O, CH4 and CO2) and the pH value during composting, and a good negative correlation with water content and C/N ratio (P<0.01). Therefore, the control of NH3 during the composting of pig manure should be focused on the first week and after turning of the composting process, while GHG emission reduction should focus on the N2O emission during the later period of composting (the fifth week).

    Effects of Bio-active Humic Acid Fertilizer on Phosphorus Leach-loss and Runoff- loss under Simulated Conditions
    MA Jin-feng, ZHU Chang-xiong, LI Hong-na, GENG Bing, ZHANG Li, SHA Jing-jing
    2017, 38(11):  699-708.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.002
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    The movability of phosphorus (P) in the vertical and horizontal directions was investigated with the application of bio-active humic acid fertilizer (BHA) under simulated leaching and runoff experiments. Outdoor leaching and runoff experiments were also conducted with the Chinese cabbage planting, in which the effects of BHA on the growth and yields of the Chinese cabbage and their risk on the water quality were investigated as well. Treatments with chemical fertilizer (CF) and no phosphorus application (NOP) were carried out as control. The results showed that, (1) after watering for eight times, the highest and average value of TP content in the water for BHA treatment were higher than that for CF and NOP treatments, both in simulated leaching and runoff experiments; but there were no significant difference on P leach-loss amount and leach-loss rate among the three treatments. Also there was no significant difference on P runoff-loss amount and runoff-loss rate between BHA and CF treatments. Nevertheless, P runoff-loss amount and runoff-loss rate for the two treatments were both significant higher than that for the NOP treatment (P runoff-loss amount of BHA and CF treatment was 208.96% and 147.01% higher than NOP treatment, respectively; and P runoff-loss rate of BHA and CF treatment was 1.98% and 1.39% higher than NOP treatment, respectively). (2) As for the outdoor leaching and runoff experiments, there was no significant difference on growth status of the Chinese cabbage between BHA and CF treatment, and both of them were significantly better than that for NOP treatment. Moreover, the yield of the Chinese cabbage and the P content in the vegetable were significantly higher in the CF treatment than that in the BHA and NOP treatment. There was no significant difference on P leach-loss amounts between BHA and CF treatment, while both of them were significant higher than NOP treatment. Nevertheless, P runoff-loss amount of BHA treatment was significant higher than that with CF and NOP treatments (78.52% and 82.48%, respectively). As a result, it was pointed out that, although P in CF treatment was easier to be absorbed by Chinese cabbage than BHA treatment, the two treatments showed no significant differences on the growth of vegetables. P loss was easier from runoff solution rather than leaching solution after BHA was applied, and thus it was suggested that immediate irrigation, especially broad irrigation, should be avoided.
    Characteristics of Evapotranspiration and Its Components Simulated Using Shuttleworth-Wallace Model in Rice Paddy Field
    WANG Yu, ZHOU Li, JIA Qing-yu, WANG Lei, XU Jun-liang
    2017, 38(11):  709-719.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.003
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    The simulation of evapotranspiration (ET) and its components in croplands is critical for the precise irrigation and accurate estimation of ecosystem productivity. Based on the eddy-covariance flux measurement and ancillary data during 2013-2015, evapotranspiration and its components were simulated using the Shuttleworth-Wallace model (S-W model) in a rice paddy field in Panjin. The controlling mechanism of the ratio of soil evaporation to evapotranspiration (ES/ET) was analyzed with the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that: (1) the simulated ET was close to the observed ET in the late growing season, however, it was lower than the observed ET in the early growing season and higher in the peak growing season. (2) As for the seasonal variation, the simulated ET showed a drastic day-to-day fluctuation (0.5-10.4mm·d-1) but no clear seasonal pattern; the plant transpiration (TR) was higher in the peak growing season and lower at the start and the end of the growing season, with the range of 0.1-8.4mm·d-1; ES showed a U-type curve, with the range of 0.1-4.7mm·d-1. (3) The simulated mean annual ET was 892mm during 2013-2015. TR was equal to ES at the annual scale. As for the growing season scale, TR was the main consumer of the ET: TR was close to ES in the transplanting-tillering stage, while in the other growth stages and the whole growing season, TR was more than twice as ES. (4) The SEM results indicated that air temperature (Ta) was the primary controlling factor of the ES/ET (total effect=-0.82). Ta was shown to influence ES/ET both directly (direct effect=-0.50) and indirectly through its regulation on leaf area index (LAI, indirect effect=-0.32). In addition, the LAI and wind speed (WS) were also shown to have significant effects on ES/ET. ES/ET decreased with LAI (total effect=-0.39) and increased with WS (total effect=0.38).

    Retrieving on Monthly Soil Moisture in Liaoning Province Based on NDVI-LST Module
    ZHANG Qi-lin,YIN Hong,JI Rui-peng,WU Jin-wen,ZHANG Hai-xu
    2017, 38(11):  720-728.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.004
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    To verify the application of NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and LST(Land surface Temperature)module in Liaoning Province, the NDVI and LST data from MODIS May to August in 2015 were used to establish the module and used as the slope from the module fitting curves to compute the soil moisture. The results showed that: (1) the module of NDIV/LST had the same feature with the theory module which was a triangle module, the soil moisture computed from this module had high correlation coefficient with the measured soil moisture values. The values of correlation coefficient were all above 0.8 except for August, and the spatial distribution of computed soil moisture was same with the measured values except for August. (2) The result of computed soil moisture in August was not ideal, the correlation coefficient was only 0.48, which was possibly due to NDVI had a delayed reflection of July precipitation and the influence of August drought in Liaoning province. Overall, the result form retried NDVI-LST module was ideal. It could provide a new idea for the quick retrieval of soil moisture in Liaoning and provide the decision making for disaster prevention and mitigation.
    Grey Correlation Analysis between Climatic Elements during Winter Wheat Growing Period and Yield in Counties —A Case Study of Henan Province
    ZHAO Kai-na,NING Xiao-ju,QIN Yao-chen,ZHANG Rong-rong,SHI Qin-qin
    2017, 38(11):  729-737.  doi::10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.005
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    Based on daily meteorological data and winter wheat yield data collected from 39 meteorological stations in Henan province and surrounding areas during 1996-2015, grey correlation analysis method was adopted to analyze space-time change characteristics of the correlations between climatic elements during winter wheat growing period and yield in countries of Henan province. The results showed that in general, among the correlations between climatic elements and winter wheat yield in Henan province, the temperature correlation was the largest, followed by sunshine hours, while precipitation was the smallest; in terms of spatial distribution of correlations, the correlation in northern regions was higher than that in southern regions; the transitivity of south and north was remarkable; particularly in Xinyang city in the south, its correlation was obviously lower compared to those of other regions. Seen from time quantum, the correlations between climatic elements during winter wheat growing period and yield declined a bit during 1996-2010, while rose abruptly during 2011-2015, showing a distinct inter-annual change feature. In particular, changes in counties located in the southwest and the south were remarkable, while those in the north, east and middle regions were smaller. Generally speaking, the correlations between each climatic element and winter wheat yield presented a rise tendency, and the influences of climate changes on winter wheat yield gradually became obvious. Hence, people should actively take corresponding strategies to cope with effects caused by climate changes.
    Isolation and Identification of Potassium-Solubilizing Bacteria from Rhizosphere Soil of Apple Tree
    JIANG Ji-hang, PENG Xia-wei, YAN Zhen-xin, HE Bu-wei, ZHU Chang-xiong, GUO Hui, GENG Bing
    2017, 38(11):  738-748.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.11.006
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    In order to detect the population properties and potassium-dissolving characteristics of potassium-dissolving bacteria existing in apple rhizosphere soil, the highly efficient potassium-dissolving bacterial isolates were gained from the rhizosphere soil of apple trees. 118 strains with the ability of potassium-dissolving were isolated with potassium feldspar as the sole potassium source, then the strains were clustered into 29 populations by analysis of repetitive-element PCR (rep-PCR) genomic DNA fingerprinting. Flame spectrophotometer was used to determine the potassium-dissolving capacity, and 5 highly efficient potassium-dissolving bacteria was obtained, whose average soluble potassium content of culture medium reached to 41.47mg·L-1. K105 performed the highest potassium- dissolving ability, and the available potassium increased by 23.09%. The available potassium increased after being digested by H2O2 solution, the maximum was up to 31.22%. After identifying the isolated 5 strains of efficient potassium-dissolving bacteria by bacterial morphology, physiology and biochemical characteristics, and phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, 5 strains were classified into 4 bacterial genera. K1 belongs to Acinetobacter sp., K98, K105 and K115 belong to Pseudomonas sp., and K168 belongs to Bacillus sp.. It provided basis for exploration of new efficient potassium-solubilizing bacteria, contributing to improve apple replanted soil and develop microbial fertilizer special for apple trees.