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    20 December 2017, Volume 38 Issue 12
    Effect of Increasing Diffuse Radiation Fraction under Low Light Condition on the Grain-filling Process of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)
    JIANG Xiao-dong, CHEN Hui-ling, JIANG Lin-lin, YANG Xiao-ya, LV Run, HUA Meng-fei, WU Ke-ren
    2017, 38(12):  753-760.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.001
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    The solar radiation reduction along with increasing diffuse radiation fraction has been observed across the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze river in recent half century. Wheat growth and production would be influenced by the changes of solar radiation reaching the surface and its composition. In order to investigate the effect of increasing diffuse radiation fraction under decreased solar radiation condition on the grain filling process of the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L), two treatments with different reduction ratio of diffuse radiation fraction and similar shading rate were set in the field experiment: T1, total solar radiation shading rate was 14.10% and diffuse radiation fraction was 31.09%; T2, total solar radiation shading rate was 14.42% and diffuse radiation fraction was 39.98%, respectively; CK, no shading as control. The experiment was conducted from three leaves stage to mature stage of winter wheat. The 1000-grain weight was measured every 7 days from anthesis to mature period for 5 times totally. The Logistic model was used to simulate the grain filling process, the grain weight growing and the filling parameters. The results indicated that the grain filling time was not significantly affected by solar radiation reduction, but the 1000-grain weight was affected through decreasing grain filling rate. Under T1 treatment, the maximum filling rate, the average filling rate, the filling rate during the gradual increasing period , rapid increasing period and slow increasing period decreased, and the 1000-grain weight also decreased. Under the treatment of higher diffuse solar radiation fraction (T2 treatment), the maximum grain filling rate, the average grain filling rate, the filling rate during gradual, rapid and slow growth periods were increased, and the grain weight was increased. This study indicated that the negative effect of solar radiation reduction on grain weight was offset by the effect of increased diffuse radiation fraction.
    Effects of High Temperature and Different Air Humidity on Growth and Senescence Characteristics for Tomato Seedlings
    WANG Lin, YANG Zai-qiang, YANG Shi-qiong, LI Jun, LI Kai-wei, HOU Meng-yuan
    2017, 38(12):  761-770.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.002
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    To understand the effects of high temperature (HT) and relative humidity (RH) on tomato growth, a controlled experiment for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., cv. Jinfen 5) was conducted in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in 2016. The HT was maintained at 35℃/18℃(day/night), 38℃/18℃, and 41℃/18℃, the RH was set at 50%±5%, 70%±5%, and 90%±5%, and 28℃/18℃ and 45%-55% was took as control (CK), all treatments lasted for 3d, 6d, and 9d. The results showed that the daily growth rate of plant height, stem diameter, and SOD increased at first and then decreased, while the daily growth rate of leaf area, chlorophyll a and b, POD, and CAT decreased when day temperature was 35-41℃. The growth of tomato under 35℃ and 38℃ was similar to that of CK, while the daily growth rate of plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, chlorophyll a and b decreased by 58%, 49%, 18%, 13.2%, and 10.2% compared to CK under 41℃. The plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, chlorophyll a and b, SOD, and CAT under the treatment of 70%±5% RH were higher than that of 50%±5% and 90%±5% RH at the same temperature. There was no significant difference among different days. The results indicated that when the day temperature of greenhouse was 35-41℃ in summer, 70%±5% RH could effectively relieve the harm of HT stress on tomato. The range analysis showed that HT was the main factor affected growth and senescence for tomato, and RH was the secondary factor. The variance analysis showed that the interaction of HT and RH impacted significantly growth and senescence for tomato.
    Effects of Organic Fertilizer Combined with Biochar on Soil Moisture and Water Use Efficiency in Vegetable Field
    WANG Zhan, LI Yin-kun, WANG Li-chun, GUO Wen-zhong, XU Zhi-gang, YANG Zi-qiang, MA Li, LI Qiu-chen
    2017, 38(12):  771-779.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.003
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    Taking Chinese Flowering Cabbage as the experimental materal, the positioning experiment of single and combined fertilization of biochar and organic fertilizer was carried out in Wuzhong dry area in Ningxia. The research analyzed the experimental data about the first crop among three corps a year in total that planted on 13th May 2015, and harvested on 22nd June 2015. The experiment totally included four treatments as single organic fertilizer (M, 110t.ha-1), single biochar (C, 17t.ha-1), organic fertilizer combined with biochar (MC, 110+17t.ha-1) and no organic fertilizer and biochar (CK). Through testing the moisture dynamics and growing state of 0-70cm soil layer in growth period of Chinese Flowering Cabbage to analyze the role and effect of cultivation model of biochar combined with organic fertilizer in organic vegetable garden in northern of China. The results showed that the treatment MC could effectively increased the water content in 0-10cm soil layer. Compared with treatment CK, M and C, the average ratio of water content of 0-10cm soil layer in whole growth period increased by 12.4-29.2 percentage (P<0.05) respectively. Treatment MC changed the distribution of moisture in soil section profile, concentrate more moisture in 0-30cm soil layer and enhanced available water content for corps and had a remarkable role on water retention. Treatment MC could promote the growth of Chinese Flowering Cabbage and increase corps yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Compared with treatment M, the plant height of Chinese Flowering Cabbage, yield, biomass and WUE increased by 39.6%, 63.0%, 51.4% and 64.0% (P<0.01) respectively in harvest season. The results indicated that treatment of biochar combined with organic fertilizer (MC) had remarkable role in water-storing and soil-maintenance and could be popularized as a preferential cultivation management model in local region.
    Growth Dynamics of "Hua Niu" Apple and its Relationship with Heat Conditions in Southeast of Gansu Province
    YAO Xiao-ying, MA Jie, LI Tong, YUAN Bai-shun, WANG Xing, WANG Zhen-guo
    2017, 38(12):  780-786.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.004
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    Based on the experiment data and meteorological data from 2014 to 2016 on the different elevation orchard in "Hua Niu" apple producing area in southeast of Gansu province, the dynamic growth model of apple was established, the dynamic change characteristics of "Hua Niu" apple growth and its correlation with heat factor were analyzed. The results showed that the apple diameter growth and single fruit weight may be described with Logister curve, fruit growth had the obvious time characteristic, the extreme value change and growth regular. The horizontal diameter was greater than the longitudinal diameter in early growth of young fruit until early to mid July;the fruit diameter maximum value appeared in the mid to late June, weight of single fruit maximum value appeared in early to mid July. Each additional 100 meters above sea level, the data of the maximum value delayed about 4 days. The fruit diameter and weight reached the maximum in stage 2 during stage 4 of fruit growth,the fruit pulp cells increased rapidly in stage 2 (45-80d after flowering,about from mid June to mid of July). There was an obvious correlation between the average temperature and the growth of fruit weight. The variation relation between fruit diameter, single fruit cumulative weight and ≥10℃ accumulated temperature can be imitatived by S curve. The fastest time of fruit diameter growing was in June 20 or so, for about 50 days after flowering and the fastest time of single fruit weight increasing was in July 6 or so, for about 66 days after flowering. Strengthen the management of water, fertilization, diseases and insect pests, pruning in the critical moment during fruit growth is an important part to improvement the apple yield and commodity level.

    Effect of Different Plants Combinations on Cadmium Uptake Grown in a Mixed Matrix of Coal Gangue Weathered Material and Soil
    LI Xia, WANG Xue, DU Shi-jie, YANG Jun-xia, GAO Zhi-hui, HAN Zhi-ping, ZHEN Li-na
    2017, 38(12):  787-794.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.005
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    Coal gangue with high cadmium (Cd) content is an inevitable product from the process of coal mining. The abandoned coal gangue could cause Cd contamination to the adjacent water and soil. Phytoremediation of heavy metals contamination has become a research hotspot. Using a mixed matrix of coal gangue weathered material and soil (w/w, 1:1) as cultivation medium, a pot experiment was conducted to investigate Cd uptake by ryegrass, chicory, and alfalfa in monoculture or intercropping. The results indicated that ryegrass biomass in monoculture was the largest, but with no significant different for Cd uptake compared with chicory and alfalfa. The biomass and nitrogen, phosphorus, Cd uptake by ryegrass significantly increased after intercropping with chicory or alfalfa. While the significant decrease and no significant change were observed for chicory and alfalfa, respectively. Among all treatments, ryegrass intercropping with alfalfa has the highest aboveground biomass and the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and Cd. Especially, the Cd uptake was 1.29-2.76 times of other planting combinations. Ryegrass intercropping with alfalfa as the optimal planting combination could be used into the remediation of Cd contamination in coal gangue.
    Determination of Extreme High Temperature Thresholds before and after Summer Corn Jointing Stage in Shandong Based on Accumulated Temperature-Yield Model
    ZHANG Qi, TANG Jie, FENG Yi-chun, ZHANG Yi-xuan, CAI Cheng-liang
    2017, 38(12):  795-800.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.006
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    By using accumulated temperature-yield model, the hourly temperature was simulated based on daily temperature from 10 meteorological stations in Shandong province from 1983 to 2012. Then the extreme high temperature thresholds both before and after summer corn jointing stage were determined, and the spatial and temporal distribution of extreme high temperature events was analyzed. The results showed that temperature were in 17-35℃ during summer corn growing season, and the duration of each temperature after jointing was larger than that of before jointing. The proportional coefficient of effective accumulated temperature converting into actual yield increased during 1983-2012. The threshold of extreme high temperature before and after summer corn jointing stage was 35.2℃ and 34.5℃ respectively. The regional extreme high temperature days decreased from western to eastern in Shandong province, which was higher after jointing stage than that of before jointing stage. The extreme high temperature days increased gradually during the research period.
    Effects and Evaluation of Low Irradiation Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Grapevine Leaves in Greenhouse
    LI Kai-wei, YANG Zai-qiang,XIAO Fang, WANG Lin, YANG Shi-qiong
    2017, 38(12):  801-811.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.007
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    To study the effects of low irradiation (LI) on grape (Vitis vinifera L., cv Hongti) growth, a controlled experiment was carried out in growth chambers. Three levels of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) were set for grapes:normal irradiation [L0, 600μmol(photon)?m-2?s-1] and low irradiation [L1, 80μmol(photon)?m-2?s-1; L2, 100μmol(photon)?m-2?s-1].The experiment lasted for 9d, then all groups of grapes were transferred to L0 to recover for 16d. The principal component analysis was used to screen the relative chlorophyll content, photosynthetic parameters, and chlorophyll fluorescence dynamics parameters; light stress index (LSI) was defined, and the stress level was classified combined with recovery growth. The results showed that, (1) the photosynthesis was inhibited by LI, relative chlorophyll content (SPAD), light saturation point (LSP), photosynthetic rate at irradiation saturation (Pnmax), apparent quantum efficiency (AQE), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), and electron transport rate (ETR) decreased under LI, while the non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN) was opposite. The change of all indices under L1 was bigger than that of L2, after 9 d, Pnmax decreased to 26.5%, while qN increased to 189%, compared to CK. Maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) increased at first, and then decreased with an increase of stress time, it peaked on the 5th d under L1. (2) The quick recovery stage of photosynthetic parameters was 0-8d, and it took about 12d to resume to CK or a relatively stable state.(3) Taking the recovery state of photosynthetic parameters into consideration, and combining with the LSI at 12d of recovery, the LI disaster level was divided into four grade, that is level 0 (1d under L1, and 1-3d under L2), levelⅠ (2-3d under L1, and 4-7d under L2), level Ⅱ (4-7d under L1, and 8-9d under L2), and level Ⅲ(more than 7d under L1, and more than 9d under L2).
    Risk Regionalization of Cold and Freezing Damage to Potato in Spring Planting Region of Fujian Province Based on Geographic Information Systems
    FANG Jie,CHEN Jia-jin
    2017, 38(12):  812-821.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.12.008
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    This work was aimed to find out the risk-distribution of cold and freezing damage to spring planting potato in Fujian. Based on the output, meteorological and agricultural economic data from 45 counties during 1993-2014 in spring planting region of Fujian province over the years, to analyze potential hazards of cold and freezing damage, vulnerability of potato and the prevention measures of cold and freezing damage in the spring planting region were analyzed; and the index system of risk division for cold and freezing damage of potato were constructed. The weight coefficient of risk regionalization index and risk exponent were worked out by applying the AHP, entropy-weight coefficient and comprehensive weighting methods; and also, the risk regionalization index and model of cold and freezing damage to potato in the spring planting in Fujian were worked out. Finally, the regionalizationon cold and freezing damage to potato in the springplanting in Fujian were made based on GIS. The results showed that the areas which had low risk of cold and freezing damage to potato locate in low altitude in spring planting region of Fujian Province. These regions are suitable for spring-planting potato. Moderate risk region of cold and freezing damage distributed mainly over medium altitude areas. Furthermore, Jiufengmountain, Wuyimountain, Daiyunmountain and Bopinglingmountain had severe risk of cold and freezing damage. The most severe risk exists in the region of more than 800 meters above sea level, where they aren’t suitable for early spring-planting potato. In terms of risk factor composition, potential hazard was the determinant factor of cold and freezing damage and prevention measures only mitigated this potential.