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    20 September 2019, Volume 40 Issue 09
    Using Surface Meteorological Data to Establish Daily Total Solar Radiation Calculation Model for Sichuan Province
    Cai Yuan-gang,WANG Ming-tian,CAI Yi-heng,LIU Ya-lin,CHEN Dong-dong
    2019, 40(09):  543-556.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2019.09.001
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    Based on the daily total solar radiation and the surface meteorological data from 2016 to 2018 collected of 6 radiation observation stations in Sichuan Province, the daily total solar radiation calculation model (Model I) of Sichuan Province was established by using “case ranking”, linear regression and stepwise regression method, and another total solar radiation calculation model (Mode II) and a no-sunlight total radiation calculation model (Mode III) were established according to whether the sunshine hours are 0 or not. The results showed that the outcomes of Mode I, Mode II and Mode III achieved significance level of 0.01. The backtest’s MAPE for the model I, model II and Mode III were 12.62%, 10.02% and 16.34%, respectively, and the NRMSE were 16.17% and 12.23%, 28.40%, respectively. The MAPEs of these three models for the 4 typical days are 7.59%, 4.50%, and 36.53%, the NRMSEs were 9.22%, 5.93%, and 40.98%, respectively. As for 4 typical days, if sunshine hours are 0, it’s better to use Mode Ⅰ instead of Mode III, the model II simulation could be used when the sunshine hours are not 0, and then the MAPE was 5.79% and the NRMSE was 7.47%, which were 1.80 and 1.75 percentage points higher than the values calculated by model I simulation. All three established models had application value in calculating daily total radiation; the best simulation method for daily total radiation in Sichuan Province is using Mode I when the sunshine hours are 0, and the model II is used when the sunshine hours are not 0; Altitude, weather conditions and the length of sunshine determine the total amount of daily radiation in all parts of Sichuan. The altitude and weather conditions are the main factors caused the daily total solar radiation differences in Sichuan.
    Effect of Water and Nitrogen Coupling on Rapid Fluorescence Induction Kinetics Characteristics of Facility Grape Leaves
    HUANG Qin-qin, YANG Zai-qiang, LI Jia-shuai, LI Jia-jia, ZHENG Qian-tong, DING Yu-hui
    2019, 40(09):  557-573.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2019.09.002
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    The two-factor control experiment of soil moisture and nitrogen level was carried out with grape variety “Hongti” as test material. Soil water content was set at four levels: 70%-80%(W1), 60%-70%(W2), 50%-60%(W3) and 30%-40%(W4). Nitrogen was designed at four levels: 1.5N (25.5g·m-2, N1), 1N (17g·m-2, N2), 0.5N (8.5g·m-2, N3) and 0N (0g·m-2, N4), in which W1 and N2 were used as control (CK), the dynamic characteristics of fast fluorescence induction in grape leaves were measured in the first period, the second period and the third period of growth and the development of grape seedlings to understand the water and fertilizer requirements of protected grape. The results showed: (1) the coupling curves of different water, nitrogen and water-nitrogen coupling in the different observation stages of grape seedlings were similar, but with the decrease of soil moisture and nitrogen levels, different feature points(OJIP) there were significant differences, the higher the water and nitrogen levels, the greater the maximum fluorescence value of the grape leaves. (2) With the decreased of soil water content, the energy ratios of PSII reaction centers in grape leaves at different seedling stages were significantly different, compared with CK control group, quantum yield of absorbed light captured by reaction center(ΦPo), when the excition is captured by the reaction center, the ratio of excition occupied by other electron acceptors over QA in the driving electron transfer chain to excition(ψo) and quantum yields of light energy absorbed by reaction centers for electron transfer(ΦEo) were all inhibited, quantum ratio for heat dissipation(Do) was promoted. With the decreased of nitrogen application rate, ΦPo, ψo and ΦEo increased in different degrees, and ΦDo showed a downward trend. In each water-nitrogen coupling treatment, ΦPo was the largest under W1N3 treatment, and ψo and ΦEo were significantly improved under W2N4 treatment. The ΦDo value was highest under CK processing. (3) Light energy absorbed by the unit active reaction center(ABS/RC), energy recovered by the unit reaction center for reducing QA(TRo/RC), the energy dissipated by the unit reaction center(DIo/RC) increased as the soil water content decreased, while the lower the soil water content, the smaller the energy value captured by the unit reaction center for electron transfer(ETo/RC); compared with CK, the activity parameters of PSII reaction center treated by N1, N3 and N4 were all promoted; ABS/RC and DIo/RC were the highest under W1N3 treatment, TRo/RC was the largest under W3N2 treatment, and ETo/RC was significant promoted under W2N4 treatment. (4) The maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of PSII gradually decreases with the decrease of soil moisture. The lower the soil water content, the lower the potential photochemical activity (Fv/Fo) of PSII; the highest variable fluorescence value under W2N3 treatment,the largest Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo value under W1N3 treatment.
    Source-flow-sink Characteristics of Heavy Panicle Rice BL006 and R-nongbai
    CHEN Jian-zhen, YAN Hao-liang, LIU Ke, ZHU Kai-dian, TIAN Xiao-hai
    2019, 40(09):  574-582.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2019.09.003
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    Field experiment was conducted with two heavy panicle rice cultivars (BL006, R-nongbai) and one medium panicle rice cultivar (Huanghuazhan). Grain filling characteristics, dry matter accumulation, non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content in stem-sheath, vascular bundle characters and yield traits were investigated to elucidate characteristics of grain filling and source-flow-sink for heavy panicle rice cultivars. Results showed that: (1) heavy panicle rice cultivars showed earlier grain growth, higher grain filling rate at early grain filling stage, heavier grain weight, and synchronous filling dynamic among spikelets on the different positions. (2) Compared with Huanghuazhan, spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weights of BL006 and R-nongbai were increased by 16.83%, 33.75% and 13.19%, 10.07%, but filled-grain percentages were not significantly influenced, and effective panicles per hill of the two cultivars and spikelet fertility of R-nongbai were significantly decreased by 39.48%, 31.24% and 10.78%, respectively. Dry matter accumulation was increased by 36.06% in BL006 during the growth stage and 6.59% in R-nongbai after full heading, and NSC contents in stem-sheath were increased by 99.03% and 70.32%, and better vascular bundle characters of panicle neck and branches were observed as well. In a conclusion, heavy panicle rice cultivars BL006 and R-nongbai showed higher grain filling rate, shorter grain filling duration and heavier grain weight, and BL006 showed higher spikelet fertility and superior grain filling than R-nongbai. During grain filling, the two heavy panicle rice cultivars had sufficient source and unobstructed flow, and good grain filling was achieved by reducing appropriately effective panicle per hill. It laid the foundation for exploring the characteristics of grain filling and regulation mechanism of heavy panicle rice cultivars.
    Alleviating Effect of Anti-stress Reagents Spraying on Super Early Rice on High Temperature during Grain-filling Period
    GUO Li-jun, CHENG Kai-kai, XIAO Xiao-ping, LI Chao, WANG Ke, TANG Wen-guang,
    2019, 40(09):  583-590.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2019.09.004
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    Field experiments were conducted on natural high temperature with "Ankang 1" and " Youjigaiboshi " as materials and spraying clean water as CK. Physiological indices of flag leaves, rice yield and rice quality were determined to study the mitigation effect of high temperature spraying anti-stress reagents on super early rice during grain-filling period. The results showed that at high temperature, the activity of antioxidant enzymes increased significantly (P<0.01) of super early rice after spraying "Ankang 1" (T2 treatment) and " Youjigaiboshi " (T3 treatment) for 4 days compared with spraying clear water (T1 treatment). The activities of SOD, POD and CAT increased by 17.10% and12.37%, 13.54% and 15.01%, 133.86% and 87.46%, respectively. The content of osmotic regulators in leaves increased significantly(P<0.01). The content of soluble protein increased by 33.58%, 34.38%, and the content of soluble sugar increased by 23.74% and 17.30%, respectively. MDA content was significantly decreased(P<0.01) by 28.34% and 26.53%. The attenuation rates of SPAD in flag leaves of super early rice treated with anti-stress reagents T2 and T3 for 22 days were significantly lower than those treated with T1(P<0.05). They were reduced by 3.40 and 4.24 percentage points respectively. The SOD activity of flag leaves treated with T2 and T3 was significantly higher than that treated with T1(P<0.05); POD activity was not significantly different; CAT activity was significantly increased(P<0.01); soluble protein content was significantly increased(P<0.05); soluble sugar content was significantly increased(P<0.01); MDA content was significantly decreased(P<0.01). The treatment of spraying anti-stress reagents significantly increased the seed setting rate by 5.7 percentage points and the yield by 11.87%-13.77%. Improve the appearance quality and processing quality of super early rice. The results showed that spraying anti-stress reagents could effectively alleviate the damage of high temperature to grain filling and Fruiting of super early rice.
    Conditions of Low Temperature and High Humidity in Winter and Spring Easily Lead to Red Cartridge Kiwifruit Canker Disease in Guizhou
    CHI Zai-xiang, JIANG Shi-hua, BAI Hui, LI Gui-qiong, SUN Xiang, WANG Bei, LONG Xian-ju,
    2019, 40(09):  591-602.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2019.09.005
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    The red cartridge kiwifruit variety “Hongyang” was used as experiment materials to monitor canker disease of red cartridge kiwifruit and measure meteorological elements at 15 sites in major growing areas at the same time from March to April during 2013 to 2018. The superposition and elimination method was used to analyze the duration of the specific index values of low temperature and high humidity at the canker disease bases in winter and spring, and combine with the locations, the time and the incidence, discussing the quantitative relationship between the duration of low temperature-high humidity and canker disease and determining the threshold value in winter and spring. The results showed that the main period of the canker occurrence and prevalence of red cartridge kiwifruit was March. The weather conditions of the daily average temperature is under 2℃, the daily minimum temperature is under -2℃ and the daily average relative humidity is above 75% were continued for 5 days in winter the daily average temperature is under 18℃ and the daily average relative humidity is above 80% were continued for 5 days in spring, which could help canker bacteria easily survive in trees and induce canker disease. Then utilizing the meteorological elements to verify the weather conditions of low temperature and high humidity at the 11 sites, where canker disease not occurring. The results showed that the meteorological elements could not be achieved the required weather conditions of low temperature and high humidity at the 11 sites. These were suggested that the above weather condition could be adopted as the pre-warning index of the canker disease of red cartridge kiwifruit. Besides, there were steps that we could actively organizing prevention for increasing the control effect.