Effects of Colored Films on the Growth and Leaf Mineral Content of Perilla frutescens
CHEN Xiao-li, ZHANG Xin, YANG Zi-qiang, MA Li,GUO Wen-zhong
2018, 39(02):
675 )
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Using scaffolds covered by different colored films, the spectrum characteristics under different colored films were analyzed, and effects of different spectral components on the absorption and content of mineral substances in Perilla leaves were studied, the natural light was taken as the control. The results showed that: (1) percentage of 400-700nm visible light was significantly promoted by all colored films compared with the control, especially by the blue/purple film. On the contrary, the percentage of 350-400nm ultraviolet light and 700-900nm far-red light were reduced with all colored films compared with the control; (2) In addition to the green film, the other colored films significantly increased the total fresh weight of the leaves, with the highest fresh weight under the yellow film; (3) K, P, S, Cu content in Perilla leaves were the highest under green film, while Ca, Mg, Mn were the highest under blue film (BF), and all the films enhanced K, Na, S content while reduced Fe content; (4) The accumulation amounts of K, Cu in Perilla leaves were the highest under red film, while P, Ca, Mg were the highest under yellow film, all films enhanced the accumulation amounts of K, P, Ca, Na, S, Zn, Cu while decreased that of Fe compared with the control; (5) In the natural light, the macroelement content ratio in Perilla leaves was K:Ca:Mg:P:S:Na=107: 93:27:15:7:1, and the microelement content ratio was Fe:Mn:Zn:Cu=524:21:7:1. In summary, the colored film can be applied as an engineering facility method for optimizing the growth and mineral quality of Perilla frutescens.