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    20 February 2018, Volume 39 Issue 02
    Mechanisms of Assimilation Transport in Phloem of Rice and Its Response to Abiotic Stress
    ZHANG Cai-xia, FU Guan-fu, FENG Bao-hua, CHEN Ting-ting, TAO Long-xing
    2018, 39(02):  73-83.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.001
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    Carbon assimilation and distribution in source, sink and stream played critical roles in the grain yield and quality of crops, which were always adversely affected by abiotic stress in these years. It has been reported that extreme heat stress occurred at the reproductive stage significantly decreased the grain yield and quality of rice, and thus threaten the food security. Recent studies about the mechanism underlying the damages on the grain yield and quality of rice caused by abiotic stresses focused on that, (1) The assimilation was loaded in leaf by the apoplasmic and symplasmic pathway, and then transported to grains via the vascular bundles of leaf, stem, rachis branch and pedicel relied on the pressure generated by source and sink. (2) The carbohydrates loading, transport and unloading in phloem of rice may be affected by the abiotic stress, such as heat stress, cold stress, drought stress and nutrient deficiency significantly, which inhibited the assimilates transport, finally decreased the grain yield and quality of rice. (3) As the limitation on research methods and techniques, the previous results about the negative effects on the assimilation transport of plants under abiotic stress were little. Development and application of new technology would provide new opportunity for the further study in these fields.
    Seed-Set of Large-Panicle Rice Cultivars Suffered from High Temperature at Anthesis
    CHEN Jian-zhen, YAN Hao-liang, LIU Ke, MU Qi-lin, ZHU Kai-dian, ZHANG Yun-bo, TIAN Xiao-hai
    2018, 39(02):  84-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.002
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    Enhancing sink capacity of large panicle is an important way to improve yield potential of super rice. However, environmental factors often impact fertilization and grain filling of large-panicle rice greater than those of the normal panicles. In this experiment, seed-set of large-panicle rice cultivars suffered from high temperature (daily mean temperature 30℃ and 33℃) within a phytotron at anthesis were investigated using two large-panicle rice cultivars (BL006 and R-nongbai) and one normal panicle rice cultivar (Huanghuazhan) as well. The natural light phytotron was applied in this experiment to simulate the typical disastrous high temperature weather of Hubei province in the field. Under high temperature treatments, spikelet fertilities of all the tested cultivars were decreased, and spikelet fertilities of BL006, R-nongbai and Huanghuazhan were decreased by 10.37,10.05 and 7.24 percentage points under high temperature 30℃, and by 53.17,65.38 and 8.17 percentage points under high temperature 33℃, respectively. High temperatures at 30℃ and 33℃ made a greater adverse impact on the inferior spikelets and superior spikelets, respectively, and the decrease of spikelet fertility under high temperature was associated with photosynthesis. Under high temperature 30℃, grain weights of BL006 and R-nongbai were decreased by 1.69% compared with normal temperature, whereas those of Huanghuazhan were increased by 2.45%. Under high temperature 33℃, grain weights of BL006 and Huanghuazhan were decreased by 18.38% and 11.65%, respectively, whereas those of R-nongbai were increased by 3.10%. In addition to high temperature, positions of the spikelet on a panicle also played an important part in determining grain weights. Accordingly, breeding large-panicle rice cultivars with tolerance to high temperature needs to improve heat resistance of spikelets on a panicle and photosynthetic capacity of rice cultivar.
    Analysis the Effect of Different Chemical Agents on High Temperature Stress in Rice Leaves
    JIANG Xiao-dong, JIANG Lin-lin, HUA Meng-fei, CHEN Hui-ling, LV Run, HU Ning, YANG Xiao-ya
    2018, 39(02):  92-99.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.003
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    In this research, early indica hybrid rice Lingliangyou 268 was used for pot experiment. The rice leaves was sprayed with four different concentrations chemical agents, which were 1.5mmol·L-1 and 2.5mmol·L-1 sodium silicate (Na2SiO3·9H2O) solution, 0.5mmol·L-1 and 1.5mmol·L-1 salicylic acid (SA) solution, 10.0mmol·L-1 and 20.0mmol·L-1 calcium chloride(CaCl2·5H2O) solution, 22.04mmol·L-1 and 36.74mmol·L-1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) solution respectively, at the jointing stage for 3 days. Five days high temperature stress was conducted in artificial climate box. The daily average temperature of artificial climate box was regulated at 35℃ by setting 40±0.5℃ from 6:00 to 18:00 o’clock, and 30±0.5℃ from 18:00 to 6:00 o’clock of next day. The leaf chlorophyll content, SOD activity, POD activity, CAT activity, MDA and soluble protein content in rice leaves were measured three times, which were 72h and 120h during high temperature treatment and 120h after high temperature treatment finished respectively, to research the alleviative effect of four kinds of chemical agents on high temperature stress in rice. The results showed that the four kinds of chemical agents significantly increased chlorophyll content, SOD activity, POD activity, CAT activity and soluble protein content in rice leaves under high temperature stress with MDA content reducing compared with CK (spraying distilled water). The 20.0mmol·L-1 CaCl2·5H2O and 22.04mmol·L-1 KH2PO4 solutions had the most significant effect. The leaf had the strongest ability to delay senescence under KH2PO4 solution treatment and CaCl2·5H2O solution at 120h of the high temperature treatment and 120h after the high temperature treatment finished.
    Effects of Colored Films on the Growth and Leaf Mineral Content of Perilla frutescens
    CHEN Xiao-li, ZHANG Xin, YANG Zi-qiang, MA Li,GUO Wen-zhong
    2018, 39(02):  100-107.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.004
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    Using scaffolds covered by different colored films, the spectrum characteristics under different colored films were analyzed, and effects of different spectral components on the absorption and content of mineral substances in Perilla leaves were studied, the natural light was taken as the control. The results showed that: (1) percentage of 400-700nm visible light was significantly promoted by all colored films compared with the control, especially by the blue/purple film. On the contrary, the percentage of 350-400nm ultraviolet light and 700-900nm far-red light were reduced with all colored films compared with the control; (2) In addition to the green film, the other colored films significantly increased the total fresh weight of the leaves, with the highest fresh weight under the yellow film; (3) K, P, S, Cu content in Perilla leaves were the highest under green film, while Ca, Mg, Mn were the highest under blue film (BF), and all the films enhanced K, Na, S content while reduced Fe content; (4) The accumulation amounts of K, Cu in Perilla leaves were the highest under red film, while P, Ca, Mg were the highest under yellow film, all films enhanced the accumulation amounts of K, P, Ca, Na, S, Zn, Cu while decreased that of Fe compared with the control; (5) In the natural light, the macroelement content ratio in Perilla leaves was K:Ca:Mg:P:S:Na=107: 93:27:15:7:1, and the microelement content ratio was Fe:Mn:Zn:Cu=524:21:7:1. In summary, the colored film can be applied as an engineering facility method for optimizing the growth and mineral quality of Perilla frutescens.
    Evaluation of Response of Spring Maize Production to Climate Change in the Eight Provinces of Northern China Based on APSIM Model
    ZHAO Jun-fang, LI Ning, HOU Ying-yu, ZHANG Yi, XU Jing-wen, PU Fei-yu, PAN Zhi-hua, GUO Jian-ping
    2018, 39(02):  108-118.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.005
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    Based on the spring maize field trial data from agro-meteorological experiment stations in the northern China and daily meteorological data, the adaptability of agricultural production system model APSIM in the maize producing areas of the eight provinces in the northern China was analyzed. The critical meteorological response factors for the development stage and yield of spring maize were determined at the regional scale. The growth and yield formation of spring maize in the past 54 years (1961?2014) were simulated based on APSIM. Response laws of spring maize to climate change were explored. The results showed that, (1) the validated APSIM model had better adaptability in the maize producing areas of the eight provinces in the northern China. (2) Air temperature and soil temperature were the most important meteorological response factors for the development stages of spring maize in the eight provinces of northern China. In the northern spring sowing area, the response of the development stage of spring maize to the maximum temperature was the most obvious. However, in the northwestern inland region, the response of the development stage of spring maize to the minimum temperature was the most obvious. The increase in daily average temperature, daily maximum temperature, daily minimum temperature and daily soil temperature advanced the day of year (DOY) of spring maize growth stage (emergence, flowering and maturation) and decreased the days of development, causing spring maize mature ahead of time. (3) The key meteorological response factors for spring maize yield in the northern spring maize region were temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours. The key meteorological response factors for spring maize yield in the northwestern inland maize region were mainly temperature and potential evapotranspiration. In most areas, the increase in temperature and potential evapotranspiration significantly decreased in spring maize yield.
    Compensatory Ability and Defense Mechanism of Chinese Cabbage under High Temperature Stress
    HAN Wei, SUN Chen-xi, ZHAO He-li, HU Qi, ZHENG Qing-zhou, SONG Xing-lin
    2018, 39(02):  119-128.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.006
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    Chinese cabbage was taken as experimental material, which were cultured in a climate chamber with 12h/12h photoperiod under 37℃/30℃ for 3d, 6d, and 9d respectively before transferred to normal conditions (25℃/18℃). The samples were then cultured for 9d for recovery. Chinese cabbage cultured constantly under 25℃/18℃ was set as the control. The results showed that the growth of Chinese cabbage was hindered significantly by high temperature. The growth rate was 32.68%, 82.86%, and 100.00% lower than the control after stressed for 3, 6, and 9 days, respectively. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr) decreased with increased treatment time of high temperature, while malondialdehyde (MDA) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) increased. However, chlorophyll content, soluble protein, and antioxidant enzyme activities increased, which means defense mechanism of Chinese cabbage was motivated. During the recovery phase, the samples treated for 3 days and 6 days both increased in Pn, Gs, and Tr, while decreased in Ci, MDA content, soluble protein, and enzyme activities. The Chinese cabbage cultured under 37℃/30℃ for 3 days exhibited over- compensation during the 6th -9th day of recovery phase, the compensation index was 1.10. Chinese cabbage cultured under 37℃/30℃ for 6 days exhibited under-compensation, while which cultured for 9 days died during the recovery phase. The results indicated that high temperature treatment for more than 3 days can cause irreversible damage to Chinese cabbage. Grey correlation analysis revealed that the Pn, Gs, soluble protein, MDA, and chlorophyll content play key roles in the compensatory growth of Chinese cabbage, which were major driving factors for the compensatory growth of Chinese cabbage.
    Drought Monitoring of Winter Wheat in Henan Province Based on LAI-Ts Space
    LIU Ying, YUE Hui, ZHANG Feng, YANG Kun
    2018, 39(02):  129-139.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2018.02.007
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    Drought has become the main natural disasters affecting winter wheat production in Henan province and it is very important to monitor drought conditions. The leaf area index (LAI) and land surface temperature (Ts) data from MODIS/Terra between February 26 and June 1 in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015 were used to evaluate applicability of Temperature LAI Dryness Index (TLDI) based on LAI-Ts space for drought monitoring when NDVI was not saturated. Comparing with soil moisture in 10cm depth from the meteorological stations in Henan province, there was a highly significant correlation between TLDI and 10cm-depth soil moisture(P<0.05), and their correlation coefficient varied between 0.5212 and 0.7467, which indicated that TLDI, coming from LAI-Ts space, could effectively detect the agriculture drought when NDVI was not saturated. In addition, LAI-Ts space is triangular in the early stage of vegetation and it gradually evolved into a trapezoid with the increase of vegetation coverage. The drought events of Henan Province from February 26 to June 1 in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015 were assessed by TLDI. Drought in Henan Province was mainly occurred in the central and western regions, the southwest and the northern region. The drought occurred frequently at the beginning of the March which was the turning green stage of winter wheat and May which was the stage from flowering to filling of winter wheat, every year.